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Everything posted by jameslove001

  1. I doubt it was worth it, but I sparked for Hapi this morning (fanboying hits a new low). I probably should have saved the orbs or tried for Summer Freya since she is rated as such a high unit on the tier charts. That said, is she worth spending orbs on, or do I save up for Legendary at this point?
  2. After starting Forging Bonds, I am wondering, are the developers hinting that Holst is coming?
  3. Is anyone else having trouble with the Forging Bonds event? Sometimes when I end a map it gets hung up in a "communication" loop. I have to restart a couple of times to get it to complete.
  4. I know a lot of people, if they are pulling on this banner, are probably pulling for a Yuri +10 project, but Hapi is one of my favorite characters, and I don't have a red mage that I like yet, so have been pulling for Constance and Hapi. I have had some unusual luck. 16 draws - six new five star characters including Constance. The others are Petra, OG Ike, Mareeta, Lene and Melady. As mad as I am that I don't have Hapi yet, that is a heckuva load for 16.
  5. I have been an on-again, off-again player for years. I love the constant development, introduction and reimagination of so many characters. However, this has led to (I think something we can all agree to) making certain characters irrelevant. Where I find it most problematic is incongruence with a character such as Ike being largely sidelined while being so powerful within his own games. (Full disclosure my favorite games are Three Houses, Radiant Dawn and Heroes in that order and, although Ike is, of course, central to Radiant Dawn, even within the game I think there are about ten characters I like more. All of that to say, this isn't about fan boying Ike, as much as pointing out what I see to be a flaw.) In other forum discussions I see all of the time that the Askr Trio are irrelevant. I think it would be easy to argue that early versions of Chrom, Lucina, Xander, Eirika and Ephraim are all irrelevant. I think it was a matter of the developers had to keep it interesting, and tried to correct the issue with merges and dragonflowers, but that only goes so far. This goes back to my original question - is there any possible way that developers can make every character relevant, or at least important characters that were introduced early? Or am I completely off base and with enough time and resources literally everyone can be relevant?
  6. I agree with TT not being overly difficult; I have just had the luck of running Dimitri/Gatekeeper for trials in the past with Eir proving healing and then the bonus unit. So, with Nifl taking the blue slot it kinda took me off guard. I think using the advice here, I will try either Lucina or oddly Astrid since she could be great with Thorr and covering some flying units too. Thanks for the help.
  7. I just had the craziest luck. I just restarted so have been wasting orbs just to get some 5* chars. I told myself I would only use the free Tempest Trial draw and not waste anything on the banner, because I have been out and think the CYL banner must be coming soon and trying to save for that. I drew Nifl so have a bonus for TTs. Any advice on who to use to support her through the TTs? Here are my current 5* units Red - Alfonise, Lif, Guy, Van-Ike, Olivia, Reginn, Xander, Seigbert, LadyBlade Palla, Elincia, Keaton, Muspell, Duo Chrome, Magic Eirika Blue - Sharena, Fjorm, Restoration Ephraim, Brave Dimitri, Legendary Dimitri, Ninian, Seaside Elincia, Mirabilis, Tropical Claude, New Ishtar, Reinhardt, Olwen, Peony Green - Anna, Dagr, Brave Ike, Future Lucina, Thirst Dimitri, Freyja, Kana, two Astrids (one plus defense, one plus res), Gatekeeper Colorless - Ash, Puppet Lyre, Bridal Cordelia, Tempest Joshua, Yuri, Eir, Legendary Marianne, Seaside Micaiah, Xane
  8. This is where old age is kicking in. I did a screenshot, but don’t Know how to shrink the size. I think I figured it out though. For some reason on foul play it wasn’t going to Yuri’s original spot (maybe because of canto?). I moved Dimitri and it worked. He was occupying the spot that it wanted to move Micaiah to. I always thought that Yuri moved someone to his original spot, but it wasn’t this time.
  9. No. On the Thor/Eitri map She will be to the left of the second from the bottom cavern on the right side. Yuri is going through Gatekeeper and Dimitri to get there. And if it is before her attack he can do it, but after her attack she can’t.
  10. I have been running a team of Gatekeeper, Legendary Dimitri (the one that self heals, not the one with Tempest), Wavecrest Micaiah and Yuri for the infernal GHBs. First a question (then a complaint): There are times with Micaiah that I can’t use foul play. Is there something in her skills preventing that? I think that is the case I don’t just understand it. Complaint: whatever skill that blue mage has to mess with Yuri’s foul play post-movement (I think it is the Canto Control 3) is frustrating.
  11. Earned my orbs, logged into the new Xander pull - somehow got FIVE GREENS!!! Two 3* Barsts, 1 4* Ross, 1 4* Cherche. Thanks math. Thanks for reminding me that statistics are still statistics or that the game actively cheats. I literally have none of the Legendaries, although the Double Banner intrigues me more.
  12. I know there is not one "right answer" to this, but I am wondering if the best use for Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, Fjorm, Eir, Peony, Reginn & Ash is "support." It seems like the mechanisms of bonuses are based on the free FEH specific characters, so it is best to have each of them (specifically more the Askr trio and Peony) with skills that boost their teammates? Or would it be better to have the trio to have high scoring Arena skills and give Peony skills that can get her anywhere fast? I have unlocked Alfonse and Sharena and working on getting them to 40 and am a couple of thousand feathers away for Anna. I didn't want to waste the feathers on them and have the chance to have a +4 Summer Claude instead, but it felt like in the meta, getting those three to five stars was the better move.
  13. It was actually Book VI, Chapter 8, Part 5, but your advice combined with someone saying Wavecrest Micaiah was my best offensive weapon actually was what I needed. I just used Yuri to snipe the mage, and then danced Micaiah around to kill everyone else on turn three. Thanks for the help. It was exactly what I needed.
  14. I went into the War Room and did not see what I am about to ask. I am wondering if there is another part of the forum that deals with level specific problems. I am having trouble with the latest 8.5 and not finding a lot of YouTube videos.
  15. I pulled Valentines Chrom and Lucina in one go. Are they worth investing in?
  16. Thanks for everything - I also realized I may have switched Brave & Legendary Dimitris (from your comment on Marianne. I am using the Dimitri from that banner). And, yes, I only use Micaiah to absorb magical attacks not bows or daggers. I will take your advice and start using Yuri more and get Muspell up to speed and ready to use.
  17. Hey Team! I am someone who has been in and out of FEH basically since about six months after it started. I recently started again since my kids take a long time to go to sleep at night and I have an hour or so a day to play while they settle in their beds. Since Tempest Trials is here I have been running a team of Legendary Dimitri, Gatekeeper, Eir and Summer Claude (because of bonus). I was wondering thoughts on this team in other modes of the game. It obviously lacks a red (green coverage), and I ran into my first super problematic character in Tine (took out Gatekeeper and Claude on back-to-back turns because freaking Barst would hide her after each attack). As I move into clearing the chain challenges, think about duels, arena and aether raids, what do you think of the team? Should I make some adjustments? Other five star characters I have are: Red - Muspell, Legendary Ike, Keaton, Elincia, Reginn, Olivia (why did I use my free unlock on her instead of Alfonse I don't even know), Xander, Palla, Magic Eirika, Seigbert Green - Dagr, Astrid, Kana, Summer Dimitri (just rolled him this morning) Blue - Brave Dimitri, Reinhardt, Olwen, Peony, Ephraim, Ninian, Summer Elincia, Fjorm, Ishtar Colorless - Legendary Marianne, Ascendant Joshua, Yuri, Bride Cordelia, Summer Micaiah If it is helpful, I typically run a more defensive style team, so I realize someone like Micaiah may be a better fit in receiving attacks, but have pretty much set up support around Dimitri and Gatekeeper taking attacks
  18. Thanks! Was just making sure since I have a couple of legendaries that can be better used.
  19. Are there going to be any more Blessed Gardens or can I "Re-Bless" some of my better units for AR Battles?
  20. I wasted all of my orbs trying to, and finally get Claude. I haven't ever used any of my trait fruits and wonder if it would be worth it to change him from plus HP to plus speed. Any thoughts? I would have another trait fruit cache probably by the end of April since I haven't been using them at all.
  21. So...I like Claude way too much. And I scrambled through all of my Squad Assaults and Gardens wasting orbs on the banner. I had one last five orb Blessed Garden and 30 minutes left on the banner. And it worked. I finally got him. I didn't get too much along the way on that banner and it drained me, but hopefully it is worth getting the legendary of my favorite character in the series. That said, he is plus HP so thinking of using my first trait fruit to correct that. Thoughts?
  22. As much as I too want Legendary Micaiah, I think the Claude choice makes sense. Having the three Lords all in just makes great sense. I think doing them in succession would have been better, but I get having to manage a lot of different titles. So...I like Claude. I want Micaiah. I honestly can't think of any two legendaries I would want more except perhaps Byleth.
  23. Thanks, so when you and @Humanoid say Eliwood, do you mean like the first horsie unit with the bad art (Knight of Lycia)? If so, that is cool to see an original unit still relevant.
  24. That is a great starting place - and I have already started a Reyson project because of everyone talking about his usefulness. Raven is someone with a ton of units I have so that could be great too. Much appreciated.
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