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Status Updates posted by Songbird

  1. Lol! It's not that shocking, is it? XD

    Anyway, I gotta get off for the night, but talk to you later! =D

  2. Haha, thanks for the offer. XD

    I'll keep it in mind, though I don't think I'll need much help since I have courses that I can handle pretty well at the moment. XD

    But still, thanks!

    Anyway, I gotta go for tonight. See you later! *Hugs*




  4. Of course I miss you! I miss everyone, really. I luff my friends. ;__;

  5. Wow. Sounds badass. XD

    I've never played Halo though. D:


  7. For a giant... o_O Woah.

    He's a plant? LOL! That's kinda neat. XD

  8. Aw! You rock too! XD


  9. Ah. Well, Gravemind sounds like quite the character, that's for sure! XD

  10. *Hugs* You sound quite busy too. XD

    But it's good to hear that you're alright. =D

    And awww, you guys are important to me too, which is why I'd like to talk to all of you as much as I possibly can. ;_;

  11. Aw! ;_;

    Sorry I'm not around much. School has really been cutting into my time. And I might be getting a babysitting job sometime soon, too, making my time even more limited. >_>

    But in any case, how have you been? =D

  12. Hey Lyle! What's up?

  13. :o

    Who's the Gravemind from?

  14. He sounds...so full of power!

    *Worships Kitty* *__*

  15. It's awesome that we both like the same books though, because I know that if you recommend a book to me I'll probably really like it since we have similar tastes. XD

    And AWWWWWW! KITTY! <3

    He looks so cute! <3

  16. Also, your post got cut off at 'I even have' so I might have missed a bit of your post. D:

  17. Yay! So I'll be occupied. I want to get the eight Emelan books, and now the three other Pellinor books will be added to that list. XD

    Sepaking of which, another Tamora Pierce book I can't wait to read is coming out in April, so Spring is a good month for books, it seems. XD

  18. Awesome. I'll be looking forward to reading it. XD

    You should also check out her Tortall stuff if you're ever interested/able to. =D

    Also, I'm halfway through 'The Naming!' It's really good so far.

  19. A mixture of different things, I guess.

    Which, y'know. Means I'm procrastinating on homework. XD

    How about you? =D

  20. Yeah, it's constantly being reprinted even though the books were written quite awhile ago. XD

    But she's still coming out with more books on her two series (Emelan and Tortall) even now, which is awesome. :D

    How do you like the Circle of Magic series so far? I haven't read them yet, though I plan on getting the books when I'm finally not broke. XD

  21. Hey Branded! =D

    What's up?

  22. Lol! I'm eagerly waiting for subs for some animes, too. But the episoces haven't aired yet. ;_;

    And omg. OMG. Serene, you are AWESOME. I LOVE Tamora Pierce, but I've unfortunately never read the Emelan (which are the Circle of Magic) books. I've read all 15 books released in her Tortall series, though! XD

  23. Hey Sere! What's up? =D

  24. Hey Cym! =D


  25. Hey Des! :D


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