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Posts posted by redlight

  1. Spoiler

    Astram: Midia's Hero
    Illustrator: AKIRA
    Voice Actor: Jamison Boaz
    Infantry Sword
    1 7 2 B S T
    Weapon - Mercurius:  Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and sword, lance, axe, bow, dagger, or beast allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are within 2 spaces.)
    Glowing Ember
    Wind Boost 3 (4 star )
    Wrath 3 (5 star )

    Bantu: Tiki's Guardian
    Infantry, Red Breath
    Dark Breath+
    Dragon Gaze
    Fierce Stance 3 (4 star )
    Savage Blow 3 (5 star )

    Bantu gets veteran penalty, but he's still 168 BST.


  2. 19 minutes ago, FoliFF said:

    Sigh and I just recently started BE Hard/Classic. Oh it matters not since I'll just pick another house instead. So what do people recommend for Maddening GD or BL. Also am I to believe that BL story is stronger compared to GD? I'm having such a hard time to pick which house for my fresh maddening run 😅

    GD gives you an explanation for Fodlan's past and ties many threads albeit in a rushed and uneventful manner. It's a bit generic if I'm being honest as the main antagonists and final boss of that route leave a lot to be desired. BL while not having all plot threads solved, does technically deal with the most important one. BL does have the strongest story out of the bunch and the best moments in the game, but like the others there are bits of mediocrity or poorly thought out elements. It also has the best version of Edelgard IMO.

  3. Ironic how the top comments on the artwork batch topic on reddit are all about Bantu and not about how beautiful Nagi is (which she is BTW). Nonethess Bantu looks godly. A lot of the artwork from launch made by the same artists look a bit rough probably since they were rushed or something. Now that there wasn't anything to hinder him, the artist behind FF and Vampire Hunter D presents a beautiful piece of work and will forever be a god.

    Oh. Also, he appears as a 4* unit in the trailer so his stats are a bit higher than they appear as in the trailer. 42 HP and at minimum 31 Atk at 4* rarity. He might just be a powercrept A!Tiki if he gets nice BST. Kinda ironic considering he was garbo in SD.

    If Bantu really is a powercrept Tiki then I know who will get my WS4 or fort def/res

  4. 21 minutes ago, FoxyGrandpa said:

    I think Bantu might have veteran BST cause I don't think they would demote him so easily if he didn't. Even if that's the case, he'll still likely have pretty high BST compared to gen 1 units, so I'm looking forward to building him.

    Astram is also really cool, hope he's an infantry sword unit with the Miracle Sword / Mercurius.

    They kinda did the same with Kaze so I dunno if they're gonna penalize him that hard for being immediately added to the pool. Either way, even if he gets veteran BST, by gen 4 standards he'd still be gen 3 (edit: gen 2).

    Bantu apparently has 37 atk without his weapon. We don't know if that's his atk with skills or not. Let's play it safe and assume it's fierce stance or some form of it like sturdy stance or a bond. At minimum he'd have 31 atk.

    I kinda have more hope for Astram compared to Rutger just because he has a prf.

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