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Posts posted by redlight

  1. Worth noting that everyone except L'arachel and Rolf are armored units. Dozla might have armor march. Ilyana is a mage and Dozla dagger

    The new mode at least is interesting, but it has it's own stamina. Yuck

  2. I don't like duo heroes. It remains to be seen how they pull it off.

    Rolf will just be fodder depending what skills he has. And dragon flowers.

    Very meh feh channel. I wished it addressed some issues. Not give minor rewards.

    They're really trying to make you spend time in resort. More micromanaging. Yayyyy

  3. 53 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    - Recruit the faculty ASAP!  That means shoving a bunch of levels into Byleth.

    You can actually spam gifts and get an immediate support with them if you do 1 fast travel which will make the requirements easier. However there are specific chapters that recruiting them becomes available that'll you'll have to check from the recruit requirements page here.

  4. If GD first then I can only recommend church last. If you just want to play it for the entire experience of the game then just go casual normal and be done with it. I'd recommend recruiting Lysithea if you have NG+ because of her early warp that you can get before the Tower chapter with Miklan. That way you can warpskip what's several hours worth of content on an already easy difficulty.

  5. 7 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    Most definitely fake. There are 2 red flags.

    1. The Crest of Ernest not being given to Anna despite her having the crest on her clothes.

    2. A student having Macuil's crest which goes against established lore.


    We do kinda know that she definitely isn't getting a hero relic since there's no mention of it in the DLC leak in the wave she's in. Tho it might be a case of a Crest bloodline just lacking a hero relic like the saints, but that doesn't mean sacred weapons are out of the question.

    But fake. Too specific with growths, skills, etc

  6. Oh. No other news. I guess a new Feh channel is coming up then. Must be pretty big. I wonder what it is that's worth announcing. I guess Farfetched would be a bit around the corner at that time so maybe a sneak peak? Will we finally get a skill refinery. Lol no. But maybe a weapon refinery update for inheritable weapons which were previously unrefinable

  7. @AnacybeleFreddy refine

    Also Virion, Hawkeye and Lute.

    Frederick I imagine could get something similar to Tibarn's weapon or just straight up be a prf brave axe.

    Hawkeye will get an underwhelming weapon for sure. I just have a feeling. Slaying with Bracing Stance

    Lute will get Desperation or something built into her tome.

    Virion... Hmm. Maybe Spectral Blow with Bold Fighter as a refine. Lol no. They really need to go all out with him. Like really toss rulebooks aside and salvage him.

  8. Haven't done these in a while.

    IlwoonAccelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1). Effective against armored units.
    Refinement: If unit's HP >= 50% and foe initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.

    Mila's Bow: At the start of turn 1, grants special cooldown count-2 to unit and unit's support partner (if any).
    Refinement: Bonus stats granted to and from support partner are increased by 2.

    Cecilia's Gale
    Effective against flying units. Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt.
    Refinement: At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an infantry ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit for 1 turn.

    Corrin (F)
    Dragonic Tide: If attacked, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. If foe's Range = 2, damage calculated using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
    Refinement: If foe initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on foe during combat.

  9. 3 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    AKIRA has to be one of the most improved artists around.

    Seriously, the difference between the characters they did at the game's launch to Astram is staggering. Makes me wish they had a second chance at Hector with this kind of art.

    I've always had the suspicion the art for those characters were rushed. It just feels like they didn't have the best environment to draw stuff like they do nowadays

  10. I just spent 90 orbs so that Astram could get Bonus Doubler. Managed to snag Idunn and Quan along the way. I guess more Fortress def/res is good, but Quan is kind of a bad pitybreaker.


    But yeah. Bonus Doubler on Astram is a no brained if you want to go all out on fodder because of his physical buff on himself and allies. I wish he didn't get wrath tho he could do well against blue units with it if he has Bonus Doubler active. Why couldn't it have been Rutger with wrath. REEEEEEEEE


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