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Posts posted by Sturm

  1. Chapter 5: Champions of Aurelis

    Turns - 4/29

    Forged a +2 might/+15 hit Hand Axe so Barst can one round Archers, kind of wished I forged a bit more hit in retrospect but oh well. Jagen weakened two of the Cavaliers with the third unable to reach him and then flew back to hit the first save so Barst could kill the two he had weakened, needing to dodge one out of three attacks, he ended up critting the third but that wasn't necessary as Sedgar was supposed to block the Bridge anyway. It did mean that Sedgar could bait a knight out of the way instead of Barst having to dodge him (if he attacks Marth he blocks his way to the gate). Barst chipped the Boss with the Hand Axe so Shiida could kill without having to crit or dodge the counter. Wolfguard all died distracting and blocking enemies. Sedgar was supposed to hit the save on the last turn so Jagen could crit Wendell for the Barrier but then Jagen decided to put Wendell in his place and just straight up crit him without the save point so Sedgar got to chip an Archer for 6xp, whoop!

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           02.00     19  06  00  04  08  08  08  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 05.10     20  06  01  09  16  12  07  06  D Lance
    Jagen   Dracoknight    --/03.71  22  09  01  10  10  01  11  04  B Lance, E Axe
    Barst   Pirate         08.41     25  13  00  06  11  09  09  00  D Axe
    Sedgar  Horseman       --/01.06  20  06  01  06  07  02  06  02  E Swords, D Bows

    Chapter 6: Fire Emblem

    Turns - 8/37

    God this was awful, I tried like every reclass I could think of here, definitely should have drafted another pre-chapter 6 unit. Barst went back to Fighter for the extra point of Speed so he could double 8 speed Archers and Jagen went Paladin because of the Archers. I ended up having to reclass Sedgar to Sorceror to have someone to heal which meant I only had three units that could fight somewhat competently though Marth actually put in a little work here finishing off two knights. Jagen would have been preferable because he has access to bishop for Mend but I needed him as a Paladin to OHKO the mage with a +2 Silver Lance forge because he could just barely survive the Archer and Knight on enemy phase. Thankfully Shiida had exactly enough attack to kill an Archer with the forged Wingspear then kill the Cavs, she survived the Silver Lance Cav with 1HP, (she needed to dodge two knights on turn 1 and 2 with the save point) and then she just went around killing all the thieves with a Javelin and got the Bullion, thankfully she could double and ORKO them. Barst lead the way to the boss, he had to fight three Archers and three Knights and dodge three of them over two turns with the second save point which was pretty rough but doable. I also messed up and had to rely on Barst dodging the boss because the Mage in the throne room wasn't OHKO'd by the forged Silver Lance (I guess he rolled up in HP/Def, so I should have forged +3mt but I didn't notice until it was too late) so Sedgar had to heal Jagen twice instead of healing Barst. Jagen hit A Lances on the last turn while Barst and Shiida hit C Axes/Lances.

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level       Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           02.66     19  06  00  04  08  08  08  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 07.87     20  07  01  10  17  14  07  06  C Lance
    Jagen   Paladin        --/04.36  24  08  01  10  10  01  09  07  D Sword, A Lance
    Barst   Fighter        10.36     28  14  00  09  13  10  08  00  C Axe
    Sedgar  Sorceror       --/01.46  22  02  03  02  03  02  04  05  D Tome, E Stave

    Chapter 6x: Victims of War

    Turns - 8/45

    Had to take one extra turn here to recruit Athena, she is a very welcome addition to the team. Jagen went back to Dracoknight and Sedgar went Hero. Forged a +4 might Steel Sword so Athena can ORKO Pirates in this chapter and chapter 9. Barst cleared out most of the initial enemies and then went south to pull an Archer away and hit the save point so Athena could KE crit a Merc and the Boss. Everyone else went up with Marth, Shiida weakened the Boss with the Wingspear she survived on 1HP so Athena got to get the kill instead of Shiida having to finish to avoid the counter.

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level       Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           02.66     19  06  00  04  08  08  08  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 08.66     20  07  01  11  18  15  07  06  C Lance
    Jagen   Dracoknight    --/05.00  22  09  01  11  10  02  11  04  A Lance, E Axe
    Barst   Fighter        11.54     29  14  00  09  13  10  08  00  C Axe
    Sedgar  Hero           --/01.84  22  06  01  10  11  02  07  02  D Sword, E Axe
    Athena  Myrmidon       10.80     25  09  00  12  13  06  07  00  C Sword

    Chapter 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet

    Turns - 6/51

    Pretty much just went down. Forged a +5 Iron Bow so General!Sedgar could OHKO one of the Pegs and Minerva. The Dracoknight got killed by Devil Axe!Barst and then a KE crit from Athena after Marth used the save point, while Shiida killed the Thief and Jagen/Barst and Sedgar killed the Pegs. Jagen blocked the lower fort and Marth the top one while Barst shielded him from the Ridersbane!Cav. Would have liked to feed the Boss kill to Athena but it wasn't really viable so she just picked off some generics while Barst killed the Boss.

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level       Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           02.66     19  06  00  04  08  08  08  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 09.58     20  08  01  11  19  16  07  06  C Lance
    Jagen   Dracoknight    --/05.14  22  09  01  11  10  02  11  04  A Lance, E Axe
    Barst   Fighter        12.73     30  14  00  10  14  10  08  00  C Axe
    Sedgar  General        --/02.56  30  09  01  04  04  03  17  02  D Lance, E Bow
    Athena  Myrmidon       11.63     26  10  00  12  13  07  07  00  C Sword


  2. Part 3 -  Chapter 6: A Reason to Fight

    Turns - 6/127

    Gave Paragon to Sothe and Beastfoe to Jill. Micaiah and Sothe went up while Jill soloed the right side, with Laura offering Physic support. I deployed Fiona, Aran and Volug to move the NPC's around and give them vision because they needed to clear up a few enemies that Jill can't be in position to take care of so I needed them all to move over towards the right of the map, also deployed Zihark so he could take the Brave Bow over to the GM's. Bought a bunch of stuff from the Bargains and Zihark took the Storm Sword, Seraph Robe, Speedwing, Master Crown, Wildheart and Brave Axe. I had Sothe take away most of Micaiah's weapons on turn five so I could potentially train her staff rank in the next map while she's an enemy but it didn't end up being feasible. Sothe and Micaiah have some non-negligible chance of dying but they are in support range until the last turn and Sothe can take a Tiger+Cat, so it's not that likely either dies. Micaiah actually survived a Tiger with 1HP so I guess all that defence paid of, though she could have just sacrificed herself into resolve range so not really. Laura also had to kill one cat on the last turn with a wrath crit because no one else is in range.

    Unit     Class        Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Skills                                Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Sage   19/05.51 29  06  23  18  23  25  15  25  A Light, C Staves Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve             
    Sothe    Rogue        --/12.77 36  22  10  26  27  23  16  14  S Knives          Guard, Steal, Shove, Shade, Paragon
    Laura    Bishop       10/04.79 23  08  21  13  16  15  09  14  B Staves, E light Shove, Wrath
    Jill     Dragonmaster 20/10.32 41  24  05  24  25  27  24  13  D Lances, S Axes  Canto, Beastfoe                       Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Dracoshield


    Part 3 - Chapter 7: Rivals Collide

    Turns - 12/139

    The Great Strike Rank Training Simulator - The Game. Ike needed a Speedwing to not get doubled by the BK, he went over towards the Island where Aran and Nolan are with Brom following him and picking up kills Ike had set up. Everyone else went down to the main island and Lyre just fought as much as she could while spamming Grass non-stop, after Soren had thinned out all the two range enemies, she ended up a couple of attacks shy of S strike. I gave Soren two Arms Scrolls for C Staves so he could use Physic to allow for better refreshes with transformed Reyson. Mordecai recruited Zihark and then rescued him to keep him from being attacked. Didn't deploy Titania for this one for obvious reasons.

    Unit      Class           Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level                        Skills                                  Stat Boosters
    Ike       Hero            --/15.61     46  25  03  30  27  15  24  08  S Swords                            Shove, Shade, Celerity                  Speedwing
    Titania   Axe Paladin     --/18.79     36  26  10  24  23  21  21  16  S Axes                              Counter, Canto
    Soren     Arch Sage       --/11/03.93  38  15  31  25  25  16  18  27  A Fire, B Thunder, A Wind, B Staff  Adept, Shove, Wrath                     2 Arms Scrolls
    Oscar     Lance Paladin   --/16.52     41  22  08  24  24  21  18  16  S Lances                            Canto
    Brom      Axe General     --/11.46     44  24  04  20  18  19  28  12  E Swords, A Axes                    Disarm, Shove, Adept
    Mordecai  Tiger           17.87        58  30  02  18  18  16  32  10  A Strike                            Smite, Shove, Pass
    Kyza      Tiger           18.11        55  20  06  20  22  14  20  10  A Strike                            Quickclaw, Shove, Pass, Saviour
    Lyre      Cat             19.82        47  18  14  26  26  16  16  18  A Strike                            Shove, Cancel, Vantage, Provoke
    Reyson    Heron           16.00        40  06  10  10  22  32  14  36  ---                                 Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto, Miracle


  3. Chapter 1: Marth Embarks

    Turns: 7/7

    This was just awful as I had pretty much no way to kill Gazzak outside of OHKOing him with a Silver Lance crit which is a 3% CoS and doing it with no save point was just...yeah. Even Silver Lance plus two Iron Sword hits plus a Wing Spear crit still falls short of getting the kill. I used Abel as my free unit specifically to kill the hunter in conjunction with Silver Lance!Jagen because he's too dangerous to be left alive. 

    The strategy I used was to avoid as much of the fighting as possible, so Jagen sat on the fort and killed two of the pirates while Gordin and Cain died to pull the remaining three away from my team. Meanwhile Shiida flew up the top and pulled the two pirates coming over the sea and the ones near the boss up to buy two turns for the others to advance and then parked on the mountain out of harms way and Draug distracted the rest. Abel fed the thief to Marth and one Pirate to Shiida. The only good thing about this was that technically I only had to kill the one Pirate that Jagen kills on turn two to protect Shiida, the Hunter and Gazzak, every other enemy could have been left alive and it would have been OK, so at least I didn't have to rely on a lot of javelin hits, small solace.

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           01.50     18  05  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 01.50     16  04  01  06  12  09  07  06  D Lance
    Jagen   Paladin        --/01.88  22  07  01  10  08  01  09  06  D Sword, B Lance

    Chapter 2: The Pirates of Galder

    Turns: 6/13

    I tried a bunch of things to see if I could pull of a five turn here but despite Barst being an absolute god, I was just slightly short of having enough offence to punch through the enemies and buy enough time with meatshields to get it done. I let Darros self recruit and he blocked the Bridge for one turn then Draug blocked it for another two turns. Barst killed one Pirate, the fact that he is the only unit that can 2HKO them makes him so good, he'll probably fall of later on because he's Set B class but I think his early game is so good he's still worth a first pick. Silver Lance/Steel Sword!Jagen with a Javelin chip from Shiida killed the other. Ogma baited one Cav onto the bridge while Shiida countered the other one after Jagen swapped her to Wing Spear then Marth finished Shiida's Cav and Barst Hand Axed the other so Shiida could kill. Marth grabbed the Village and Barst got some kills fed to him including the thief who suicided on him after Marth had got the village , I sacked everyone including Wrys to protect him from dying to the Pirates so he could get the thief exp as he moves afterwards, the only person who lived was Bord which was very convenient as I needed one meatshield for the next map. Jagen killed Gomer with a crit after Shiida used the Save.

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           01.80     18  05  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 02.10     17  04  01  07  13  09  07  06  D Lance
    Jagen   Paladin        --/02.40  23  08  01  10  09  01  09  06  D Sword, B Lance
    Barst   Fighter        04.67     25  11  00  06  09  06  07  00  D Axe

    Chapter 3: A Brush in the Teeth

    Turns: 6/19

    Shiida killed a thief by blocking the corridor in the mountains and recruited Navarre on the last turn for his killing edge. Jagen used the first Save on turn two so he or Barst could kill one of the Fighters with a crit while Bord and then Julian distracted the remaining two and then one hunter was killed by Jagen/Marth and Barst Hand Axed the other so Jagen could finish him with a Javelin the following turn while pulling the Fighter near the boss out of the way so Marth and Barst don't get their path blocked. Barst had to get the Boss kill with a Devil Axe!crit after Jagen used the save because Jagen can't OHKO, at least I can finally stop having to crit the bosses, yay! I let one of the fighters attack Jagen so he would suicide on Barst for some exp because Jagen dodged the Fighter near the boss but Julian could have pulled both Fighters if he hadn't dodged. Marth got a perfect level sans res which would be cool except it's Marth so it's probably irrelevant anyway lol, oh well.

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           02.00     19  06  00  04  08  08  08  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 03.00     18  05  01  07  14  10  07  06  D Lance
    Jagen   Paladin        --/02.87  23  08  01  10  09  01  09  06  D Sword, B Lance
    Barst   Fighter        05.64     25  12  00  07  09  07  07  00  D Axe

    Chapter 4: Battle in the Lea.

    Turns: 6/25

    Re-classed Jagen to Dracoknight and Barst to PIrate and Forged a +6 might, +10 hit, +5 crit Wing Spear. Plus six might, I believe, allows her to OHKO all non boss enemies it's effective against until she leaves so she can avoid counters as much as possible, if my maths is correct. Shiida killed two Cavs with Jagen using the Save so she would dodge one as I needed her to be on full HP so the other Cav would go for Matthis, Jagen and Barst killed one and the other got distracted by Matthis who also distracted one of the Archers, while Shiida and Jagen killed the other. Barst got the Thief and both Horsemen kills and Shiida killed the boss. I maybe should have taken the extra turn to recruit Merric for the Excalibur, well I'll just have to wait and see if I regret it in the future. 

    Barst actually saved the successful run by critting the first Horseman, Jagen was supposed to weaken it for him first which would be possible because Barst plus the Forest would be shielding him from being killed by the remaining Horseman or the Archer which is why Barst re-classed to Pirate so he could move to the Horsemans right over the river. For some reason though, which only happened in that one clear, the Hunter ended up moving 5D1L instead of 6D which meant he was in range to kill Jagen, so Jagen couldn't chip the Horseman first, so the crit was not a necessary part of the strategy but I just took it as it worked out.

    Jagen's also got Speed twice and one Strength, I'll rig him a bad level or two to compensate as those levels on Jagen are a bit too clutch.

    Unit    Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Stat Boosters
    Marth   Lord           02.00     19  06  00  04  08  08  08  00  D Sword
    Shiida  Pegasus Knight 04.27     19  05  01  08  15  11  07  06  D Lance
    Jagen   Dracoknight    --/03.31  22  09  01  10  10  01  11  04  B Lance, E Axe
    Barst   Pirate         07.84     25  12  00  07  10  08  09  00  D Axe


  4. 47 minutes ago, General Horace said:

    @Sturm you get two picks

    On 12/4/2019 at 9:43 PM, Sturm said:

    Also I forgot to add it in the rules, it's snake order drafting but I've decided to make it so that the third round doesn't reverse so the person who picks last in the first round gets first pick in rounds two and three instead of just every even round as I think that will help to balance the picking order a bit better than just straight snake order.

    So pick order will be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4...and so on.

    No, I only get one pick now and it goes back to @JimmyBeans.

    Sniped, yeah I get two picks at the end of this round and then it's just normal snake order from there.

    I just thought it would help to make the pick order a bit fairer, because first/second pick seems to have quite a lot of advantage in most games I've drafted.


  5. OK, let's do this! And the order is...


    I shall take the mighty hatchet, the woodcutter of Talys Cord Barst!


    6 hours ago, General Horace said:

    Any reason Caeda is banned after c12 though?  She's already free for her strongest part of the game.

    Well, having her be draftable would be way too good for whoever got her and banning her outright would make the early game way too punishing and tedious I think. I was originally going to ban her after chapter 10 because you get your first master seal there which seemed like a good cutoff. Then I thought, well, she needs to recruit Jake in the next map anyway and Chapter 12 is a somewhat tricky map with needing to get the boots and the Sniper from hell etc. so I decided to make the cutoff there.

    I think making her free for the whole game would be too over-centralising even though she's strongest in the earlygame, that's how the other draft did it as well. 

    @General Horace you're up!

  6. Part 3 - Chapter 3: River Crossing

    Turns - 7/115

    C supported Ike/Soren and Oscar/Titania. Pass!Ike went up and got the Master Seal and the North West Supplies whilst feeding a few kills to Soren on the way. Celerity!Titania followed by Pass!Oscar went around to the top with Titania feeding kills to Oscar as they went, Titania got the North East supplies while Pass allowed Oscar to grab the Hammerne and Northern Supplies in time. Soren and Brom spent time getting experience while the others went ahead and got the Blossom and bottom two supplies. Gatrie was my free unit, he got the middle supplies and helped feed a few kills to Brom and Soren.

    Unit     Class           Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                         Stat Boosters
    Ike      Hero            --/13.67  45  25  03  30  24  15  23  08  S Swords                   Shove, Saviour, Pass
    Titania  Axe Paladin     --/18.79  36  26  10  24  23  21  21  16  S Axes                     Counter, Canto, Celerity
    Soren    Wind Sage       --/10.60  33  11  27  23  21  14  12  23  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Wrath
    Oscar    Lance Paladin   --/15.61  40  21  08  23  24  21  17  16  S Lances                   Canto, Miracle, Pass
    Brom     Axe General     --/08.30  42  23  04  20  18  17  26  12  E Swords, B Axes           Disarm, Shove, Adept, Vantage

    Part 3 - Chapter 4: The General's Hand

    Turns - 5/120

    Turns out Kyza did something! Well kind of I think I could have done it in five turns without him but he helped a bit.

    On turn one Kyza rescued Ike and Brom rescued Soren while Mordecai used a Laguz stone for the extra move which he needs to move past the NPC cat so he can advance Soren far enough forward and then they got given to Oscar and Mordecai on turn two who dropped them ahead. On turn three Soren kills the Halbedier and Mordecai shoves the Mage out of the way so Oscar can kill the Mage on the ledge allowing Ike to climb up, Kyza transforms. Turn 4 Kyza shoves Ike so he can reach the Mage who he kills with the Brave Sword to avoid taking a counter attack and Soren promotes at level 11 with the Master Crown from last map because he needs the extra Magic to kill the generic General on the escape with the Meteor. Last turn Soren kills the General so Ike can kill the boss and Ranulf arrives. Ranulf got carried up by Shade/Saviour Haar. Mordecai also had Pass so he could have cleared Ike's way if Ike hadn't crit his way through with the Wo Dao. Lyre got BEXP'd to 99 and given Blossom and she just got some Strike experience until her gauge ran out. I decided to train Lyre because there isn't enough XP to train everyone and at least she has some potential to become useful as a combat unit unlike the tigers who are going to always be pretty useless due to their low speed (at least Mordecai has one decent attack), plus she gets Strike Exp at twice the rate because she can actually double and S strike makes a huge difference. She can also ORKO Swordmasters after a couple of speed levels which not a lot of unit's can do reliably due to their Speed, which should be useful in part 4.

    This map is definitely one of the more annoying ones as Ike is in worst Biorhythm and he is forced to solo the top area by himself and he has to have Provoke to pull the aggro away from Haar and Ranulf to avoid a penalty, which is not easy especially if the Mage connects but even if he doesn't he still gets worn down somewhat easily at decent hit rates, killing the one Mage with Brave Sword helps quite a lot. On top of that he has to kill the Boss with an Ettard crit, luckily this boss has 5 luck so his crit is around 20% per hit so it's not the worst. Oscar also has to kill the Mage with Ledge penalty as well. Oscar allowed me to not have to deploy Titania here which was useful so I can save her for rout maps.

    Unit      Class           Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level                        Skills                         Stat Boosters
    Ike       Hero            --/15.19     46  25  03  30  25  15  24  08  S Swords                            Shove, Provoke, Celerity
    Titania   Axe Paladin     --/18.79     36  26  10  24  23  21  21  16  S Axes                              Counter, Canto
    Soren     Arch Sage       --/11/01.07  37  15  29  25  24  15  17  25  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind, E Staff  Adept, Shove, Wrath
    Oscar     Lance Paladin   --/16.02     41  22  08  24  24  21  18  16  S Lances                            Canto, Miracle, Pass
    Brom      Axe General     --/09.24     42  23  04  20  18  18  26  12  E Swords, B Axes                    Disarm, Shove, Adept, Vantage
    Mordecai  Tiger           17.16        58  30  02  18  18  16  32  10  A Strike                            Smite, Shove, Pass
    Kyza      Tiger           18.04        55  20  06  20  22  14  20  10  A Strike                            Quickclaw, Shove
    Lyre      Cat             18.05        47  16  14  24  24  16  14  18  A Strike                            Shove, Blossom

    Part 3 - Chapter 5: Retreat!

    Turns - 1/121

    Celerity Oscar rescued Ike and carried him down so Brom could take him which meant he was in support range of Soren and the extra attack point allowed Soren to kill the Boss with two Meteor hits with a Dance from Reyson. That was nice as it saved having to break the Meteor by 3HKO'ing with an Adept or deploying Titania just to carry Ike.

    Unit      Class           Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level                        Skills                         Stat Boosters
    Ike       Hero            --/15.19     46  25  03  30  25  15  24  08  S Swords                            Shove, Provoke
    Titania   Axe Paladin     --/18.79     36  26  10  24  23  21  21  16  S Axes                              Counter, Canto
    Soren     Arch Sage       --/11/01.49  37  15  29  25  24  15  17  25  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind, E Staff  Adept, Shove, Wrath
    Oscar     Lance Paladin   --/16.02     41  22  08  24  24  21  18  16  S Lances                            Canto, Miracle, Celerity
    Brom      Axe General     --/09.24     42  23  04  20  18  18  26  12  E Swords, B Axes                    Disarm, Shove, Adept, Vantage
    Mordecai  Tiger           17.16        58  30  02  18  18  16  32  10  A Strike                            Smite, Shove, Pass
    Kyza      Tiger           18.04        55  20  06  20  22  14  20  10  A Strike                            Quickclaw, Shove
    Lyre      Cat             18.05        47  16  14  24  24  16  14  18  A Strike                            Shove, Blossom


  7. On 12/2/2019 at 2:28 AM, JimmyBeans said:

    I'll Join. But I've never done one of these before, is it just an LTC competition with units we pick?

    Yes, pretty much exactly that, we take turns to pick units and then you play through using just the units you've selected with the aim being to get the lowest turn count.

    Also I forgot to add it in the rules, it's snake order drafting but I've decided to make it so that the third round doesn't reverse so the person who picks last in the first round gets first pick in rounds two and three instead of just every even round as I think that will help to balance the picking order a bit better than just straight snake order.

    So pick order will be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4...and so on.

  8. I'm alive, let's do this!

    Part 3 - Prologue

    Turns - 8/101

    I tried to get a seven turn here but I just couldn't pull it off, I could either get Titania to kill Silvano on turn seven or get Skrimir in range to seize but achieving both seemed to be undo-able. I think if you could somehow get Skrimir to kill one of the Generals blocking the middle on turn three it might be possible but I have no idea how you would make that happen with this team or if it's even possible. Basically just moved forward and killed stuff as efficiently as I could so Skrimir wouldn't waste time, not much else to it other than Titania and Oscar staring into the jaws of death near the end.

    Unit     Class           Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                 Stat Boosters
    Ike      Hero            --/12.15  44  25  02  29  23  15  22  08  S Swords                   Shove, Provoke
    Titania  Axe Paladin     --/16.85  36  25  10  22  21  19  20  14  S Axes                     Counter, Canto
    Soren    Wind Sage       --/06.51  29  09  24  22  19  11  09  22  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Vantage
    Oscar    Lance Paladin   --/12.61  38  20  07  22  21  18  17  13  A Lances                   Canto, Miracle

    Part 3 - Chapter 1

    Turns 5/106

    Used Shinon as my free unit to the suprise of no one. Ike killed the enemies coming through the little corridor to the left and weakened the boss for Soren to finish as well as killing one of the reinforcement Halbediers. Titania went through the middle and then up and also got the top reinforcements. Soren cleared up stuff Titania weakened and a few enemies through the wall. Oscar got the Blue gem and killed all the Generals in the south while spamming vulneraries and Shinnon killed most of the stuff through the wall and got the Seraph Robe. Soren ended up dodging and Adepting the other Halbedier reinforcement for a little extra xp but it wasn't necessary as Oscar was able to weaken him just enough that Lethe and Lyre could have finished him if need be.

    Unit     Class           Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                 Stat Boosters
    Ike      Hero            --/12.95  44  25  02  29  23  15  22  08  S Swords                   Shove, Provoke
    Titania  Axe Paladin     --/17.71  36  26  10  23  22  20  21  15  S Axes                     Counter, Canto
    Soren    Wind Sage       --/08.42  30  10  26  23  20  13  10  23  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Vantage
    Oscar    Lance Paladin   --/13.70  38  21  07  22  22  19  17  14  S Lances                   Canto, Miracle

    Part 3 - Chapter 2

    Turns - 2/108

    Bought stuff with the Silver Card including the Wyrmslayer and the Arms Scroll. Ike got Saviour and rescued Soren then gave him to Celerity!Titania who dropped him at the edge of the bosses range on turn two, Soren needed either an Adept or Wrath proc to ORKO. Oscar and Brom just got a little bit of xp.

    Unit     Class           Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                    Stat Boosters
    Ike      Hero            --/13.10  45  25  03  30  24  15  23  08  S Swords                   Shove, Saviour
    Titania  Axe Paladin     --/18.23  36  26  10  24  23  21  21  16  S Axes                     Counter, Canto, Celerity
    Soren    Wind Sage       --/09.02  31  11  27  23  20  13  11  23  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Wrath
    Oscar    Lance Paladin   --/14.12  39  21  07  23  23  20  17  15  S Lances                   Canto, Miracle
    Brom     Axe General     --/06.28  40  22  04  18  17  16  24  10  E Swords, C Axes           Disarm, Shove, Adept, Vantage


    Hopefully other people are still planning on doing this, I'm interested to see how it goes. Regarding what Zihark said about drafted units in part one I think I actually agree with this in hindsight, low manning it with just the free units actually ended up working out pretty well due to the experience being very focused and just easier to get Micaiah and Jill to get good levels actually really just Jill as Micaiah is easy. I think even Ilyana might not be as good as I initially thought because 'losing' all that exp to Ike's team is going to hurt a lot more than on normal mode despite the huge availability. The free units are probably good enough to carry DB chapters by themselves without losing too much, mostly Laura though, obviously.

    Something I've realised is that Micaiah is very easy to get good levels on due to the only stat that actually matters to her being Speed because her Magic, Luck and Resistance are so high they are more or less guaranteed to be fine, Skill is basically irrelevant because Light is so accurate and due to Resolve her HP/Def only really wants to be at the point that she can survive a single hit and anything above that is superfluous, so Speed is really the only thing that is needed.

  9. So, yeah, I planned on making this about a year ago but then, you know, life gets in the way. Anyway I feel like playing some FE so I guess we can call this eleven year anniversary draft instead. 🤷‍♂️ 

    Using Finalinsanity's H4 draft rules as a basis with a few changes.


    1. This draft is for 4 players.
    2. Marth, Jagen, Shiida, Jake, Xane and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use.
    3. Shiida is free for everyone until after chapter 12 and is banned for everyone thereafter.
    4. The game will be played on Hard 5 (Merciless), using the Updated Gaiden Requirements Removal patch found here: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3962/ (This fixes the issue with Ymir's movement, he now moves as an enemy).  Use this if you have issues patching: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/704/ and remember to untick the checksum thing in the gear icon.
    5. Arran and Samson will be drafted as a pair.
    6. Beck is banned from drafting ( I assume no one is going to prefer him instead of Jake).


    1. You may only deploy free and drafted units. Units required to recruit another unit and force deployed units may be deployed, trade, shop and be attacked without countering, but may not do anything else.
    2. Forging is allowed with no restrictions.
    3. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.
    4. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5.
    5. Usage of the Wi-Fi Shop, and of the Warp staff, is strictly prohibited.


    1. One undrafted unit is free for Chapter 1.
    2. Wrys is free for Chapters 1-3.
    3. Ogma is allowed to attack the boss in Chapters 2 and 3, he may not attack any other units.


    1.  Deploying undrafted units is a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

    Units Remaining:





    1. Sturm: Barst, Sedgar, Athena, Boah, Midia, Catria, Etzel, Radd, Astram, Caesar, Maria, Minerva.
    2. General Horace: Abel, Hardin, Castor, Merric, Wrys, Draug, Horace, Roger, Darros, Roshea, Est, Arran/Samson.
    3. Carmine Sword: Cain, Ogma, Wolf, Cord, Lena, Rickard, Matthis, Elice, Lorenz, Macellan, Jeorge, Linde.
    4. Jimmy Beans: Bord, Wendell, Palla, Jillian, Vyland, Navarre, Gordin, Tiki, Dolph, Ymir, Tomas, Bantu.



  10. So I had actually played all the way up to 3-4, well half way through 3-4, before I realised that I'd forgotten to take all the stuff out of the Convoy in 2-E and give it to Neph and co. so I didn't have the Brave Lance, Hammer, Speedwings etc. so I had to go back to 2-E and redo it from there.

     Part 2 - Chapter 2: Tides of Intrigue

    Turns - 3/86

    S strike Nealuchi is a beast and I have basically all the unit's which meant I could pull off a three turn here. Nealuchi did almost all the work, he had to get hit by the Crossbow!Warrior to go into Wrath range so he could kill the General blocking the exit it was about 40% hit but he decided to be dodgy as fuck so it took ages. I positioned him down-left of the torch so a Mage blocked the only two range space and then everything else had to suicide on him, then Lucia killed the Mage so Nealuchi could clear her way to the Arrive. Mordecai just Smited Leanne while Brom was completely unneeded for the clear so he just got a couple of kills. Used Lethe as my free unit, she blocked the enemies from attacking Leanne and gave her a shove so she could reach Lucia and Nealuchi on turn three. 

    Unit      Class        Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Skills                         Stat Boosters
    Lucia     Swordmaster  --/14.03  38  18  10  27  27  19  14  15  A Swords          Parity, Critical +10, Shove
    Brom      Axe General  --/03.72  37  19  04  18  16  14  22  10  E Swords, C Axes  Disarm, Shove
    Mordecai  Tiger        16.01     57  28  02  18  18  15  32  08  A Strike          Smite, Shove
    Nealuchi  Raven        23.82     53  22  08  20  36  25  22  20  S Strike          Wrath, Shove, Canto      
    Leanne    Heron        05.40     25  00  06  02  12  27  04  22  ---               Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto    

    Part 2 - Chapter 2: Geoffrey's Charge

    Turns - 6/92

    Capped Geoffrey's Strength in the base so he could ORKO the Halberdier with the Speedwing with the Brave Lance. Fun fact, Tashoria survives being ORKO'd by the Brave Lance due to the lack of WTA he lives with 1hp so a five turn seems off the table with only Geoffrey in HM, although that would mean missing out the the 'wing anyway. I guess you could have Kieran follow him and trade equip him to the Killer Lance for a OHKO after Geoffrey broke the Door down. The allies distracted the enemies to get as much Bonus Experience as possible they actually all died thanks to the enemies being half decent in HM on this map.

    Unit      Class          Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills          Stat Boosters
    Geoffrey  Lance Paladin  --/17.08  38  25  08  24  22  19  19  15  A Lances      Paragon, Canto

    Part 2 - Endgame: Elincia's Gambit

    Turns - 1/93

    Nealuchi better than Haar, doesn't even need a Speedwing to ORKO Ludveck!:Kappa: Mordecai Smited Leanne so she could get back up the ledge after she refreshed Nealuchi and Brom shoved him so he could attack the Crossbow!Warrior to go into Wrath range then canto into the magic spot to double crit Ludveck. Brom's shove wouldn't be needed but for the fact that for some reason Raven's only have 6/8 move when all the other non-Heron/Dragon Laguz get 7/9 move, which is doubly stupid considering Hawk's are basically just straight up superior in terms of stats without having one extra move, Hawk's even have a better gauge to top it off. Mordecai got BEXP'd to .99 and Brom got all the rest which was a measly two levels.

    Unit      Class        Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Skills                         Stat Boosters
    Brom      Axe General  --/05.70  39  21  04  18  16  15  23  10  E Swords, C Axes  Disarm, Shove
    Mordecai  Tiger        16.99     57  28  02  18  18  15  32  08  A Strike          Smite, Shove
    Nealuchi  Raven        24.15     53  24  10  20  38  26  22  20  S Strike          Wrath, Shove, Canto      
    Leanne    Heron        05.50     25  00  06  02  12  27  04  22  ---               Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto    


    On 04/01/2019 at 8:09 PM, Zihark72 said:

    Oh right good point I forgot about that. Is that acceptable with you @Sturm? I will record future sessions and upload them to youtube so it wont happen again.

    Yeah sure, it's fine with me.

    6 hours ago, Zihark72 said:

    Oh also I had a question regarding Green units. Is it acceptable to delay recruiting tormod so that he kills people while he is green or is that against the rules ?

    Yeah, you can certainly try this, you don't even have to recruit Tormod if you don't want to as he auto recruits after the map along with his mates, so you don't miss the Celerity. However, I've tried this and it's not very useful because their AI is set to chase after Sothe rather than attack enemies. I think they will attack but only if they happen to be able to attack something after they have full moved towards Sothe if that makes sense. I usually just ignore him completely and let them just run about.

  11. I've kind of forgotten most of the turncounts so these are mostly guesses will check at the end.

    Chapter 9 - 6/86

    Barst went Pirate and killed everything, Jagen was going to get the treasure but he didn't have time before a Pirate used his head as a chopping block.

    Chapter 10 - 9/95

    IIRC Barst killed 2 Cavs and one of the Dracos while Jagen and Marth killed a Cav each and a Draco between them, Barst plus Jagen got the Master Seal and Barst killed the Boss, just ignored Minerva so no Hauteclear unforturnately. Got the Levin Sword thanks to the enemy thief. I meant to buy door keys but forgot which ended up costing me some Master Key uses later on.

    Chapter 11 - 16/111

    Barst promoted and killed everything on his way to Lindes village, she got the Spirit Dust and Speedwing and I feed basically the entire Castle Area to her. 

    Chapter 12 - 25/136

    Fed basically every promoted enemy on the map to Linde she was level 14 or so by the end of the map and got all the Treasure with Marth, gave the Boots to Linde so she can keep up more easily. Obviously could have done this way quicker if I just have Barst solo everything but you know got to make Linde good right and even Barst is probably going to hit a point where he can't solo everything anymore.

    Chapter 13 - 4/140

    Just had to get a bit lucky with some dodges/ Ballista's deciding not to attack, Jagen fed the thieves to Linde while Barst cleared Marth's way to the Gate.

    Chapter 14 - 8/149

    Jagen went Bishop which he'll probably stick to at this point as Linde/Barst and now Palla can handle the combat. Linde and Jagen went to get the Silver Card while Barst went to the Thone managed to feed the Boss kill to Palla and she got the energy drop, had to use a Master Key use on the Bridge.

    Chapter 15 - 7/156

    Palla went Archer unfortunately she's just short of OHKOing the Draco's with the Forge, Barst went and got the Energy Drop which Palla used and Linde cleared Marth's way, she and Jagen went shopping for a bunch of weapons and stuff.

    Chapter 16 - 9/165

    Barst went Berserker so he could go to the shop and buy Door Keys, he weakened the Dracoknights first for the others to kill and then Palla and Linde killed stuff over the water after that it was a pretty casual stroll to the throne, Linde fed the Boss kill to Palla. 

    Unit  Class     Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stat Boosters
    Marth Lord      13.23    27  15  00  07  18  16  10  00    
    Jagen Bishop    --/11.36 26  04  04  12  09  04  04  08
    Barst Hero      19/10.53 48  23  01  30  24  19  19  03  
    Linde Mage      18.54    29  00  17  14  20  20  03  08  Spirit Dust, Speedwing
    Palla Archer    16.90    28  18  00  12  15  06  13  00  2 Energy Drops
    Xane  Chameleon 01.45    18  02  01  02  08  09  04  10


  12. Part 1 - Chapter 9: One Survives

    Turns - 4/61

    Standard stuff, Miccy got some nice levels and she also found the Coin as an added bonus. Unfortunately she didn't get any HP which I would prefer at this point as her Speed is pretty solid already.

    Unit     Class       Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Skills                     Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage  17.20  23  03  18  17  17  20  10  19  B Light      Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve

    Part 1 - Endgame: Daien Arise!

    Turns - 6/67

    Probably could be done it in five turns with Pass/Saviour Sothe carrying Micaiah but I feel like it's more useful to transfer those Skills over to the GM's so I opted to take a six turn which probably let's Jill get more experience anyway. Jill got BEXP'd to 20 and promoted and I gave Micaiah just enough BEXP to hit level 19 so I didn't waste any of it. Forged Jill a max everything Steel Axe, a max everything Knife for Sothe with a Coin for +10 hit and another +5mt/+15 Crit Light tome for Laura. Ilyana took Saviour, Hammer, Brave Sword, Adept, Pass, Celerity, Ashera Icon and an Arms Scroll for the GM's, I'm not totally convinced if transferring Adept was the best choice but I think so.

    Sothe killed the Fighter and then the Archer up the ledge so Jill could drop BK below the Knight and then she got some experience killing most of the stuff near the middle especially the two thieves while BK walked the rest of the way. Laura shoved Rafiel twice so he could get up the second Ledge on turn two and then she dealt with the reinforcements from the South and got the Reaper card at the end. Micaiah just walked the first three turns and then Sothe rescued her and gave her to Jill with help from Rafiel to drop her near the door, she took care of most of the enemies at the top with a bit of help from BK, meanwhile Jill doubled back and picked up Rafiel then Sothe dropped him at the top. Nailah followed along so BK could rescue her at the end so he didn't double Jarod and Jill could take the kill instead. I thought about getting the Parity with Jill but she was one square short and it's only really useful in the 4-E-5 and maybe 4-E-1 anyway. Sothe got the Speedwing.

    Unit     Class        Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Skills                                Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Sage   19/01.00 26  06  21  18  20  22  13  21  A Light, C Staves Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve             
    Sothe    Rogue        -/07.65  36  22  07  26  24  19  16  12  S Knives          Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel, Imbue
    Laura    Bishop       10/02.97 23  07  19  12  14  13  08  13  C Staves, E light Shove, Shade, Wrath
    Jill     Dragonmaster 20/04.26 36  21  05  18  23  22  21  09  D Lances, A Axes  Canto, Paragon                        Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Dracoshield
    Rafiel   Heron        13.13    32  02  14  02  12  32  06  26  ---               Blessing, Galdr, Shove

    Part 2 - Prologue: On Drifting Clouds

    Turns - 8/75

    Nealuchi punched the Dracoknights like a boss, it's kind of annoying how they can proc 15 Speed and not get doubled and how they can get just enough defence to take no damage so he only gets one experience, granted he only get's 3-4 exp for actually doing damage but still. He hit S strike and about 10 WEXP towards SS not that I imagine he'd have time to reach SS in part four.

    Unit     Class  Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills                        Stat Boosters
    Nealuch  Raven  23.46  53  22  08  20  36  25  22  20  S Strike     Wrath, Shove, Canto
    Leanne   Heron  05.10  25  00  06  02  12  27  04  22  ---           Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto

    Part 2 - Chapter 1: Winds of Rebellion

    Turns - 8/ 83

    Nephenee got the Steel Axe for Brom and then they killed the Archer and Soldier, after that Nephenee got the Ashera Icon while Brom fought his way slowly past the Knight, Nephenee weakened Yardley with a Wrath crit and Brom finished him off while Nephenee recruited Heather.

    Unit  Class        Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Skills         Stat Boosters
    Brom  Axe General  --/03.24  37  19  04  18  16  14  22  10  E Swords, C Axes  Disarm, Shove
    On 31/12/2018 at 9:24 PM, Zihark72 said:

    Winning run at 37:19 for ch6 part 1 and at 1:51:09 for ch6 part 2. Hoo boy this chapter kicked my butt. I had to cave at the second part of ch 6 because I got 3 good level ups and I had already restarted like 10 times. Ill just take the penalty for using both tauroneo and volug. I dont think it is possible to do it without using them. My Jill has gotten AWFUL level ups which is hindering my progress. When she finally got a good level up I just had to keep it. How are you guys doing with this?

    Nice to see your still going with this, what happened in Chapter four and five? I seem to remember the last video went up to Chapter three and for some reason it won't let me watch it now to check.

  13. Part 1 - Chapter 6: Raise the Standard

    Turns - 8/48

    Jill used all the Stat Boosters and Micaiah got Resolve while Sothe got Adept and Shade so Jill would get more experience. I tried to four turn the first part for a while, it's definitely doable but I'd have to have promoted Jill for it to be somewhat reliable and I didn't really want to promote her super early as that would be much worse in the long run so I settled for a pretty laid back five turn and just focused on getting as much experience as I could. Micaiah took care of the right side pretty much by herself while Laura got heals in when she could. Sothe went left and up killing some things and weakening others for Jill to finish off. Jill just flew around exposing herself to as many enemies as she reasonably could, the Pure Water actually came in really useful for minimising the threat of the Mages, probably more useful than the 3k gold would have been (it also came in very handy in chapter 8), Sothe also got the Arms Scroll on the last turn.

    Second Part Jill just killed all the Cavs and Sothe killed the Boss, I don't have anyone who can shove Sothe for the two turn though I could have had Jill rescue-drop him but I was concerned about getting experience, though looking back now she probably could have killed a good portion of the Cavs on turn two enemy phase after dropping Sothe but I didn't think about it for some reason.

    Unit     Class        Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills                             Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage   12.65    21  03  16  14  13  18  08  15  C Light       Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
    Sothe    Rogue        -/05.95  36  21  05  24  24  17  15  11  S Knives      Guard, Steal, Shove, Adept, Shade
    Laura    Priest       05.54    19  04  12  07  08  09  05  12  D Staves      Shove
    Jill     Dracoknight  18.19    33  16  03  14  18  18  16  05  A Axes        Canto                              Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Dracoshield

    Part 1 - Chapter 7: A Gathering Hope

    Turns - 5/52

    Sothe got Saviour to carry Micaiah and Paragon so he got like 15 experience instead of 7, #worth. Laura shoved Micaiah once so  Sothe could move far enough to drop her two right of the Armour blocking the northern cell so that the Longbow Archer was forced to attack her at two range otherwise he'd block the way. Jill killed most of the enemies and Hammered the boss she also freed one of the prisoners who died to the myrmidon but that was actually necessary otherwise he'd attack Jill and block Sothe's way and he needed to Shove Micaiah twice for her to seize, so good job Generic Soldier your death was not in vain. Laura freed one of the other prisoners for that sweet BEXP other than that she did nothing. Micaiah has 9 defence which is not something I was expecting or aiming for but I'll definitely take it, she's probably still going to get OHKO'd by Tigers in 3-6 without a Seraph Robe though which is kind of sad as It'd be really nice to be able to save it for Sanaki or Soren.

    Unit     Class        Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills                                Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage   13.30    21  03  16  15  13  19  09  15  C Light       Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
    Sothe    Rogue        -/06.23  36  21  06  25  24  18  16  12  S Knives      Guard, Steal, Shove, Saviour, Paragon
    Laura    Priest       06.00    20  04  13  08  09  09  05  12  D Staves      Shove
    Jill     Dracoknight  19.75    33  17  03  14  19  19  17  05  A Axes        Canto                                 Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Dracoshield

    Part 1 - Chapter 8: Glory Unwanted

    Turns - 5/57

    BEXP'd Laura to level 10 and promoted her because you really need three combat unit's for this map, yes Laura is now a 'combat unit'. The stupid thing was it took almost all my Bonus Experience to get her there and I haven't used any of it on anyone else, Hard Mode in a nutshell. I sold some random weapons so I'll be able to buy the Statue Frag next map if I think of a use for it. Laura got Wrath and took the Crit Light tome from Micaiah while Rafiel got Celerity to help her out while being able to stay outside enemy ranges, I also switched Sothe back to Adept but I'm pretty sure I could have got away with keeping Paragon on him now that I think about it, oh well. Unfortunately that meant Sothe can't reach the Arms Scroll, I tried having Volug get it but he failed and I wasn't going to reset just for that. Sothe went right and Micaiah went south, Laura took care of the left with Rafiel and copious amounts of Wrath Crits, I had her use a Pure Water so Mages deal no damage to her and then thickets and some timely Herbs/Vulneraries took care of the rest. Muarim, Volug, Nailah, Nolan and Saviour!Zihark rescued five of the prisoners so the Dracoknight would suicide on MIcaiah. I'm not sure what the probability of this strat working is, not great I would think but it actually worked on the first try so that was cool.

    Unit     Class        Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Skills                                Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage   15.25    23  03  17  15  15  19  09  17  B Light           Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
    Sothe    Rogue        -/07.16  36  22  07  26  24  19  16  12  S Knives          Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel, Adept
    Laura    Bishop       10/02.16 23  07  19  12  14  13  08  13  C Staves, E light Shove, Shade, Wrath
    Jill     Dracoknight  19.75    33  17  03  14  19  19  17  05  A Axes            Canto                                 Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Dracoshield
    Rafiel   Heron        12.52    31  02  12  02  12  31  06  26  ---               Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Celerity


  14. Chapter 6 - 18/54, rip turns

    I expected this map might have been the run killer but I managed to get through it just about, Chapter 7 wasn't that bad and then Chapter 8 you can finally buy vulneraries so it should ease up a bit from there at least for a while. There was no way I could go aggressive so all the thieves escaped I got the Bullion though because they leave that. First of I holed up in Ricard's cell to wait for the initial enemies, Marth killed two of the Knights and one Cav, while Barst + Jagen killed the other Khight and Cav and Jagen killed the Mage through the wall. After that was done Jagen killed the Mage and one Archer in the throne area from the right while the others just waited, used the first save point because he needed a dodge/crit. After waiting around for Jagen to catch up I hit the second save point and Barst Devil Axed the knight then Jagen one hit KO'd one Archer with a crit and Marth + Barst killed the other. Finally Barst killed the nearest knight in the throne room on enemy phase and then Marth OHKO'd the other and Jagen killed the remaining Archer with a crit, unfortunately needed a dodge or crit because everyone had around 2hp at this point. Finally Jagen and Barst ganged up on the boss, Barst got a Hand Axe crit and killed him on turn 18 which saved a turn, they were supposed to weaken for Barst to Hammer him the turn after.

    Chapter 7 - 20/74

    This was much easier but the reinforcements just never stop coming so it took forever, from what I understand every time you go across the line it sets them off again and I have to have Marth and Jagen wait back out of range of the cav that spawns from the right so every time they tried to advance they'd have to run back again. In the end I just had Barst sit on the centre fort with a couple of Hand Axes and just kept triggering the reinforcements until they finally stopped coming. Marth got the Kill on Minerva, Palla and the Thief while Barst got the generic Draco, he got like 5 levels or something from killing about 30 cavs. 

    Chapter 8 - 6/80

    Reclassed Barst to Merc so he could tank the four cavs and forged an 8 might Iron sword so he could ORKO them, I forgot how busted Merc bases are. Marth killed the boss with a Forged Rapier crit after Barst used the save point. Jagen went shopping and bought 10 vulneraries, the Rapier and a couple more Hand Axes. Barst is wtf ridiculous and Marth can hold his own thanks to a fair few save point rigged levels.

    Unit  Class      Level HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stat Boosters
    Marth Lord       09.08 23  12  00  06  15  14  10  00  
    Jagen Sniper     05.95 26  09  01  15  12  03  08  03
    Barst Merceneary 15.75 31  17  00  20  17  12  16  00


  15. Shit sorry, for some reason I thought we were only picking three units each, whoops. Give me best unit in fire emblem history Palla I guess. @Rute21


    Chapter 3: 7/19

    Easy chapter, Shiida blocked the guys in the north for two turns by face tanking a thief and then recruited Nabarl they both died immediately afterwards. Jagen with Steel Sword equipped went on the mountain while Marth got the Devil Axe which he gave to Barst while hitting the first save point, Barst then finished off one of the Fighters while the other two got distracted by Jullian and then Lena. Jagen Javelin'd the Hunters and Barst finished one while the other two killed the other. Jagen hit the save and Barst Steel Axe crit Reynard at like 1.6%, he got it on attempt 5 or 6 though so that was pretty sweet.

    Chapter 4: 8/27

    There was no way I could take on the Cavaliers without being wrecked by the Fighters straight after so I had to go across the River by the Arena to make the Cavs run over to the right and then double back again, thankfully I could just sieze before they caught up. Jagen went Sniper and Barst to Pirate and I forged an 11 might/20 crit Iron Bow. Marth just full moved really and got the 5k gold village on the way there, he got no experience. Barst got the Thief kill at the start, both Horsemen (Jagen procced Speed so he didn't get doubled, if he didn't then Barst would have to attack one  first and Jagen finish) plus the Boss kill. Jagen had to get a crit at 32% for Barst to finish the Boss and I didn't have the means to hit any of the save points so that was a bit annoying, but overall not too bad.

    Chapter 5: 9?/36

    I forged a 12 might rapier but after starting chaper 6 I decided I needed a 13 might rapier so I can OHKO Knights at least for Chapter 6 (I don't think I have the cash for 14 might). So I'm going to have to redo this but the strat will be the same so I'll just post it now. I pretty much had to slow down to get exp for Marth because he'll start getting one shot pretty soon otherwise, not that I could go that much faster anyway. Marth OHKO'd two of the Cavaliers while Barst killed the other and Jagen fed Marth the Peg while Barst hit the save point for Marths level up. Marth also recruited Wendell at the same time ( I would consider killing him for the exp if I had the means but I don't and Barrier Staff is nice to have anyway). Jagen fed both the Thieves to Marth and Barst again hit the second save point for Marth's level, shameless I know. Marth killed the Boss after Jagen chipped him. Hardin's group all died distracting stuff on the left of the map.

    I'll post stats when I've redone Chapter 5, safe to say Barst is pretty stacked.

  16. Part 1 - Chapter 3: A Faint Light.

    Turns - 7/27

    Could have six turned if I went through the east but the west gets a lot more experience plus easier time recruiting Aran for the Sleep Staff. I used a turn one strat that I remember seeing a long time ago somewhere but I don't know who came up with it, it's just pretty neat so I always remember it. Sothe kills the Myrmidon and then Micaiah moved one south and Directs Kurth and Aimee to one below her which causes Kurth to move below her while Aimee blocks the other gap. Sothe then killed the Fighter and Micaiah Thani'd the Armour Knight afterwards Micaiah and Sothe went to escape with Micaiah killing the Armours and the Boss and Sothe killing everything else, while Nolan spent the rest of his drafted life tanking stuff trough the Wall so Laura could spam heal. Aran carried Aimee to the escape for some extra Bonus Experience, no one else escaped. Also the Kard actually broke lol, I've never seen that happen before.

    Unit     Class       Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills                      Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage  06.92    18  02  12  11  11  14  04  09  D Light       Sacrifice, Shove
    Sothe    Rogue       -/01.82  35  18  04  20  20  15  14  09  A Knives      Guard, Steal, Shove
    Laura    Priest      02.21    16  04  09  04  06  08  03  11  D Staves      Shove

    Part 1 - Chapter 4: A Distant Voice.

    Turns - 7/34

    BEXP'd Laura to 2.99, gave Wrath to Micaiah, Cancel to Sothe and Shade to (Laura not that I expect that to actually do anything). Sold the Fortune and a bunch of weapons that no one can use and bought the Beastkiller and a +5 might +15 Crit Light tome. I deployed Aran to help find items as he's on best Biorhythm. Sothe killed the Tiger and then Enemy Phase he killed a Cat and a Tiger, while Micaiah killed the other Cat with a Wrath Crit. Sothe moved one south to kill another Tiger on turn two EP and then after that just went clockwise round the Map getting the Beastfoe and the Seraph Robe on the way. Micaiah crit killed the two Tigers trying to break the wall and then the one over the wall where the Coin is. Laura healed as much as she could and she also got the Pure Water, Aran found the Master Seal. I didn't get the gold as it costs a Turn and I don't think it's that sorely needed. Beastkiller only has one use left.

    Unit     Class       Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills                      Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage  08.16    19  03  13  12  11  15  05  11  D Light       Sacrifice, Shove, Wrath
    Sothe    Rogue       -/03.66  36  20  04  22  22  16  14  09  A Knives      Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel
    Laura    Priest      03.43    17  04  10  05  07  08  03  11  D Staves      Shove, Shade

    Part 1 Chapter 5: The Lost Heir.

    Turns - 6/40

    BEXP'd Laura to 3.99 and Forged a +2 might Iron Knife for Sothe so he could ORKO Fighters. Micaiah and Laura stayed back while Sothe went up to clear everything out and Volug went up the Ledge, Micaiah killed the nearest Fighter with a Wrath Crit on Enemy Phase, she had barely enough HP/Def to survive. Sothe rescued her on turn two while Volug blocked the eastern ledge then Sothe dropped Micaiah next to the Ledge on turn three so she could kill everything with Wrath Crits. Sothe stole the Master Seal as well as the Shine Barrier, Sothe got the Boss kill partly because it meant Laura got an extra Heal but also because he gets a decent chunk of experience from it and Micaiah gets quite a bit from just killing common enemies. 

    Unit     Class       Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills                      Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage  10.30    21  03  15  12  12  16  07  13  C Light       Sacrifice, Shove, Wrath
    Sothe    Rogue       -/04.67  36  20  05  23  23  17  15  10  A Knives      Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel
    Laura    Priest      04.44    18  04  11  06  07  09  04  11  D Staves      Shove, Shade


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