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Everything posted by Armagon

  1. Godzilla hits up Spain in this one so you're legally obligated to watch it. Astral Chain begging for it's life right now.
  2. Oh that's right, the Ganglion fortress infiltration chapter is so cringe.
  3. he knows what you did. Let's get started shall we Thank you Doctor, very cool. What did he mean by this?
  4. After months of delays and procrastinations and distractions, i have reached it the final Third Doctor story. And i must reflect, i really enjoyed this unique era of Doctor Who, where the adventures were mostly set on (at the time) present-day UK because of all the budget cuts. Jon Pertwee was an amazing Doctor and throughout all this, you could tell that he really wore his James Bond inspiration on his sleeve. And also he just has the drip look at this man. Legendary. This last episode was a decent sendoff to him i think, the thing with Classic Who is that final Doctor episodes tend to be a means to an end rather than the point. That said, this episode did have some Buddhist elements in it, about how The Doctor must become a new man by destroying his ego, realizing that he's greedy for knowledge and how he has to let that go. This bit of trivia is funny: "This is the first of two Doctor Who stories to feature giant spiders, the other being Arachnids in the UK released 44 years later." And with all that out of the way welcome Tom Baker and his legendary seven year consecutive run as The Doctor.
  5. They just be writing anything these days.
  6. Imagine spending 30 minutes killing Mephites to get three Lightweight Pelts for a quest and never getting them at all. Common material my ass.
  7. Yeah. I mean obviously the exact text differs but that was the one. Through the main menu, cause library via your save file gets a little bit funky after the end.
  8. Are you sure you didn't just look away for five seconds and miss their ending slides? Cause it's there. Check the Library.
  9. .....wait hang on, is this the normal end or true end?
  10. Not only does he have a laugh but when he does laugh, it's the one time you get to see his mouth.
  11. Unlike Archanea though, the characters actually exist lol gottem I agree but Gharnef doesn't honestly bother me too much since he's just one guy.
  12. In Elheim. He actually legit would've won right there but the terms of the deal were altered. True! At least he leaned more Gharnef and everyone else had their own motives for being bad. Like the devs talked about their Fire Emblem and Ogre Battle inspiration and legit I think Archanea was their biggest influence. I mean Alain hides out on an island come on. Actually yes.
  13. Idk how it is on Expert but Swordmaster Meteor Mash was an absolute necessity. My "take out Galerius" squad consisted of Alain, Scarlett, Melisandre, Virginia and Yunifi. Comparing him to Manfroy is an insult.....to Baltro. I mean not a high bar but Baltro went for the throat+had insurance when you think about it.
  14. You definitely should've been allowed to at least issue commands like you could with PoR Yellow Units.
  15. LMAOOOOOOOOOO this didn't happen to me cause they all died.
  16. Yes. But also no. Warpskipping doesn't snap the game in half as it would in Fire Emblem. For starters, you can only warp to an ally or facility so that's why it's more like Rewarp. Werefoxes can directly warp to an enemy squad but the range is much more limited. And also it's real time so that changes things. If anything, I used the warp stones to get a endangered squad out of the situation.
  17. It means warp skipping in UO is in a convenient size. Although it's more like Rewarp than Warp. Now that I think about it, none of the cave systems in Xenoblade X have rivers. Although at least one of them does have some ponds inside.
  18. It doesn't help Sylvalum that outside of it's Florida, the continent is completely blocked off from the ocean. No beaches outside of that little strip. Oblivia and even Cauldros have beaches. I sadly have not found any simulations/artistic renditions like you can find of a green Sahara or the time before the Isthmus of Panama formed. So I'm guessing it's something niche even within the scientific community. To think the course of history could've gone very differently if the Strait of Gilbatral never opened up again. For the record, geological evidence suggests the refilling of the Mediterranean wasn't a cataclysmic event but rather something more gradual. Canonical Alain/Scarlett it is then Shrimpers. Though, yes, canon ships will always be better than choose your own.
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