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Posts posted by redlight

  1. I think I should mention that the best users of Stride are units with Physic and/or siege magic, but Physic is obtained rather early. Physic units don't need to really catch up all that much because of their massive healing range. If you're dispatching your units against enemies, chances are that you're not using up all of your movement every turn letting Physic users catch up probably when they've just run of out Physic uses so they can Stride again. I've only experience with Mercedes (who's great BTW), but I should've focused on making her a Holy Knight. She might have a weakness in lances, but she only needs it to be at C.

    Flayn can see use on maps with demonic beasts as their AOE attacks inflict status effects. Her spell being AOE does wonders. Also on maps with many gambit users. Unfortunately she has a weakness in riding (needs A to be Holy Knight) and her lance rank is E+. She's pretty niche.

    I think you can you can Canto with rallies. In that case Annette can be a peg knight that gives atk/res+4 to anyone across the map and occasionally finish off low health enemies. Because she has an affinity for axes she can jump into Wyvern Rider after Pegasus Knight.

  2. The responsibility also falls on her as by continuing to ally herself with those garbage people she time and time again lets them get away with their misdeeds. After all the shit they do she still wants to be their ally. Her desperation for her ambitions make me really like her as a villain and I consider her to be one of the best if not the best villains in recent years for FE. But do I like her as a person and do I sympathize with her goals/motives? Absolutely fucking no.

  3. Oh gee. I wonder who DK is 😂

    Either Mercie gets demoted or no one. She also occupies the third slot on the banner which has been reserved for demotes ever since Nohr banner. Hubert has too many new skills, some of which sound like whalebait. AR skills from what I've seen have had bad impressions so maybe now is the time they've responded to it or are throwing a bone

    Scythe of Sariel will most likely have CD -1 due to 30 crit on it. As for it's second effect? Murderous Intent is the personal skill of DK that gave him +20 hit when initiating combat. So maybe a CD charge related effect or something. One of my bold predictions: motherfucker comes with DC.

  4. Good villain, garbage lord. Arvis expy does her job nonetheless (I have issues with him as well, maybe one day a analysis of him). I find some of the stuff she says incredibly stupid and naive, but that's highlighted by following her route. People defend her when she's called crazy, but she isn't sane either.

    I think what really blemishes her for me is the forced writing and showcase of her character's issues in BE loyalist route. If they'd have cut that out I'd have had a more favorable impression of her. It also doesn't help what is achieved in other endings for far less bloodshed. Church reforms as well, but TWDITD was the real culprit for most bad stuff that happened. I wonder if she approached her problem the wrong way😝

  5. Was really burned out from the game, but then... Motherfuckers added 7 new f2p friendly units.

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Nice

    Not too fond of the caster as he's an AOE Caster and don't like the art. But everything else I'd actually like to grail

  6. So far enemy gambits is what I'd say is what's giving me a lot of trouble. Then again, you can also use them along with AoE ones.

    I don't know if this is related to difficulty, but the maps can be hard to interpret sometimes leading to walking to dead ends.

    The only map I've really hated so far was Miklan's map which is pretty similar to that chapter in Binding Blade where you rescue Lilina. Gilbert is tanky, but there is a limit especially if he's getting gambits in the face.

  7. 2 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    I wonder if Sirius is also inheritable, considering Owain's Blue Flame is inheritable, but it looks too broken to be inheritable

    All units on legendary/mythic banners have at least a weapon and a skill that is uninheritable. Sirius seems to fit the bill as the Pulse skill has a 3 at the end. The only unit to break this trend is L!Marth who coincidentally appeared the same month as brave heroes and was featured on a image next to the CYL winners when the winners were announced. Maybe IS redeemed themselves for splitting votes by giving him a unique special and passive.

  8. Guess I'll theorycraft

    Selena's Blade
    : Effective against armored units. If foe uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
    Refinement: At the start of turn 1, grants special cooldown count-1 to unit and unit's support partner (if any).

    Beruka's Axe
    : Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Neutralizes "effective against fliers" bonuses.
    Refinement: Unit automatically makes a follow-up attack if attacked at HP ≥ 50%

    Book of Orchids
    : During combat, unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res boosted by number of adjacent allies x 2. Disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
    Refinement: At start of combat, if unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+3, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 during combat.

    Inscribed Tome: Grants weapon-triangle advantage against colorless foes, and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on colorless foes during combat. Neutralizes status effects and disables skills that prevent counterattacks during combat.
    Refinement: If foe initiates combat, grants Def+4 during combat and Special cooldown charge +1 per attack.

  9. 47 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Why? Claude's defenses are pretty terrible, even with Distant Def 4. Also, Distant Def 4's effects only activate on enemy phase, meaning you're effectively running with an empty A skill on player phase.

    As I said. It's gimmicky. However he can reach a pretty decent def/res amount with DD4 and his bow as well as remove buffs from ranged enemies for his bow to work better. But again. It's gimmicky

  10. 14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Really? Spd wouldn't be his best? Well, either way, still happy. 😛

    There's a point where Spd becomes unnecessary. You're just stacking a stat you're not getting anything out of after a certain threshold. 40 spd with his bow's passive effect + lull spd/def + A slot skill + Sacred Seal. Last, but not least, -5 to all stats for the opponent.

    Now for a bit of an gimmicky and expensive build suggestion. If you plan on getting Caneighis he's seemed to be predicted coming on the new mythic hero banner. You could give Claude DD4 and replace his B slot with Chill Def or Spd. Desperation would work as well if a chill is in the Seal slot

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