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Posts posted by redlight

  1. Conrad's art got revealed. He's asserting dominance in his attack artwork. Drawn by Teita I think. Same face as Byleth and Arvis.

    And he really has barrier lance. Fuck. Why couldn't they have given him the prf treatment similarly to Forsyth? Duma's Lance and other named weapons are just lying on the table from SoV

  2. 10 minutes ago, Silverly said:

    So? Why should that matter? Because he’s not colorless and thus “unique”? Colored bows are often considered worse than their non-colored originals and Python’s fodder while alright is far from earth shattering.

    Forsyth and Catria aren’t going anywhere for obvious reasons, and Silque has Dazzling Staff which is more valuable than whatever Python offers. Not to mention Silque would be the third healer in a row to demote which... doesn’t seem likely at all. 

    Just pointing out this would be the first colored archer players would have a "easy" time of getting. There's RNG of course when getting anything in the 3-4 star pool, but he would be a "premium" type of unit for f2p players to have due to the typing not really existing for the f2p pool before. If anything he'd be our first demoted cav archer. Of course how good he is will be determined by what stats he'll have.

    @Tybrosion See above.

    But it seems like the more I gaze into this the more I think IS doesn't want us to see any patterns. Usually it'd be like hype->semi-hype->boring->very hype when it comes to new heroes banners, but they can just do whatever they really want.

    It's not that strange of a pattern to break. At least not as weird as Gharnef being the only GHB not related to a closely released banner in a very long ass

  3. 2+ years. Man, I'm glad we didn't reach SD/NM levels of banner waiting.

    Sol Lance looks like it underperforms a bit.

    Python's kit is demote worthy, but then you look at the man's typing.

    Silque is either a premium unit in appearance or demote due to her placing on the banner (3rd spot has been the one for the demote ever since Nohrian Dusk, at least for the banners with demotes). Datamined stats might tell us what they have planned for her.

    Catria's art is good, but I don't care enough about her other than what I said about the art already.

    Valbar has Brave Lance and Vengeance. 2 more skills he can get. My guess a dual blow and a smoke.

    Conrad looks to be like the sacrificial lamb unless that's not Barrier Lance he's wielding and just it reskinned as Blessed Lance. But even then I'd imagine it being either a carrot weapon or renewal as a weapon. They could've totally given the dude Duma's Lance or whatever it's called. I mean cmon. Without a prf or insane stats he'll be only good for feathers and flowers. Unless you're incredibly fond of a character. He's also the most popular unreleased character from Echoes if I'm correct. Oooh booy

    I really like the additional demote. One of the best decisions they've made these past years.

  4. Oh yeah. Nice. Silque looks great. She's one of my most precious characters.

    Conrad looks to have barrier lance. Ah man. Plz don't be a Canas situation.

    While Python's skill set makes him look like he'll demote, I don't think so. He's a colored bow cav. Maybe Silque if previous patterns hold up in this case.

    Or of course no demotes. Hehe.

  5. 3 hours ago, Troykv said:

    Well, the fact Bernadetta won this poll definitely supports that narrative even if unintentionally, sadly, (unlike polls from previous games where the main female characters always won)

    Maybe it's more of a preference or a desire to protect. Most dudes, gals or other do have a inner white knight in them. Even if it's a preference, it doesn't mean that anything that doesn't fit one's preference is necessarily bad or repulsive.

    But if were talking about pissed off turbo virgins then there's a different crowd altogether in the sleazy and disturbing idol industry or any kind of media culture that's centered around an IRL idol of affection. Much different from say a character from a VG that literally any one could virtually marry. Otherwise all the degenerate smegma breaths would be foaming at the mouth right now and proceed to stalk or whatever the recent trend of despicable crimes are right now in Japan that such brainlets would be engaging in.

    Also, fun fact. In recent JP stalker news I've learned that you can scan someone's fingerprint from an image so avoid showing your fingers near a camera.

  6. 46 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I hate to say it, but @Water Mage has a point about that sort of thing; it happens to a ton of idols/ singers in Japan. Heck, Haruhi's JPN VA went through hell because she "dared" to have a boyfriend a few years ago. Fanboys also have a problem with their "waifus" simply not being submissive; I've also heard of a few idols getting death threats for saying they supported feminism...

    That's just a minority that lashed out became they're huge pricks. There are definitely those kinds of people that exist, but regular fans sometimes are just lumped together with the bad eggs. I don't think a couple dozen of people from a group of thousands are representative of said majority.

    If you draw in several people chances are that a few of them will be nasty.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    I think the reason why Dorothea and Seteth ranked so low is because they had relationships with other people before which hurts their waifu/husbando potential. Dorothea’s low placement in particular doesn’t surprise me at all because japanese fanboys has an obsession with girls being “pure virgins”, so Dorothea hitting on other men is a big turn off for them. Kinda like the Love Live/Granblue controversy. 

    Ironically womanizer characters like Sylvain, Inigo and Sain are popular with the female crowd.

    I mean it might be that or just this specific group of people are just not that enthusiastic for other reasons. There might be a myriad of reasons. Heck, maybe there was a limit to who you could vote for and someone else popped into mind first

  8. Does Gatekeeper have Hanae Natsuki as his VA or something? That's how Gatekeeper became such a huge meme with Kyle McCarley.

    Surprised Koyasu wasn't able to carry Seteth.

    I'm not surprised at this point if Dimitri wins the number 1 spot of CYL4. He's been so well received by large portions of the community as well as the people not into FE too much.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    The next head sprite for leaked.

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    I want to say it's super sayain blue Marth since there are fe FE characters with blue hair bright as that.

    Also, tap battle got removed from the event list. 

    I did some research and it doesn't appear to be Marianne or Silque. It might be Python, but that's a stretch. There's a bang in-between the eyes as you can see a dot of skin on the right edge

  10. 2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

    New AR building, Duo's Indulgence (offense):
    You can use a Duo skill an additional time, max once per turn.

    Also Duo's Hinderance (defense):
    Attacker cant use duo skills between turns 1-3.

    I want to rub in the I told you so to the people who didn't think they'd work in AR, instead you can use them even more than once

    Seriously. That's stupid

  11. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    There are plenty of tier 3 skills that are noteworthy. The problem is that the few that are on this banner are among the ones with the highest distribution (Distant Counter, Swift Sparrow 2, Bold Fighter 3, Armor March 3), and all of the new skills are extremely gimmicky (Gap, Ruse, AR-D, Odd Follow-Up).

    And you know, we all need more sources of Hone Armor. We don't get quite enough copies of Gwendolyn as it is. Never mind that Goad Armor is still locked to a single Grail unit and a single legacy pool unit (granted, it's another Hector).


    Part of the issue is the fact that the Fighter skills are just so strong that there's no good reason to release an armored unit with a different B skill (since we're just going to replace it with a Fighter skill anyways). Part of the issue is the fact that armors still have utter shit for representation with certain weapon types, and seasonal banners are the best way to implement more. And part of the issue is the fact that armors simply don't have access to a lot of the new non-tier-4 skills that have recently been released, mostly due to the fact that the Fighter skills are so strong.

    Basically, seasonal armors are kind of in a crummy spot right now in terms of what skills they can come with if they can't have tier 4 skills.


    EDIT: They totally could have implemented new Form skills. Seriously. Ranged armors are literally perfect for those skills (and they have no inheritance restrictions).

    In that case yeah. New kinds of skills would be good, but the problem is at the end of the day the most they could come up with is just a variation of a an existing skill with different kind of conditions and scaling (comparing atk spd bond and a potential atk spd form: best case scenario form has higher numbers, but bond is easier to pull off and the boost it provides is always the same). Not to mention they've shot themselves in the foot by making tier 4 skills. Why pull for something like atk res form when atk res bond 4 exists. Same numbers at best conditions, but bond is easier to pull off and simply does more with the penalty negation effect.

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