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Everything posted by jameslove001

  1. While we are waiting for chapters I am mining for orbs and hero merit, which leads to really weird teams. Next up on the list were both Ascended Celica and Legendary Celica. First, I will admit, I am not particularly excited about either unit. This could be I really like Brave Micaiah and Summer Micaiah. But to me, and this is particular to Ascended Celica, something just doesn't feel like it hits how it is supposed to. I honestly don't have a single reason or way to explain it, but for what are supposed to be two great units, it just feels like they both lack something. Do any of you feel that too? Am I just expecting too much from those units? Is it that the Micaiahs are just that much better? On the flip side of things, I am honestly blown away at how much better Legendary Chrom was than what I expected. I pulled him and Byleth along the way, and am currently heading to spark a third unit (and hopefully pull the fourth one on the way). When I remember to use A Fate Changed! He is basically my new favorite unit, particular alongside new Xander and Sigurd.
  2. So, I have never actually used a Forma. And both Lyn and Eliwood intrigue me. Are either unit actually worth investing in? Also, If you merge them do you get the plus ten or just the maxed out unit?
  3. This Duo Heroes has been a weird banner - 3 out of six pulls were 5*, but two were Mikoto and Sirius (the other was Sonya). And I pulled a dead Gustav on the CYL. Overall, a weird day of summoning.
  4. Not the DuoCharacter I was going for, but for only doing 1 pull (and not getting a colorless option) at least I DID get Sonya as opposed to a 3*.
  5. I was going to ask for some help with underutilization of characters, but that feels like a big ask, plus typing all 100+ characters gives me pre-carpal tunnel. So, instead, I am struggling with Lif and Limstella. I actively avoid using either unit because of their friendly-fire chip damage and I don't tend to run many lone ranger teams. That said, do either of them have any specific utility that I am missing out on? Maybe they are great for a vantage teams since they get allies their more quickly?
  6. I just want to say a quick thanks to many of you. I know that my arena team has A WAYS to go, but with y'all's help I have gone from a team that capped at 716 to a team that hits 736 in like two weeks, without having to give up any 5* units either. I really appreciate it and it makes the game a lot more fun.
  7. At the point where I am debating to push for the spark. 25 picks in and I have (in order) Silque, Fallen Female Morgan and Ascended Celica. In what I feel to be particularly cruel teasing I have picked up like 12 colorless pulls (not that I am pulling for Byleth, it is just weird to have that many colorless pulls with no luck). My free pull was Chrom. Edit: CYL was rough. I literally got the three mentioned above. Nothing else. I decided to spark Byleth for some reason (I didn't have a strong feeling for anyone in the banner). And then the Dodge Banner was very kind and I got Fallen Ike on my free pull...so done with that banner. The ReMix banner wasn't much better - I got Thrasir and then sparked Idunn for Arena purposes.
  8. I think we all have limited time a day to play so we decide how to invest. So, I have a question about two modes right now - Is it worth grinding to get in the top 10k of Tempest Trials? I already have all of the rewards and am roughly at 13k. I just don't know if it is worth spending my time there today. Similarly, but I think I know the answer - there is no reason to do Binding Worlds now that I have cleared every Enclosure is there? It doesn't seem like there is any benefit to play the mode anymore. Also, and this is just curiosity - have any of you built your Jeralt yet? How has he turned out?
  9. I think Alfonse and Veronica are going to be the new Askr and Embla but somehow do away with closing gates if I were to guess. Or they will have a kid that unites it or something of that nature. With as little as they have done with Anna and Sharena I kinda hope we can just move onto the next generation. It would have been different if they had worked harder on anyone but Alfonse. Maybe I am misreading.
  10. Thank you! I should have scrolled further apparently.
  11. I was surprised no one started a thread yet. I mean, we all knew this was coming, right? The writers gave the hints. We had the benevolent God. We had the sacrifice. And in all honesty, it didn't have as much emotional resonance as it could have because this is what is expected, until... That conversation with Ash broke me. Maybe it is because my wife and I have two daughters, but...for the first time ever the FEH writers got a tear out of me.
  12. This is more about UPCOMING pulls than current. I wasn't super thrilled about the CYL banner (I mentioned on that thread I might pull for Chrom since I don't have Eirika) so I am wondering if it is silly to actually save up to get Tibarn and Vika since the Pirate banners will probably have terrible percentages. Thoughts? I like the idea of having Vika and Maurim ready for when Tormod finally makes it into the game. But if the percentages are terrible and the likelihood of multiple pulls is so low, it may not be worth it.
  13. I am kinda in the crowd of not being too excited for the banner. I could use Tiki because I basically have no dragons beyond Ymir. I don't even use Sigurd now, so don't know that I would use Seliph. Chrom could be fun so I could maybe try to do an all Chrom team at some point. And Sothis, I mean Byleth is....meh. So, I guess go Chrom!?
  14. Thanks for this. I thought about it for a long while and my barracks were almost full and I just kinda went for it mainly because Ignatz is my easiest way to level up what I can do in Arenas. And honestly there were several units that I refused to touch. In all honesty nearly half were healers because I just Eir or LeAnne for healing these days, and have August and Xane if I want a true healer. I doubt I would do it again, but as you said, being F2P I didn’t want to spend or a on more barrack space either. That said…I appreciate you looking out for me.
  15. First a comment, then a question. To borrow from Pokémon Go, I sent a bunch of characters I know I will never use to the pidgey grinder to get Ignatz from plus +2 to +6. So that was fun. My question is how does it work if you have two near save units on a team? Does the better of the two units take the shot? Is there a stat that makes one take a shot over the other? I am thinking of listening to y’all and doing Yen’Fay but keeping Lucina around. And just curious how that would work.
  16. Yeah. It is certainly interesting. It took about three floors to realize “Oh. I literally just need to tap out my lowest unit and refresh with someone better.” I feel like the goal here is “Everyone put in unique units so people get to play with chars they don’t have.”
  17. Totally fair points. I was gonna push back on the strength thing and then I realized even though I only have 101 5* units, so obviously missing a lot of big hitters, she is still 19th on attack and isn’t even top 25 for speed. Granted she has absolutely no investment beyond leveling her to 40.
  18. Complete shift of topic - Those September banners are making me wish I hadn’t done as much to get Nina, but that said…she is gonna be the new Yuri in terms of annoyance. Man. Knowing I can teleport back after a snipe is so useful…and is gonna annoy me in summoner duels and arena.
  19. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I was able to do the new seal for Ignatz and Kestrel Stance for Lucina immediately. I will continue working on building those two up. I used the dancer, but Ash may be even better since movement was priority #1. I was also doing chain challenges so was bringing along someone who could do some healing just by being there. Also, I took your advice and ran the team with Reginn, Summer Claude, Yuri and Legendary Xander and it was a lot of fun. So, again. Thanks.
  20. I at some point today got my 100th 5* unit. I wasn't paying attention so, I will say it was Sothe, since I like him better than Richard or Hilda. (It autocorrected to Richard from Rickard and I find it funny and will forever call him Richard now.)
  21. Okay. I have talked to a bunch of you and built my first "save team." I just thought I would see if I am doing this right. Full disclosure: I don't have Flayn. Ignatz - Tannenbow+ (Spd); Rally Atk/Spd; Spd/Def Form 3; No B-Skill yet; A/R Far Save 3; Atk/Spd Push 3 Seal Lucina - Gerbera Axe; Future Vision; Kestrel Stance 2; Savvy Fighter 3; A/D Near Save 3 Currently I have Eir and Peony for healing and dancing, but may switch to LeAnne so I can have a nuke with them. I don't have a ton of seals at the moment but am willing to build them. Ignatz will be either +2 or +3 later this week depending on the feather grinding. Edit: So, I guess my question is, am I doing this right and what changes do you see need to be made?
  22. Well, this TT has basically been - "Unleash Summer Edelgard," and let the other units watch. Probably the most boring one to date. She really is pretty broke.
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