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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. I was wondering why you added me to your friends list. I didn't give you the best greeting. I was also keeping my "eye" on you. XD

  2. No, I don't work yet. Sorry I left for a bit there. I got rushed out to go get some fresh air. I'll be right back, promise! ; )

  3. Well.. I brawled Hika/Bacon in the loser brackets. I'm in the semi finals. Other than that, I have been working. I'm trying to make time to get on Serenes more.

  4. I wish I could read your sig!

  5. How have you been doing?

  6. Yes, we know. Why do you keep saying that?
  7. ON THIS FOURM I AM!! I'll have my "eye" on you!! *runs off laughing*

  8. You visited my profile, and didn't comment! Why? Why??

  9. Hey! It's been a while. What's up?

  10. You have stories too?

  11. Aaaggghh! You took me Geass! Give it!! XD

  12. Nah its cool.. still going to call you, L/ Light / Soulja boy / Whatever..
  13. Hey Nightmare. I know your not on as I type this, but just wanna say hi.

  14. Ok... Selfconfidence is your greatest ally, Learn this you will.

  15. MAAAASSUUUUU! OK! Princess has to brawl Mac for L's Tournament. Then we can brawl you!

  16. Grr! Why did you have to go with Ace!! Its my user name on another site, I would change it to Zero if I could... BUT STILL!
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