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Everything posted by Tybrosion

  1. Look, I already said I was sorry for my accidental “contributions” to that effort. What more do you want from me man?!
  2. Eh, it's fine. I'm busy mourning over my hopes of getting Bridelia right now anyways. I only got 14 orbs from both the December quests and TT left at this point, which I'm now scrambling to collect all of by the end of the day. Though while I'm here, may as well share my last three failed tries for her: 4* Fae (no colorless in this set, the rest were red) 3* Serra just kill me now 4* Saizo The Fae was at least +Atk/-HP, so she replaced my incumbent +Spd one who then got eaten by Celica for the sweet Renewal 3.
  3. Block A freebie: 3* Frederick Block B freebie: 4* Cain Eh, I've gotten worse. I also pulled a second green on Block A and got Reposition for my troubles (3* Barst) and probably left behind a Rhajat under a third green which I couldn't pull.
  4. Well, thanks for giving me a clear-cut choice Block B. I'd been waiting for this opportunity but now I can finally repay Catria for being my first 5* and also for being a favoritism-fueled beast in Echoes. If anyone else going Catria wants to add me, you only need but ask.
  5. Huh, and I thought I was one of the only ones who remembered that villain. Not sure if I’m more surprised by that or the fact that he even has a fan at all.
  6. Apologies again for draining the swamp and plucking out two Deirdres from the legendary banner. They were both -Res though so I at least cleared out some of the sub-optimal ones for you. On the bright side, my Fjorm sure is enjoying that QR3.
  7. Well, going off the English names: Arthur (Jugdral) vs. Arthur (Fates) Cain (Archanea) vs. Cain (Jugdral) Any combination of Clair, Clarine and Clarisse Fae vs. Faye Leo Leon vs. Leon Leo Nino vs. Nina Linde vs. Linda Arran vs. Aran Yuliya vs. Julia
  8. Well, this statement is included in her description: "Fond of her brother, Klein." Given that I know pretty much nothing about any of FE6's supports offhand, I have no clue to what degree that fondness reaches.
  9. Well, none of those first four options particularly jump out at me so hopefully the second half will have someone more up my alley. If not, then I'll more than likely go Tharja (or Rhajat if I get stupid lucky with my free pull heh heh, good joke me) since I'm not keen on trying to use my 4* Priscilla for actual combat and I don't like Faye at all and besides, she's gotten so comfortable on my bench.
  10. I love it when the Training Tower gets drunk off its ass and gives me gems like this. Bonus points for giving me this while I was leveling my own Deirdre.
  11. That’s probably both the best and worst waste of 440,000 feathers I’ll ever see, I have to say.
  12. I’d say that’s (probably) not what she meant, but then I’d be ruining the joke so... Really, you should’nt be surprised that this happened. The gacha always knows what we want but tends to give us what we don’t want instead. That being said, I’ve surprisingly avoided Brave!Lyn so far and yeah, I know that saying this will probably cause her to show up the very next time I summon but also don’t have a Bridelia to show for myself either. Instead, I got two Gennys which I’m far more OK with since I actually like Genny that and she is objectively superior to Lyn in every way.
  13. As for Dark Breath+, refining it upgrades its debuff to Atk/Spd-7 and it also affects the target in addition to any enemy within two spaces of the user. Like refined Light Breath+, refined Dark Breath+ also doesn’t require the user to initiate combat in order for the effect to activate.
  14. My post-super banner whaling update (not F2P):
  15. Well, here's what I walked away with 200+ orbs later. Boon/Bane Combos and Notes
  16. I'm still missing (regular) Azura, (regular) Elise and Takumi on my end. It continues to pain me that I don't have either of the first two while the third can go rot in some random gutter for all I care, so long it's nowhere near my barracks. When I did get my Leo, he also helped to ease the pain that damn Bride!Lyn caused me on on Bridal Blessings. I'll be longing for death after I end up with like at least three Brave!Lyns and not a single Bridelia by the end of the super banner.
  17. I shared that reaction when he showed up for me too except I was mad because the game thought it'd be funny if it spat Ryoma, a character that I kinda hate, out well before it gave me Leo. Assuming that you both live in the US and don't live in the Pacific Time Zone, it starts on the 28th, which would be the reset after the next.
  18. As someone who has both Alm and Faye, I can say that they aren't paired together because that would involve me actually using Faye. If I were to pair her with anyone, it'd be Berkut so that he'd die a slowing and agonizing death due to having to live with someone who can barely go one sentence without saying the name of his hated rival. Additionally, Alm is at max merits due to being a bonus hero in back-to-back Tempests so I don't have much incentive to use him much either. I'd be boring but canon and pair him with Celica but I still don't have her.
  19. Since when do you play this game? A couple days after it launched IIRC. I at least started before the first run of Narcian's GHB. How did you get introduced into this? The Nintendo Direct that revealed it, I guess. On which kind of device do you play it? my iPhone Is it your first mobile game? It's the first, and currently, only one I play regularly at least. Have you beaten all main story and sidequests in all difficulties yet? Yup. Have you beaten all main story chapters yet in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Have you beaten all side quests in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Have you beaten all challenge chains 3 battles in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Have you beaten all challenge chains 6 battles in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Do you usually try to beat all Grand Hero Battles in all difficulties? Yup. Do you usually do the daily quests (challenges which repeat every day)? I used to but I haven't been doing them consistently for about a month now. From which banner have you pulled the most yet? I want say either Nohrian Summer or Performing Arts but don't know for sure. From which orb colour have you pulled the most yet? Possibly red. Who have you pulled the most yet? Possibly Odin. I've been getting him a lot within the past month at least. Who was your first 5* pull? (free pick from the Lord banner excluded) Catria from the very first pull I ever did. It was one of the first two banners (Legendary Heroes, Deep Devotion), don't remember which. Who has been your best pull yet? I'm not sure anything can top getting a +Atk/-Res Ayra from just the second red I pulled on her original banner. Do you care for stat natures? I always hope I at least get acceptable natures but I also won't let an unfavorable combination stop me from using I character I really like. Who did you promote to 5* first? Nino (+Atk/-Res), a decision I'll never regret. Three characters you haven't pulled yet, but want to so badly? Elise, Azura and Bride!Cordelia Who's your favorite character gameplaywise? Klein, though Nino is a really close second. What's your preferred team (four units)? I find myself using a team of Eirika, Ninian, Nino and Klein rather often. Who of the new protagonists and antagonists (Anna, Sharena, Alfonso, Veronica, Bruno) do you like the most? Sharena Which three things do you like the most? That each character gets voice acting, the art as a whole and the fact the game is a mishmash of characters from across the entire series. Which three things do you dislike the most? Brave!Lyn, Brave!Lyn, and Brave!Lyn Aside from her, the 50 friend limit and arena teams that have the unholy trinity of Reinhardt, Brave!Lyn and a dancer. What's your opinion of the map design? It's acceptable on the whole. What's your opinion of the skill system in the game? While it'll never be perfectly balanced, it's good enough as it is. What's your opinion of seasonal banners? They used to annoy me at first but now I'm indifferent to them at worst. How stingy are you with all your orbs? Not very at all since I usually go to summon once I hit 20 orbs. Have you ever had a moment while you couldn't do anything because you were out of stamina portions and orbs? I can't think of any such instances off the top of my head. Have you ever invested real money in this game? Yup. Do you try to beat as many time limited quests as possible? Yup. Do you usually give bonus levels to your units? Given that my highest 5* merge is +1, I'd say not really. Do you care for Gauntlets? Yeah, I enjoy getting into them despite the fact they're glorified coin flips at this point. Do you care for skill optimizing? I try to give my units optimal skill sets, so yeah. Do you try to get all the rewards in the Tempest Trials? Yup. How often do you play the arena? I at least always complete a deathless streak for both the Arena and Arena Assault. Do you use the training tower aside of fulfilling side quests? Yeah, for leveling and SP grinding purposes when need be. Are there any things from this game you would like to see returning in a regular FE game? It'd be nice if full voice acting for each character becomes the norm going forward. How would you rank the game overall from 0 to 10? A solid 9. Will you play more mobile games in the future? Probably not.
  20. Oh yeah, I suppose it's time for another one of these (not F2P):
  21. I still don't have 5* Josh (at 24,420 after today's first two runs) at this point since Heroes is still failing miserably at competing with Ultra Moon for my free time. I might have him by today's end if I can get myself to put in any significant amount of time towards this TT but at this point, that if is pretty freaking big.
  22. If I'm not playing Heroes, then there's a good chance I'm playing a different video game. Of the top of my head, here's the games (in no particular order) I've played since about the time Heroes launched all the ones I can remember anyways. Though none of them were in the above list, I also enjoy Zelda, Kirby, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot I so would've played N Sane Trilogy by now if I had a PS4, Sonic the Hedgehog, the Mario RPGs, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Bros, etc. My other favorite methods of wasting time include watching LPs / game commentaries on YouTube, watching MLB games, watching college football games and dicking around on the Internet in general. I also have a part-time fast food job.
  23. That last part is the entire reason why I've only gotten a bit past 7,000 on my end. My drive to do TT runs is pretty much nonexistent thanks to my copy of Ultra Moon and my complete inability to put it down.
  24. Celica, Deirdre, SF!Camilla, and all three of the colorless focus heroes are the others I lack. BB!Cordelia and SF!Camilla are the ones I want the most out of those. I want the former since Cordelia is my Awakening waifu of choice in addition to BB!Cordelia being great. As for the latter, getting her would complete the mage flier trio for me and Camilla is also a favorite of mine.
  25. Shanna is someone I've never had problems getting enough off up to this point. Aside from my now 5*, I've got five spares of her (three 4*, two 3*) around right now. Too bad Selena and/or Barst don't come around as often for me as Shanna does since I never get enough of either to fill my Reposition needs. I'll be pulling blues (and every other color for that matter) on next week's banner too since SF!Xander and BB!Caeda are among the seasonal heroes I missed out on. While I'd actually like to have Caeda, getting Xander is pretty much just an obligation. I don't even need him for Live for Honor since, as I previously mentioned, I have ToD!Henry. Perhaps if I'm lucky, I'll get Mae and/or Tailtiu along the way.
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