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Everything posted by badatfireemblem

  1. Same. If I was going to move, it would be somewhere that gets lots of snow in winter. Favourite flavour of ice cream?
  2. Same. If I was going to move, it would be somewhere that gets lots of snow in winter. Favourite flavour of ice cream?
  3. Kind of confused about where I am in this thread. Let me know if I missed a question or something. Do you like where you live, or would you want to move somewhere else?
  4. Thanks for all the help everyone! I seem to have missed this thread, so thanks.
  5. Do you like/play any sports or activities? I really like Blazing Sword. It was my first FE game so I'm rather attached to it.
  6. What did you enjoy most about Awakening? It's the Mani Katti that Lyn (also pictured) uses in FE Blazing Sword.
  7. What kind of question is that haha. I'm not great at giving out hugs, but I guess so. Favourite FE character and why?
  8. I live in England, so Wales, France, Belgium, Spain, Poland and Japan. What's worse, being too hot or too cold?
  9. I just had a go at the endgame and Alm got completely destroyed. Pretty sure most of my units are under-levelled as I rushed through Celica's Act 4 not realising I wouldn't be able to make my units dread fighters etc before the endgame. I managed to defeat all enemies except Duma. Should I be using invoke, will that work as a distraction while Alm attacks him? And are there any useful units I should definitely bring in?
  10. What are your favourite pancake toppings? I haven't, but would most certainly try it. Pretty sure I had something similar in Poland a few years ago, but can't be certain.
  11. Have you ever been in love? Yes. But I can't tell anyone or I might die of embarrassment.
  12. Favourite book author? I've got a SNES which I play early 90's games on like Rock N' Roll Racing and Street Fighter. Not sure I've played anything earlier.
  13. Same question you asked. I compose music as part of my job, but I also love to sketch. Both are equally enjoyable. That drink sounds amazing! I generally have mixed berry ones or apple and cinnamon.
  14. Same question you asked. Probably an archer/sniper. I've always enjoyed archery. Infusions are the best! I drink them rather than actual tea. And I'm guessing you're a fellow vegetarian then?
  15. Seeing as you posted on mine @Rezzy, I thought I'd come and look at your art. I've been looking back at your older drawings and I like how you've changed your style from then to now. Do you draw solely on a tablet or do you use a pencil sketch first? Anyway, I really like your style now. It's nice.
  16. Tell me what you like about Oboro? I haven't, but my general opinion of tomatoes is that they're gross unless in a sauce.
  17. Opinion of rainy days? They are. Sweet potatoes deserve more appreciation.
  18. Omg yes! Have you ever eaten cheesy sweet potato fries?
  19. Have you ever been surfing? YES. Sweet potatoes are so yummy.
  20. Do you prefer a drink to be hot or cold? Marshmallows and maple syrup.
  21. If you were trapped on a desert island what would be the one thing you took with you? Winter. I like to wear at least four layers and run about in the snow.
  22. That quadruple post is a new record for my phone. Favourite fruit or vegetable? Baby pink.
  23. Favourite colour? I'm a really bad swimmer, but I do swim a little in the sea on nice days (provided I have a wetsuit on because the water here is freezing).
  24. Favourite colour? I'm a really bad swimmer, but I do swim a little in the sea on nice days (provided I have a wetsuit on because the water here is freezing).
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