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Florina's #1 Fan

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Everything posted by Florina's #1 Fan

  1. I usually just feed boots to knight units. That's what I did with Wendy in FE6, because I really liked her and she couldn't go very far without a boost. The other pair I had I gave to Thany because in that one desert level near Arcadia, I forgot to pick up an object in the sand all the way in the bottom left corner of the map, and you had to do that mission in a certain number of turns to go to the legendary weapon paralogue, so I got Thany to drop Chad over there through a convoluted three or four turns of Ellen warping, using boots, rescuing, and counting movement ranges. It was a nightmare, but I was not doing that level again.
  2. But... without the lightning sword... he's nothing but a regular lobster.
  3. Laslow, Odin, and Selena probably had to be buttkissers or they wouldn't be taken as retainers, which I think was very important to their mission (whatever exactly their mission was, I still don't understand). The other retainers were in bad shape when they were recruited for the most part, Niles tried to rob the castle, Beruka tried to kill Camilla, Peri was a serial killer o_o, Effie was a relatively poor commoner, and Hana was vengeful and angry. They were redeemed through this job, or it least made them feel like they had a purpose. I don't like the constant compliments, but I understand why the retainers are happy to serve, especially Camilla's retainers, who are doted on all the time like they're her newborn children, because that's what Camilla does :\
  4. On a ROM hack I really like, The Crimson Arm, Knights can use bows, which at least sort of remedies the movement issue, having a ranged weapon and being effective against fliers, who can't put a scratch on them anyway. I agree with the movement issue, though, Valbar was a pain to position at a chokepoint when it took him so long to get there. I reclassed a lot of units to Griffon Rider, but only because of Deliverer. On my FE concept blog, I set up Griffon Riders as like airborne Fighters, having high HP, good strength, the highest speed of the flier classes, awful defense and resistance, and weaknesses that both beasts and fliers have. However, I think not having an additional weapon makes them a little harder to use, because they can't counter their weapon triangle weakness, and they additionally have many weapons that are effective against them. This would make them a risky class to use, just like other weapon-locked classes, like Berserkers. In Awakening, though, they are just worse Wyvern Lords. An airborne Master of Arms would be very interesting, actually.
  5. The male royals got on my nerves. The female ones were either tolerable (Sakura, Elise, Hinoka) or I liked them (Camilla). If I count Azura as a royal, though, then... yeah, no, I don't like her either. She's just pair up fodder for my super Hero Silas.
  6. I don't like either of them, especially not Xander- Although Ryoma also ticks me off- And the Revelations scene where you chose not to choose one of them over the other and they both lose it because RARGH HE CAN'T PICK US BOTH WHAT IS THIS KILL HIM WE HATE YOU AND WE WON'T LISTEN TO REASON. Hey, that's not fair!
  7. So, after finding so many who disliked Archers for their inability to counterattack on enemy phase (I love them anyway), I was curious to see what class you dislike the most, and if you want, what you would change about it to balance it with other classes. For me, that class would be Strategists. Valkyries I was okay with, I never loved them, and in Awakening, I always reclassed Maribelle. But I specifically hate Strategists, the unisex Valkyries from Fates. They just can't hit anything, which is frustrating because the payoff for training a healer is usually, upon promotion, they can participate in combat effectively, albeit without much security. It isn't just Elise, who I always bench because her skill growth is so bad, but I didn't want Leo in Dark Knight or Sorcerer, both of which also can't hit anything, so I tried him in Strategist. Nope. Still bad. He has utility as a healer, which is nice, but considering that in Revelations, Sakura was my go-to healer, that wasn't too helpful. Other times I tried Strategist included: Felicia (bad), Saizo (not bad, but much better as a butler, and awful caps held him back), Niles (never again), and Sakura (much better as a priestess). And going back to Awakening, I also tried Strategist Maribelle, but I hated it, because every single one of her caps was worse as a Valkyrie (with the exception of everyone's favorite stat, Luck) in comparison to Dark Flier, which suited her much better, because it was an offensive class and was simply better. To fix it, I would make them durable. There aren't any magic classes in Fates that can take a hit. Dark Knights are the closest, but really, they just have an HP cushion. A mounted unit should have better defenses than wet tissues, and should also be a little less concentrated on resistance because, it's clear that, if other mounted units are any indicator, horses have poor resistance :\ Strategists, and even Troubadours, could even bring back light magic, which would be awesome, and with their high constitution (although in Fates/Awakening that isn't a thing ) and possibly strength (again, mounted class) they would have no issue with carrying those tomes. With a lower magic stat in comparison to clerics, they wouldn't overshadow the cleric's supportive role instantaneously, either (Priscilla vs. Serra and Maribelle vs. Lissa, anyone) and with poor resistance, they could be less of a resistance sponge and more of a physical soaking magic class, something which is very rare, even though newer games are making it clear that magic will no longer be the go-to for damage because more and more enemies are given a resistance stat, and therefore not all magic units should be glass cannons. What class do you dislike and how would you make that class better?
  8. This... is the most incredible thing I have ever seen. You should make a thread to expand just on this idea, like an entire system based upon the shallowness and unintentionally humorous drama of reality TV. I lost it at "I got dogs to put through college."
  9. Fixing my least favorites: Lyn- Be a little more uncomfortable with the journey? She goes off to avenge her tribe without a trace of "I've never done this sort of thing before", and she just sort of accepts that she's royalty without a hitch. She immediately puts her trust in a person she finds laying on the ground (I don't like that in Awakening, either). I get that being headstrong and trusting is part of her character, but Lyn is so young, you'd think she'd have a little... I don't know, hesitation, before going out into a world she hardly knows at all? Asugi- The most shameful to me of the Fates copycat children, Asugi had the most potential to not be like Gaius. Saizo puts a lot of pressure on him, so I get that he'd naturally want to rebel, but it's revealed he actually does has some pride in the name Saizo, it would have been nice to play around with how Asugi views his father a little more. Additionally, drop the candy thing. Haha, it's so funny that this character is almost literally the same as Gaius. Oh wait. It isn't -_- Asugi has one of my favorite recruitment chapters of the children, where he chooses not to help Funke raid a manor, meaning that, unlike Gaius, Asugi is not okay with robbing someone, and he is willing to stand up for himself and leave if he doesn't want to be a part of the task at hand. Gaius simply pretended to be willing to kill Emmeryn so that he could rob the castle. Expand upon that, and he might not be a carbon copy of the Awakening thief most know and love. Takumi- Kill him off Just... I don't know. As a character, Takumi just annoys me. He should at least trust Azura by this point. She grew up with them, she likes it there, and I don't think she remembers much of living in Nohr, so why would she still have loyalty to Nohr? And the possession thing- don't do it. You don't get how Takumi would actually react to his sibling betraying them, just HATE HATE HATE SHOOT ELISE HATE HATE. It's annoying, and it doesn't make me pity him like demon possession should, I should feel guilt for being the cause of Takumi being depressed enough for demon possession, I shouldn't be laughing at him because he's angst incarnate. If they wrote him a little better, I would like him, but considering he's just so obnoxious, and Heroes calls him "prickly", which I cannot tolerate because that sounds like they're defending his actions, I can't like him. Furthermore, the demon possession thing bothers me because Hinoka should have been more vulnerable to that. She devoted her entire life to getting the avatar back. Her whole life was dedicated to Corrin, to getting Corrin back, and then she finally gets Corrin, she meets him/her, all grown up, she gets excited and her life is complete, and then NOPE. Her mom dies and Corrin runs off with Nohr, the very people who kidnapped him/her in the first place. Hinoka has so much more to be angry about, and she's older than Takumi, so she would remember Corrin a little better than Takumi, and the betrayal would sting much worse. And yet, Takumi is bitter enough already that it's easier to possess him.
  10. I agree with almost all of that: Arthur, as a character, is really sweet and I always enjoy his supports. As a unit, meh. I also thought Conquest's ending was the best. I'm sorry, but Hoshido would not win against Nohr. It just wouldn't happen. Faye... I don't hate her or dislike her, I just don't like her that much. She's adorable, she's just one-note. I also love archers, I never do a playthrough without at least one I don't relate on Awakening, although I completely understand. There are lots of characters in Awakening that have very nice backstories, but you have to find the right supports. Maribelle, Henry, and especially Gregor and Libra are fleshed out primarily in supports. Libra and Gregor may be some of the best FE characters, personality and story-wise, in a long time. I just can't get over how great Gregor's supports are... but I'm getting off-track :\ I actually don't like Lyn that much either. When I first started FE7, the only thing I knew of Lyn was that she was a really cool assist trophy in Smash Bros. Brawl. Her personality is kind of generic FE protagonist. Her design is okay. The Laguz coming back would be fantastic, more shapeshifters. I want more Taguel, though (if by Laguz, you just mean Tellius creatures, I apologize), Panne is personally my favorite transformation character. I also really like Mordecai in Tellius, though. I like Chrom, Hector, Ike, and Micaiah. The others... meh. I have almost never played a game, read a book, or watched a movie/TV show of any kind where I liked the protagonist more than the side characters. The only exceptions to that are Bojack Horseman, Rick Sanchez, and Mabel Pines. Almost Steven Universe, but Pearl and Peridot exist, so... In FE, the only lord/main character that has ever come close to beating my favorite side characters in-game is Ike. And even then, he can't compete with Titania, Ilyana, Oscar, and Soren.
  11. Definitely the Greil Mercenaries. Titania, Oscar, Ike, Boyd, Soren, Shinon, and Gatrie? I'm sold, Oscar is my cinnamon roll and Titania is my favorite pre-promote ever (Frederick almost beats her). Although a close second would be the Shepherds. I enjoyed how they didn't make each other angry even though a lot of them had directly contrasting personalities. If I was Miriel, I would have lit Vaike on fire by now -_-
  12. I would love a Genealogy remake. The story is great and the character design is nice (although a remake would hopefully reduce the amount of pompadours). The issue I have with Genealogy is that it requires so much patience to get through a single map because they're so large, if you don't have money, you can't trade valuable items, and there were some serious balancing issues (Arden, anyone?). I love the game to death, but I just can't play through it. It takes so long to do anything and units that aren't mounted get left behind. And if Genealogy's map size stayed the same as a remake, I would definitely want there to be in-battle saves like in Awakening and Fates' easier difficulties, because Judgral, for me, at least, is best played in short bursts.
  13. I used a quote from his FE wiki page. I actually have not encountered him in PoR yet, I'm really early into the game, I just got Rolf and Mist :\ I freaking love Ayra. She made me not hate Astra, because in Awakening's Exponential Growth map, counter would screw over all of my swordmasters, a class I only put Lon'qu and Gaius into for Astra... I love how she would just run and leap at her opponent like some sort of page out of a manga and then just keep flinging her sword.
  14. Clearly it is the truth of the statement. I mean, look at all that fur he's wearing. It has to be goat hair.
  15. All of the characters I care about are either unimportant or not quite important/unique enough to make it in the game:\ Miriel, Florina, Tana, Gregor, Charlotte, Benny, Effie, Niles, Setsuna, Sigurd, Titania, Lex, Lachesis, Nephenee, Libra, Lon'qu, Ilyana, Flora, Linde, Jeorge, Maribelle, the list goes on. I never have interest in sword wielding lord characters over cool side characters nobody gives enough credit to, so I never get characters I really want to use. It would go like this: Ashnard-"No matter what strength a person has, it is the station he is born into that controls his destiny. The strong will possess everything." Mozu-"Well, you smell like a goat!" Ashnard-"Noooooooooooo!!!" (proceeds to turn into dust)
  16. I didn't know that VA until you wrote him in your post and I searched him. He's Gaara, Leviathan, and Lloyd? That's so awesome o_o
  17. So, supports have been a staple of the FE franchise for a long time, but Genealogy was the first to use that concept to produce child units that participated in the second half of the game. Now, Awakening and Fates did things a bit differently, in that there were romantic supports and child units that were able to join the first generation campaign by some plot stuff (or in Fates' case, the childhood killing dimension the writing team made up to recruit the children). My core question is: Does allowing the player to choose pairings ruin the plausibility of the gen 2 units' personalities? What I mean is, let's say that a player hooks up Chrom with Sully. Why would Lucina care about dresses? And if Vaike is so dumb and focused on physical strength, which we know he is, why is it that if you put Miriel with Vaike, Laurent comes out a carbon copy of Miriel? That doesn't make much sense to me. If the games' creators chose all the pairings, could we have more interesting gen 2 characters? For example, let's say in Lucina's original future, Sumia, her mother as determined by the developers, contracts a disease and dies very early in Lucina's life. Lucina would have more of an issue talking to her mother when she travels back in time, because she didn't know her very well, but knows that Sumia is her mother and that she wishes she could have known her better. A pairing between Cordelia and Gaius might result in a Severa that almost ran away (or did run away) from her parents, parents who may have fought often due to Chrom playing a part in their marriage despite not being in it, and a father who was often absent because of his criminal lifestyle. A pairing of Libra and Tharja could cause Libra to take Noire and leave Tharja, who was spiraling into insanity and was cursing them for no reason. Then, the kids would grow up different and would have more material in their supports with both of their parents in the past. This is just a question I've had, because I don't like the idea of forcing characters together, but conversations between the player's chosen parent and the child unit always bore me or make me confused and annoyed that they seem so out of character, like Beruka and Kana's supports (I love your smile, mama? Wait... Beruka smiles? At flowers?), Lucina and Sully's (Sully wearing a dress... hmmm), or Vaike and Laurent's (The words "coochy coochy coo" came out of Vaike's mouth). I understand that it would take way too much time to make the children's supports with the chosen parent unique in comparison to the others that would have their own unique supports, but that's why I'm asking not only what you think of the question, but what alternative ideas you have, what else the next FE could do to make pairing feel more natural, or if pairing just shouldn't exist anymore and supports should be just that, supports, like in the GBA titles. I don't currently have an opinion on this, by the way. The reason I'm asking is because on my FE concept project (the blog is in my signature, it isn't a fangame, though), there would be a gen 2 campaign, but there are a few kids that I feel would have interesting backgrounds if they had certain parents, but I don't know if forcing pairings is the right way to go. I just want to see how people answer the question, so don't nitpick what I wrote. I don't really care if my examples are wrong or you particularly like a chosen parent/child support, because that isn't the point of the question, not to sound rude. I don't want to argue, I want to debate.
  18. You are making Ike cry. I can sense his soul being crushed. I totally agree, though, screw "friendship power"
  19. Okay, so I'm sure this type of question has been done before, but I want to see who everyone picks. Comment your favorite character from each game in the franchise you have played (it doesn't have to be to completion, just that you have played it). If you want, you can also pick a second place character. Mine would be: FE4- Lachesis (Sigurd) FE6- Dorothy (Thany) FE7- Florina (Guy AKA Slippers) FE8- Tana (Artur) FE9- Titania (Nephenee) FE13- Maribelle (Henry) FE14- Charlotte (Setsuna) FE15- Sonya (Python) Also, quick explanation of Slippers, I named him Slippers because Myrmidons in the GBA games look like they're wearing pajamas and I gave my FE7 characters nicknames. I can't remember anyone else's nicknames anymore, though. I told some people on Reddit that and they thought that was awesome, but it was really just an observation I had. Even though on my first playthrough I didn't use him, I loved Guy so much on my second playthrough that after I nicknamed him that I gave him the Regal Blade at endgame and he single handedly slayed the dragon.
  20. Yeah, that works much better. I would say it's like using Pheromosa, who is really hard to outspeed and can KO most of the Pokemon in the meta, but if she's outsped, she dies, no questions asked, so using her on your team is a risk in itself.
  21. I love Awakening. It was what introduced me to the series, and I don't have a game franchise that's more important to me. People love to pick on it, but honestly, even with the watered down strategies in comparison to the other games, there are things that I like and dislike in all the games (no trading in FE4, pitiful constitution on almost all the female characters in the GBA games, the lack of the Light-Anima-Dark magic triangle in 13, 14, and 15, 9 and 10's art style outside of the portraits), and Awakening did more things right than wrong. The characters I've actually always liked, no matter how much people call them one-note, and the avatar, while a little drab, wasn't a total mary-sue like Corrin, and actually had some nice supports, unlike Corrin, and had stats that were more flexible, unlike Corrin, and didn't have as many cheesy lines as Corrin -_-
  22. Well, I will agree to disagree, because I said that it wasn't specifically about my luck, but the fact that the numbers for an enemy critical hit are not high. They never are, unless they're using a killer weapon. And since you consider being critted so likely and Charlotte's CEv so crippling, whereas I do not, because damage output being tripled, or in the case of Fates' killer weapons, quadrupled, along with Charlotte's very high strength, is worth it to me, I feel like this would be a never-ending argument that I don't want to have. I would not compare it to stealth rock, though, there are plenty of kamikaze pokemon with a heavy weakness to stealth rock that can still perform effectively, like Talonflame.
  23. I have a blog in my signature where I have the beginning of an FE story, as well as stats, a couple supports, and all the playable characters' character descriptions. I don't think it'll ever be a real game, but I have the concept down. Also, the art style you have for Beneventi is amazing. It reminds me of an old storybook.
  24. I think it's more like Anna hates you. I have seen very little crit ratios from an enemy above like, 5%, unless someone is attacking Sophia, Arthur, or has a killer weapon. Now, I have been critted with a 1% chance, which is horrible, but again, unlikely. Statistically speaking, being critted by an enemy is very uncommon.
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