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Everything posted by badatfireemblem

  1. Do you prefer cities or countryside? I have so many embarrassing moments, but here's the most recent. Yesterday I was at my aunt's wedding and I drank too much champagne on an empty stomach, which was embarrassing enough by itself, but then I somehow broke my heel. I had to then try and pose for photos standing on tiptoes, pretending I still had a heel because I couldn't have the wedding photos taken barefoot. It was such a small wedding too, so everyone knew. Everyone in my family seems so sophisticated, and I'm like the awkward clumsy one.
  2. Most embarrassing thing that's happened to you? (or one that you're happy to share) I do! I enjoy cooking a lot.
  3. Favourite dinner meal? Either chocolate or cookie dough.
  4. Same question. Personally, I'd bake some apple pie, go round to their's and eat said pie whilst binge watching Disney movies (because they all have that 'look inside your heart' and 'you're special' motto). If I couldn't see them in person then I'd message them with bad memes and innuendo jokes.
  5. If you could change your hair colour for one day, what colour would you choose? Hmm, I can't really think of anything that hasn't already had a revival or remake.
  6. Favourite season? i gave up on dreams years ago I don't have anything particular in mind as I'm currently doing a couple of jobs that I like. Maybe something that could earn me enough to live on, but still give me enough time for my hobbies and time to relax. But I'd also like a job that involved travelling and I'm not sure those criteria mix well.
  7. Best way to spend a day off/holiday? I'd like to see the Alps in France, but I'm probably not experienced enough to climb any of them.
  8. As far as FE7 goes there aren't any wrong units to use. I've promoted Matthew before and he turns out ok, but I found Jaffar was better. You'll have to use a Fell Contract though which is dropped by a boss I think near the end of the game. Raven's a good choice I think, and I've definitely used him in the endgame at some point. Have you considered another magic user? (I always find that I use quite a few in the endgame but I do really like them) Erk has divided opinion, but I've always found him pretty good, as sages have the bonus of healing too. Heath will have quite low resistance (or at least he has done on mine) but compared to Florina, he'll be a lot more powerful.
  9. If you watch anime, current favourite series? In the UK we don't have particularly high mountains, and I've never really kept track of elevation. But, with a quick google search I found that Harter Fell (Mardale) was 2,552 ft which is probably the highest I've climbed. If I remember correctly, that was also the one where it didn't stop raining at all, and so became really treacherous. And dark.
  10. v This question. I used to have the most horrific fear of heights, so I started climbing mountains as a hobby and now I'm (almost) cured. I even scaled down a waterfall in the dark when I got lost last year.
  11. I usually use about 20 or so units in total. If you're using Matthew then it's best to take him mainly into chest/door opening battles as he's a weak unit. You'll want to get Florina to a Falcon Knight asap because she'll be faster with a sword. If you're using archers then I'd suggest Louise as she comes with an A support with Pent. I generally gradually stop using units as more arrive, rather than deciding my main team straight off though. You'll have a reasonable amount of money throughout the game, and if I remember correctly there are a few arenas where you can train/earn money.
  12. I have BotW on Wii U and it runs pretty smoothly. There's a reasonable amount of lag in villages and in the first area, but apart from that I haven't really had an issue. The loading times might be a bit slower than the Switch but I haven't got one to compare and it doesn't really bother me. Overall if you're not planning to get a Switch anytime soon, it's probably worth it. It was for me anyway.
  13. I saw the original movie awhile ago and it was pretty good. I'm hoping to watch the series soon because I've heard a lot of good things about it.
  14. Same question you asked. Aside from SoV, I've been playing Zelda BotW and really enjoying it. But unless I dedicate several hours of time to it in a day, I end up just running about achieving nothing though.
  15. Most recent game you've bought? I didn't, but I know about it.
  16. Preferred time of day for gaming? I don't really have a favourite, but I'm currently really enjoying the new Twin Peaks season and GoT.
  17. If you play Street Fighter, who's your main? Vegetarian or vegan tacos for me.
  18. Characters I like but I think are reasonably disliked - Micaiah - I think she actually has a interesting personality and I like magic users anyway. Sain - His flattery and womanising is just kind of funny more than leching I think. Eliwood - Pathetic character really but I kind of like the fact that everyone else is tough and he's sort of not... Ninian - Same reason as Eliwood, which is why they always end up together when I play. Characters that I dislike more than others - Camilla - Nothing else to say that already hasn't been said Lucina - I liked her character in story, but her supports are so... uhh... boring. Genny - Sorry but 'I'm ready to roll' is one of the most irritating lines in SoV. I've never really been one for cute characters anyway. Azura - Her art makes her look like she's really vacant, and that irritating strand in front of her face, like why? I also don't really like how cold blooded she is about everything.
  19. I haven't yet played a Mega Man game. Which would you recommend?
  20. Tea, coffee or other? I definitely would rather play a game on it's original console rather than emulators. It might sound odd, but I really like to own something physical.
  21. Same question you asked. Hmm, I wouldn't say it was quirky, but I recently started to collect Nendoroids. im a weeb sorry They're too cute not to get my favourite characters.
  22. How did you discover FE? Difficult one as there are a LOT of books that I love. My favourite book from when I was younger, which I still love now, was Howl's Moving Castle (and sequels) by Diana Wynne Jones. I saw the film at the cinema for my 9th birthday, and was bought the book shortly after.
  23. Favourite FE characters? Well, I don't actually eat meat or (very much) cheese, but I used to. But I do think that all three of those foods go nicely.
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