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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. and I only have supports with 3 people I think, so that won't take long. Can we do this tomorrow? I think I'm getting off. Everyone has seems busy lately.

  2. I have been well, Thx. I see everyone is working on this Fire emblem game I have heard of.

  3. Oh! Well when does this have to be done?

  4. Hmmm.. took you a little over a week to respond..? but yea.. it's a little" graphic" dont you think..?

  5. Oh yea... Princess told me somthing about that.. So how does it work?

  6. Hey there, welcome back.

    I know you've been back a while, I just haven't been on. =P

  7. Hey, its been a while, What's up?

  8. Hey! How ya been doin?

  9. Hey, long time no see!

  10. Hey masu! how's it goin?

  11. I realized alot of people here like to poke fun at Knife because of his name. Sooner or later he is goin to feel like he is being stabbed in the back. If this keeps up, he might snap and slash peoples tires. XD
  12. How did I know you would make something like this...?You have been taking a liking to Sheena lately. Does bianchi know about this "club" ?
  13. You hit Masu at school? o.0

  14. Yay! Serene is back!!! XD

  15. Well I'm goin to get off for now, but I'll be on later this afternoon. Bye!

  16. I've always liked red the most, but I like all the colors.
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