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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Sounds interesting Metal Arc. Can't wait! ^_^
  2. It's named ( Attention Lyle) I'm not sure if you would be interested, but ya never know. =D

  3. How degrading it must be to star in such a film.. -_-
  4. Ahh.. Yes... I forgot you.... Sorry bout that...
  5. It's an AMV about Bleach. It's has a song from Mulan with a great video to match. Matches the song very well. I even made a topic about it!

  6. Also on Youtube, watching an awesome video Lyle showed me. ^_^

  7. Ok... So... Fox = Fox (duh) Falco = (I forget his name) Peppy= Serene (sorta) Andross =.... Who? Leon = Chaos Ninji That right?
  8. Good, Thx! Just lookin around Serenes.

  9. Oh my.. Starfox is going to take over Serenes!
  10. Did you really? Who would you do that? You and Lyle are like.. Best friends!
  11. I'm laughing at the lack of green skin on Piccolo. This is much better.
  12. Yes, But YOU introduced it to me! I'll never look at Ikakku the same way again..
  13. Hello Cym! How are you? *starts rebuilding wall* ^_^

  14. Aww... Thx guys! ^_^ BTW! Lyle! My good friend! You have a free spot....?
  15. I can't stop listening and watching it! Thank you Lyle! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktFDot-gPZQ
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