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Status Updates posted by Songbird

  1. OMG




  2. OHHHH! AWESOME! It's a great game, so I hope you like it. XD

  3. Hey TLS. XD

    What's that? :o

  4. Well, as far as video games go, I've only played Resident Evil as a horror series. And I rather like that. XD

    Though I should probably try out others when I get my hands on them. >_>

  5. Yup! It's an old horror game for the PS2. But I don't have a PS2 or a PS3, so I just watch walkthroughs instead. XD

    I like horror things for some reason. So long as it leans more to the suspense-horror side, and not the torture/gore-horror side. I can't handle those all that well. D:

    How about you? Like horrorish stuff? XD

  6. Same here, pretty much. Watching a walkthrough of Fatal Frame II. XD

  7. Hey Branded! What's up?

  8. Hey Lyle! What's up?

  9. Hello! :D

    What's up?

  10. Aw. Do you have a lot?

  11. Aww, I'm sorry! School has been distracting. XD

    How've you been?

  12. LYLE!!!!! *HUGS*


  13. Hey Branded!

    Nothing much. Though I did make a major accomplishment! I actually finished my homework early, instead of leaving it for Sunday night! :D

    *Is a major procrastinator*

    How about you? XD

  14. Aww! I hope you feel well soon! D:

    I actually have a tiny cold myself. XD

  15. Hey Sere! What's up?

  16. Hey Branded! What's up?

  17. I love them! <3

    I love most animals, really. XD

    And I'll be sure to read it, though unfortunately school might get in the way with how often I read. ;__;

  18. LOL. Seems like it. But I'm pretty used to it by now since I go into chat frequently. XD

    Anyway, what's up? =D

  19. No no, it's just that I don't check my comment wall that often, so I don't notice new posts till later. XD

    And okay then, I'll register. =D

  20. Ouch! Well, good luck with this quiz coming up! XD

    And just silly ones. One with marketing, some with drawing in a class that has nothing to do with art...yeah. Those kinds. ;_;

  21. Aww, don't be sad. ;_;

    I mean, I'll sign up if you'd really like me to, but I just don't think I'll be able to post regularly. I'm sorry. :(

  22. Lol! Really? What kind of quiz?

    And just projects and questions and such. None that are that interesting. ;__;

  23. I've been alright. It's only really the homework that's getting me down. That and the fact that I can't get on here that often. ;_;

    Anyway, what'cha up to at the moment?

  24. Aw, sorry! I've been really busy lately with homework and stuffs. But I'll be sure to check out your new story. =D

  25. Hey Suzaku! And it depends. I really don't know if I can join another forum, especially since I'm barely active on this one since school started. ;__;

    But gimme the link anyway and I'll check it out. :D

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