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Everything posted by badatfireemblem

  1. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? It's election day in the UK, so people telling me who I should vote for. soysauceicecream
  2. Sweet or savory person? Regrettably I've actually only played two FF games. I had a Tactics one on the GBA when I was younger, but I'm going to go with 13 even though the gameplay was terrible. The newer Capaldi ones are pretty meh tbh. I pretty much stopped watching after the second episode or so. They seem to be really dumbing it down so that only my little cousin likes it now.
  3. I've just been visiting your thread and your drawings are REALLY good. If it's any consolation traditional painting is hard and it takes so long to get things right because it can go so wrong, believe me, I've scrapped so many pieces of work. Slightly different, but not completely, my brother is dyslexic and dyspraxic (which affects spacial awareness, hand eye coordination etc) and he's worked really hard in order to achieve his dreams. He's just finished college in Animation and Game Design and is hoping to get a work apprenticeship elsewhere in Europe with a games company. I also follow an amazing digital artist who is autistic - http://cyarindraws.tumblr.com/ I can't stay in the lines either - I have to use SOOO many layers in order to keep things tidyish. I generally just do like sweepy strokes with my hand when drawing lines around the edges of my art (I probably haven't explained that right) because I can't do neat. Life drawing helped me so much when I first started as it's great for developing hand eye coordination and understanding the human form, but sessions are pricey and nowadays I just look up poses online to help practice. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is being autistic is just being you, and you shouldn't ever give up on what you love. Your art has so much potential!
  4. Tea, coffee or other? And how do you take it? It changes regularly tbh. Today I'm going to say Ranulf from RD because... he's a blue cat man. You've sold it to me. David Tennant is my true love. Doctor Who fan then, I take it?
  5. Thank you! The shading that I used there is just kind of habit from when I did traditional painting. I'm not happy with it but it's a start. If it's any help, I looked a lot up about brushes online for skin etc which I've used in my latest piece, which has helped me a lot with shading effectively. Thanks for the advice (again!) I'm a little out of practice with drawing and so gravity slipped my mind. I've done so much life drawing that these basics should really be embedded in my brain. This is my next piece, which I hope is an improvement? I can't draw clothes at all and I never really learned how, so apologies for the really bad paint job there. I feel that I'm starting to find my style a little more. Any critique is welcome, of course.
  6. Favourite Marvel film? Nope. And I honestly wouldn't know where to start. I might have to give it a go then.
  7. Same question you asked. Least favourite game that I play? Probably Resident Evil something or other. My brother forces me to be P2 so he doesn't have a stupid AI. Though, I'm probably worse than any AI and I scream at everything. I've seen bits and pieces of Daredevil, but haven't heard such good things about Jessica Jones. How would you compare them? Treasure Planet is one of the best Disney movies.
  8. Favourite character from your favourite FE game? I have a lot of creative inspirational role models. Underrated digital artists like Cyarine and Loish. Writers such as Neil Gaiman and Tolkien. I also follow the Dalai Lama on Twitter
  9. TV show you've currently/recently been watching? I do, but I never properly learned so I just flail about for other people's amusement.
  10. TV show you've currently/recently been watching? I do, but I never properly learned so I just flail about for other people's amusement.
  11. Thanks @carefreejules for the the advice, it was really helpful. I had a go over the past couple of days on the Eirika piece I posted. If anyone has any more advice/criticism then that would be most appreciated. This is only my first attempt and I hope to improve a lot.
  12. Favourite season? Dogs aren't really my thing, but my grandparents have a lab, so probably big dogs.
  13. Same question you asked. I'm pretty varied with my music tastes, ranging from like electronica to classical.
  14. Favourite genre(s) of music? Probably Japan. I mean, what's not to like about raw baby fish for breakfast rice and noodles.
  15. Top places you'd like to visit? There are too many foods to list.
  16. Do you like cooking? I'd definitely like to see China. I really enjoyed my time in Japan temple-hopping and I'd like to do something similar in China. Italy has always been a top one for me, I'd like to see old buildings, churches etc. While I was at college studying art I did a lot of work on Michelangelo so I'd like to see the Sistine Chapel ceiling that he painted. The Netherlands too. But I don't really know exactly what I'd want to visit there.
  17. Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days? Probably Zelda BotW. SoV is close though.
  18. Chen gave me this new avatar. Do you think it suits me? Or should I go back to my old one after today? That fist fight with the Pope in Assassin's Creed 2.
  19. Do you generally game solo or with others? Hmm. I don't dislike any FE games, but if I had to choose it would be Fates due to the copycat elements from Awakening.
  20. Do you generally game solo or with others? Hmm. I don't dislike any FE games, but if I had to choose it would be Fates due to the copycat elements from Awakening.
  21. Any particular historical events that interest you? Hard one. In no particular order and probably not my actual favourites: Erk, Micaiah, Ike, Seth and Caeda/Shiida.
  22. Top places you'd like to visit? I like salted vegetable crisps, like beetroot, parsnip etc.
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