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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 1 minute ago, Lord of Riva said:

    If this list is correct there never was a a discrepancy between female and male same sex supports or am i missing something here?

    Great that nobody said anyone else is homophobic over that. (not that they wouldn't have found something else... )

    Might have just been Thani and her source didn't understand that Rhea's and Sothis's S support might be different from the others

  2. Interesting tidbits. Dimitri and Edelgard don't have any supports with anyone from their opposite houses. Do they have some kind of feud or something?

    Gilbert either finds himself unfamiliar with the other houses or is Blue Lions exclusive.

    Seems that Rhea and Sothis are NPCs.

    Just now, Hauke said:

    Of course. But he looks younger than even Lysithea. So if he is for exemple 10, he would only be 15 after the timeskip. He could be 13 I think... but still looks young. I wouldn't put him into the same age as Lysithea from look. But we will see. 😄

    I don't think he's that young. He's recruitable so of some age to the point that he can fight

  3. Seemingly odd exceptions of Rhea's and Sothis's S-supports worded differently by IGN as well as same-sex S-supports highlighted with purple filling. Some characters can't talk to one another, but it seems that cross house supports exist. Neutral characters won't be able to support every character. For example, Ashe can achieve an A-support with Petra. Either S-supports don't exist for non-avatar ships or there are paired A-support endings that are delayed to the end like in the GBA games unlike the avatar's possibly instant marriage/S-support when achieving it.

  4. Hmm. IGN said there are 3 same-sex S supports for both genders yet mention Rhea and Sothis can be S-supported in the same sentence. Bit confused. Maybe S support for those two is platonic or something. Like the Owain Lucina one in Awakening that's listed as "companions"

    Yep. Only 3 for both.



    Same sex are highlighted in purple. Rhea and Sothis don't seem to be considered as normal S-supports for both genders. Might be something like the paired endings in the GBA era. Thank god you can't lewd the dragon loli

  5. Unless he has trainee BST, I'll fodder him. DC+Chill Spd in one package is something blue lance units with decent speed want because blue and red tend to have faster melee units that green. Also, blue has color advantage over red so you're getting benefits for neutral and strong match-ups. I can't believe I wasted orbs on trying to get Hector only to get shitty Kana and a poor flaw Lute. 150 down the drain from last months F2P stash.

  6. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I see. I already don't like her. She's too fanservicey.

    I see. But nah, it's obvious why she was picked. Look at how fanservicey this design is...

    She's seemingly the lowest ranking of the 3 "those who slither in the dark". Not too spoilery. Also, probably because of her standing she'll probably be the first of them we'll fight.

  7. I really like how their weapons reflect their personalities. Edelgard is cold and distant towards others. Dimitri is chivalrous and prefers fighting on equal footing as his opponents. Claude is a low risk high reward kind of guy.

    Of the remaining banners this month there are 2 that Byleth could potentially appear on, but if past patterns are anything to go by then only 1. With Rhajat we saw that they convey to the player that there'll be another banner with a new unit featured. This doesn't seem to be the case with Heroes with Close Defense which leads me to believe that male Byleth is the mythic hero of this month.

    If the cutscenes are anything to go by then Cronya is a dagger unit with quite possibly gen 3 dagger BST if they truly get the same treatment as archers. Bow Alm is in the 160s, spring Loki 155 if I recall correctly. I hope she has a prf or at least a brand new inheritable weapon

  8. 14 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Don't like characters who function away from allies. She doesn't fit my playstyle, so Edelgard is less appealing to me than she could be as both a unit and fodder. Also, this kit seems out of character for one defined by composure and leadership. 

    She's incredibly distant and treats her classmates like coworkers or subordinates.

  9. Patterns have always been broken in Feh, but even if Claude occupies the 3rd spot in the trailer that's usually reserved for the demote, I can't see him getting demoted because of the following reasons. He's a cav archer (rare unit type) and a lord of the new game.

    And people said there were going to be demotes because Echoes had them😋

  10. From my understanding this is quite possibly the biggest mass killing in Japan in recent history. That cult gas attack from the 90s hospitalized thousands, but the casualties were much less than this. The exits were apparently barricaded by the perp. Honestly fuck that guy.

    My heart goes out to them. Apparently the Nichijou/Dragon Maid director died. A majority died from cardiac arrest. What a painful way to go.

  11. 2 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    I think I’ll train Atalante. I have embers to spare, and at the very least, if she’s not useful, I could use the free SQ from her Interludes.

    I keep hearing that. What makes Parvati so broken?

    Above average NP gain (EDIT: it's actually good now that I think about it). Built in NP gain on a skill and party NP charge via NP that's 10%. Also, stun on NP at 60% chance, but I don't know how relevant that is in JP content right. NP has a hit count of 4 and it's AOE. Can potentially give herself +10 NP charge counting the -10% cost. There's also Quick performance up and a massive 1 turn attack boost as well as it increasing star gen in case that ever comes into play.

  12. 9 hours ago, Dinar87 said:

    I don't know if anyone knows this yet, but what's the frame rate like in three houses gameplay sections? I love things like FE GBA's animations and the high frame rate of those battles really helps make it seem cooler and stuff (as well as all the spinning weapons).

    Obviously 60 isn't like "needed" for me to properly enjoy the game, but it'd be nice.

    The only issue with the frame rate is reportedly when strolling in the monastery. Otherwise, Gamexplain said it's decent

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