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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 12 hours ago, OCDbox said:

    Regarding Lysithea, she primarily there for warp. Subjectively speaking Lorenz's relic seems to give her pavise very frequently, although I don't know actual the percentage of the time. Her enemy phase isn't completely terrible with Nosferatu which is pretty accurate in this game and eventually enemies start getting weighed down later as well with steel weapons. Her enemy phase is actually that terrible since she still gets 3RKOed earlygame/midgame with the right food items and battalion. 4 Movement is still bad though.

    Claude is good because he reaches C bows early (like chapter 3) and then snowballs; he is the fastest person to reach 1RKO potential both for enemy phase and player phase on his route (besides Byleth) with acceptable durability. Then he flies and counters everything and is really good. His bulk/strength isn't that bad either, it gets the job done, flying lets him avoid stack as well if that floats your boat.

    I was trying to give spotlight more on her combat utility than her Warp since it's blown way out of proportions, but she definitely can make a lot of maps much easier so in terms of LTCing/being efficient I can see her being S tier with Warp.

    It does? Still, her bulk is way too shaky to justify even gambling with Pavise up until I guess you use defense focused battalions.

    Problem with Nosferatu is that it's so heavy that even Lysithea's garbage strength won't salvage the weight alleviation and I'm incredibly worried about her bulk as is. She can alleviate this I guess with a battalion that has a massive def boost, but you can only start getting those around midgame and you've probably already focused on black and dark magic to some point in the story.

    What is Claude's recommended intermediate class? I might have been left out in conversations, but I'm honestly drawing a blank.

  2. Can't speak for Hubert.

    Dedue loses relevancy post-midgame because of his availability, but if you stick to him then go Brigand (Death Blow)->Grappler->War Master because of it's decent move compared to other footlocked classes. This line since he has bad affinities to with mounts. Gauntlets salvage his player phase and I still found him to be tanky enough midgame. Another scratch on his record as to why I don''t consider him to be good endgame material is enemies starting to use more powerful weapons that make slow tanks pretty much useless if they can double which they will.

    Wyvern Lord obviously for Hilda, but I don't know if you want to stick around for the mastery skill for Wyvern Rider which is Seal Defense.

  3. 37 minutes ago, timon said:

    I'm not LTC fan, but aren't you really overrating Cavalier? Sure it gives you Riding, but it cripples your speed, I'm not sure it's a good option if you're going for maximum turn efficiency, you're going to lose out on a lot of doubling with that -10%. You're going to hit requirements anyways with just goals/instruct.

    Not an issue as hard really isn't all that difficult with it's speed benchmarks as well as it being an incredibly miniscule demerit. Also, you move towards the end goal faster with canto. But most importantly is it's move stat.

    Lysithea is overrated combat wise. I'm not saying she's bad, just not as good as people make her out to be. Yes, she comes with warp which really does save you a lot of trouble, but I want to focus on her combat aspect in this case. She has good range with the range boosting hero relic, but the mage classline quite honestly sucks with it's move and the hero relic manages to salvages it. However let me ask you something. Not factoring in warp, should she be up there with units that can kill enemies PP and damage ones EP as well as being able to move after performing an action towards some kind of destination? Her bulk is really shit so we can scratch out EP and she doesn't have canto. Of course we can factor in warping at the end, but one shotting things isn't that impressive if that takes up your entire action for the turn and you can't really do anything else until the start of the next turn unlike say someone that's a cav or flier. What irks me tho is that her biggest claim to fame is oneshotting a dude who you don't actually need to fight for the first 3 times (killing Solon in the 3rd encounter is too easy) you encounter him in the first act. And all for what? Dark Seals?

    I legitimately want to ask people what makes Claude as good as Dimitri or Edelgard pre-timeskip? But then again both acts are seemingly considered for tiering however Dimitri does seem to have the biggest edge pre-timeskip and is still carries his weight as a Paladin post-timeskip with quite possibly the best combination of offense and bulk of the 3 lords not to mention evasiveness (you might scoff at the full health requirement, but there are numerous ways which are easily handed to you that can stack evasion) added onto his bulkiness if he wasn't sturdy enough already.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Although...where does Yagyu stands compared to the other two? I gotta admit, I’m not sure.

    While he does share some similarities, he's more of a massive debuffer.

    Well... Guess I'll try saving for NP5 Penmelt. Hohoho. Goddamn this is gonna be a long wait.

  5. 1 hour ago, Silly said:

    Just going to point out that you guys are sleeping on Catherine. She's easily one of the better units in the game.

    The only thing you need to keep in mind with her is that Swordmaster is a garbage class in terms of long-term viability, since it has 5 move. If you put in the effort to switch her into a better class, then she can easily be incredibly good throughout the whole game. Her base stats are insane, her growths are good, and although she doesn't have any important strengths, she's neutral in the important skills so it's not that difficult to point her towards a better class. Having to put some tutoring into her is well worth it, given the payoff.

    Falcon Knight Catherine is an excellent unit. Given her absurd bases, her stats at 30 are on actually average better than most of the "good" Wyvern Lords. She will usually be ahead of them by a couple of points of strength, while also being significantly faster than them, meaning that she can basically double even the fastest of enemies, such as enemy Swordmasters and Assassins.

    You do need to know what you're doing when planning out things early, and it does take a little bit of effort to get her there, but it's not that difficult. Falcon Knight requirements are more lenient than Wyvern Lord, since the class only requires Flying B+ instead of Flying A (the difference between B+ and A is actually pretty big), and you don't even have to worry about the Sword requirement at all on Catherine. The lead-in class, Pegasus Knight, is also pretty easy to certify for, since its requirements are only Lance C, Flying D. D ranks are pretty trivial to hit, so it's really easy to hit Flying D and either D or D+ in Lances, and then take the test anyways. Sitting in Pegasus Knight for ~15 levels goes a long way to giving you the appropriate requirements for Falcon Knight (use a Knowledge Gem if you have one, it's really helpful in this case).

    I haven't tried it yet, but Catherine is pretty much free in the goals department since she's pretty much achieved everything she could in the swordmaster class.

  6. I think people were going to buy 3H regardless of the banners and forging bonds. If the E3 trailer didn't sell you already then I don't know what did. The only thing that the FB helped with was to basically give you an impression of each lord's personality which at that point was kinda enigmatic for each.

    It's more like 3H helped Heroes earn more money with it's fresh popularity than Heroes influencing 3H sales.

  7. Sigrun is pretty much a mix of Florina and Cynthia. While it's true her offensive stats pale in comparison compare to the creme of the crop lance fliers, she has good mixed bulk and mixed phase potential with the right build. I think I'll give her Steady Stance 4 and throw in Berkut's Lance. Her BST will be rather high once she gets a merge sitting in the 170 BST bin plus merge stats.

  8. If you ask me Rhea chose to establish some kind of order instead of allowing chaos to run rampant. Also, crest bearers probably would've bickered among themselves with the common folk caught in between if left to their own devises without any kind of supervision.

    I think a class system would've been inevitable with crests even without Rhea. Powerful people establish fortune and reputation for their descendants to reap the benefits. The 10 Elites were massive powerhouses who had no problem passing on their gifts. The "immoral choices" that she could've done was either exterminate them to prevent future conflicts or leave them to their own devices to see how maddening an establishment built on the extermination of a species would turn out to be. While I do think there were flaws in the order she created, it was better than the alternatives and I do think some things were out of her control when it came to certain things about how people viewed history. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Getting Sigrun like this is a genuine surprise that I'm personally very happy about. It gives me hope for other characters.

    As for Farfetched 3, I'm predicting it'll end up being Awakening Anna and Louise for the women, and Bruno and Conrad for the men. Unless seasonal outfits count for disqualification, then it'll be Anna and Rinea, and Conrad and Nils. I think Jill and Shinon are both gonna come in a Tellius banner within the next couple months, introducing more beast-effective weapons and red bows.

    If Odin doesn't count for disqualification then neither does an alt.

    Sigrun has 167 BST. I wish she was more offensive, but whatever.


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