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Status Updates posted by Songbird

  1. Alright! I'll check it out! =D

  2. Interesting! Truth be told, I might not be able to be active even if I do join, because I have a billion things going on at the moment, but I'd still like to check it out. Can I have a link, please? =D

  3. Hey Lyle! =D

    What's up?

  4. Gesshren Sins? :o The name doesn't sound familiar. What's it about?

  5. Hey! What's up? =D

  6. Happy Birthday! =D

  7. Awesome! I'm gonna go look! =D

  8. *Hugs*

    *Gives Rita doll*

    Am I forgiven for thinking Rita was a trap nao? :o

  9. Verrry. XD

    Truth be told I have no idea who to vote for at the moment. :o

  10. Hey Branded! What're you up to? =D

  11. OMG

    *takes Ranulf plushie*

    *leaves Mist plushie*


    I'll be on, don't worry! =D


  13. Hey Sere! Today I got the first book in the Pellinor series. Thanks for the recommendation! =D

  14. Reading. Mostly reading. I have three books and a manga I want to read. XD

  15. Hey Branded! What's up?

  16. Awwww! Yeah, I despise restarting, even though I always restart my game even if someone I'm not using is killed. >_>

    And I'm good, just a little tired. XD

  17. Hey Branded! I actually have to go now for a few hours, but I'll be back later. XD

    But tell me how you've been anyway. =D

  18. Lol! It's sort of similar for me. Though there have been times where I'm on often, but instead of leveling up I'm too busy looking at all the other features. XD

  19. Alright! Thanks, Branded! =D

    Though it takes me awhile to level up in these types of games. XD

  20. Oooh! The art is cute! I might play it, but my computer can be online-game retarded, so it might not work. XD

  21. Ah, I've heard about that from Emerald. What's it about? All I know so far is that it's an online game. XD

  22. Hey Branded! I'm actually really hyper today for some reason. How about you? XD

  23. Sounds like what usually happens to me.

    My Lyn and Hector are always better than my Eliwood, though my Erk is usually decent.

    As for my paper, it's on theology stuffs. XD

  24. Browsing around the forum and procrastinating on a seven paragraph essay due tomorrow that I haven't started. ;D

    How's your FE7 playthrough going? Erk still being a meanie? XD

  25. Hey Branded! Sorry it took me so long to reply. I got called away from the computer for a bit. I was in the middle of writing a post, too. D:

    Anyway, what's up? XD

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