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Everything posted by Armagon

  1. Bad timing yes and no. Yes because the 3DS is almost dead but no because if this game had released after E3, THEN it would've really been bad timing. FE16 is very likely gonna show up at E3 this year. If Echoes released after E3, it just gets massively overshadowed by the FE16 reveal and hype.
  2. So if it's selling as much as Nintendo expected it to, then even if it's sales are low compared to other FEs, it's probably still a success in their eyes. But we need source.
  3. I never denied that. What i was saying was that in the hypotheical sceneraio where Game Freak and Nintendo decide to NOT promote Pokemon, the games would still sell above expectations. Back when Sun&Moon was announced, the very first trailer, the one that just showed off concept art. That alone brough a bunch of hype. It had people talking about it for months, until the first proper trailer came out and the hype just skyrockted from there.
  4. However, I disagree. Maybe this was true back when Pokemon was still young, but now, it's a different story. Nintendo could literally advertise Gen 4 remakes out of nowhere, never talk about it again, and the games would still sell amazingly.
  5. Oh yeah, definitely. Any big Switch game will outsell Echoes. Heck, FE Warriors will probably outsell Echoes. And even though the 3DS is on it's way out, should Gen 4 remakes happen, they'll sell like hotcakes, because it's Pokemon.
  6. At least in terms of 3DS games, Echoes isn't really facing much competition, at least in the West (Japan probably has like a bunch of exclusive games we don't know about). I mean, outside of Echoes, what else is the 3DS getting? Hey Pikmin is a thing but Pikmin is still C, maybe B-tier in terms of popularity, whereas Fire Emblem is currently A-tier. Then there's Ever Oasis, but i'm seeing next to zero interest from people in that game. Then there's the New 3DS port of FE Warriors but by then, most people will likely have a Switch. Then there's a new Monster Hunter, i think. I think it's the spin-off one. Then there's the Kriby games but those are just expanded versions of minigames featured in recent Kirby titles. And besides that, unless E3 proves otherwise, the rest of the 3DS' library this year is just eShopware. But yeah, Echoes is only gonna sell decently in the West, which isn't bad by any means. I can definitely see it being one of the higher selling 3DS games of 2017 tho.
  7. Don't forget the Deeprealms, the Deeprealms were sci-fi in nature too It was like something out of a Doctor Who episode.
  8. Probably because a lot of people kinda expected it. Honestly, anyone who thought the game would even reach Awakening or Fates sales numbers were just unrealistic dreams. I suppose the reason why FE fans are worried is because it sold less than the DS remakes. Except here's the thing: the DS remakes had Marth. Marth is very popular in Japan, that's why he got into Melee in the first place. If Echoes was selling below Tellius, THEN it would actually be worrying.
  9. Yeah, Echoes was definitely one of the two side-project meant to keep us entertained until FE16 (the other being FE Warriors but i think that's being handled by Koei Tecmo and not IS). Looking at it's first week sales, it's possible that it's already close to what IS expected, and that's not counting digital and SE sales. And of course, Western sales could help boost numbers a bit more.I have a feeling that the sales of the European SE in particular will sell well enough because that comes bundled with the Alm and Celica Amiibos and people go crazy for Amiibos. It's not gonna reach Awakening or Fates sales but I think IS and Nintendo knew that.
  10. TFW "cantor" is also the Spanish name for singer, so now i have this headcanon where all Cantors summon Terrors via singing.
  11. Yeah, they weren't bad. I liked a decent amount of Fates' English voices (some were off though, like Effie's). But like, Echoes' English voices blows it out of the water. Legit, Echoes' English voice acting is like Kid Icarus Uprising level of voice acting in my eyes. The path of the Faye fan is a lonely one.
  12. Kliff: Right, let's get impaled on the same lance Alm: We could do it together. The fighting, i mean. Not the lance. I laughed. All the voices are spot-on. Much better than Fates. Oh and it's cool, whoever is recording this. I didn't want to hear what Kliff said at the end anyway (I totally did want to hear what he said but the guy clicke the A button too fast)
  13. GameXplain has reported on it https://t.co/Yw8jPalkpK?amp=1 Though props to them for sourcing Kirokan (did i spell that right) and stating that the translations weren't complete. Derrick also mentions something interesting. Appearntly, when Ash went to that event, the Nintendo rep told him to please refer to the game by it's full title, as Echoes may appear again in the future. Edit: oh, i was beaten to it.
  14. Right, SEs are a thing. I believe both versions of the SE sold out in Japan rather fast. And the American SE sold out too. Granted, SEs are limited but still, it's a good sign. I also feel the Alm and Celica Amiibos will encourage people to buy the game. I don't know how crazy Japan is about Amiibo but Amiibo in the West are pretty big. That's different though. In the past, the series' sales declined with each release, and that started with Tellius. But I feel that Nintendo knew what was gonna happen to Echoes. I mean, it's a remake of the black sheep of the franchise, that's releasing near the end of the 3DS' life AND the shiny new Switch has been out for a month. When you think about that, it would make sense if IS and Nintendo knew the risks. I agree with you on the trailers tho. I mean, i was hyped since day one, but Echoes' trailers haven't been as hype as Fates trailers. Although, that could be because, outside of the FE Direct, Echoes trailers haven't been shown in directs, unlike Fates trailers. In fact, Echoes only got shown like 30 seconds of screentime in the most recent Direct and it was just about DLC.
  15. I'd argue that Echoes had a bigger budget than Fates. Just a little bit bigger. Also As EmerladFox said, those games are old, of course they are gonna be cheaper. And finally See, that's entierly your opinon (which i respect btw). But me personally, i don't care about Bloodborne or Metal Gear or Persona 5. So in my eyes, Echoes is probably better than those three games.
  16. 10% is still more than 0% tho. Just because Japan doesn't really go digital doesn't mean digital sales should be counted out.
  17. I'm sorry what? 40 bucks has always been the standard price for 3DS games. I don't see how it being 2017 makes it ridiculous.
  18. I didn't but i'm going to pretend that I did. But yeah, Space Emblem would probably work better as a spin-off/seperate series made by IS. I'm open to the idea regardless though.
  19. Bruh, ONE game selling low (for Fire Emblem standards) isn't gonna cause the death of the series. You're being overly-dramatic about it. And keep in mind, that's just Japanese sales. For them, it's a remake. But for a lot of Western players, Echoes is an entierly brand new game, because most Westerners haven't played Gaiden. That reason is why Western sales are probably gonna be higher.
  20. There were actually three comercials tho. They were posted on the front page of SerenesForest a while back.
  21. Wait? Despite low-ish sales, Echoes is already in the best-selling catagory on the Japanese eShop?
  22. So remember how IS once considered having Awakening take place on Mars but scrapped the idea because they thought it would alienate fans? Now that FE is more popular, do you think they should revist that idea? Not neccisarly Mars btw, it can be in space too. What do you think? I personally would accept the idea. It would be a very interesting idea.
  23. Peri but she's an easy character to hate on. She's still my least favorite character in the series. I also don't like Tharja/Rhajat because creepy stalker whose love for Robin is actually questionable. I also don't like Sigurd but for me, he's that type of character that you don't like just because.
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