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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Oh yeah! It just hit me yesterday! Princess is a "artificial" laguz, so that means I'm not laguz! Anyways, I would use a sword. I'm not sure what kind or how it would be special, but I'll talk to Princess about it and let ya know. =P

  2. Lol! That's the spirit! What ya up to?

  3. Hello! How are you?

  4. Yay, I'm in the story! But I must know, what does my Geass do?? Or is it a secret..? Also, I just started reading this and I'm not sure who anyone is...
  5. My comp and Wii are on two totally different sides of the house.. mabye I have think walls. 0.0
  6. Lol, I was doing that too..

    We be stalkers.. 0.0

  7. Hey... you probably don't know who I am... but.. About your sig... My friends are getting the wrong idea when your sig is on the screen.. sooo.. yea..

  8. I see you visited my profile.. what's up?

  9. Oh.. well.. Castlevania ftw!

  10. nvm, just looked at your friends list.

  11. Wow... you and Nightmare must be best friends... sooo much Castlevania o.0

  12. Wow... the gift that keeps on giving...
  13. Oh..! I see your a doctor again..

  14. Jeez... Remind me never to fight on your side... <_<
  15. WOOT! THX! I'll go read it right now! * runs to go read*

  16. WOOT! I don't care for the song, but if Ranulf is in it then its awesome my eyes! RANULF FTW! XD
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