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Vicious Sal

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Everything posted by Vicious Sal

  1. Not in my runs with him. =/ And i still chose him after that in another draft. >___<
  2. 6. Vicious Sal - Zihark, Ilyana, Leonardo, Marcia, Makalov, Rhys, Renning, Lucia, Stefan Damn, awsm, I get Zihark! =3 leonardo, don't want, exp hog from Ilyana. =/ Though the chipping earlygame will help a few turns, after that i'll ditch him. Marcia... makalov, Lucia, part 2 overkill. Part three will suck early on, then i'll get ilyana back. Renning & stefan are late, but RNG proof. Desert chap isn't hard with mages or marcia. I think this'll work. I'll start POR, since I've got vacation atm, but still busy learning for exams. =/
  3. The spot is open? Yes? I would like to fill in, just don't expect me to start right away, got 2 other drafts, and my final exams start may 16th, so I won't be doing much anyway anytime soon.
  4. Is there someone who can sing the Galdr of Impatience to wake up the Evil God inside this medallion that will release her fury upon nintendo for making her worshippers wait so long for this game?
  5. Or to get more people to buy Fire emblem, they're converting the Ds edition from japan to a 3ds version for the rest of the world? That'd be awsm.
  6. Jill is the first Unit you get that you cannot assign any skills to. Since miracle isn't in your inventory when you get her.
  7. The Lost Heir: With Sothe support, Micaiah can OHKO myrmidons, and faces 30-ish % displayed hit from fighters, she's still exceptionally frail. ;__; After she ate the spirit dust btw. Miciah doubles most fighter, because their weapons weigh them down. =3 They can OHKO her in return however. It wasn't real hard, since Mic could njust go up with sothe, volug too, volug wnet north to stay out of trouble, mic took some enemies on top, sothe went down and cleared the boss area. Tauroneo etc held their own. 6 Turns Raise The standard -1 Going for it, although I probly finish this one later today, got stuff to do. =/
  8. Best: Leonardo (I thought there was a dutch guide where he was referred to as a she. xD) Worst: Uwee hee hee Also, Nominating Best/Worst Deceased Character (Not the ones you can kill off yourselves, or bosses you have to kill)
  9. You're a genius! Why do I not think of that? -_- *Restarts Por disc* EDIT: Titania was killed by the generals & halberdiers & sniper & warrior in Repatriation. After Ashnard killed Ike two more times.
  10. Then I'm not allowed to use her for 3-1, I'll have to use someone else, It was impossible for me to use titania, and not get her to level 20, since she got to 20 somewhere along chapter 26. I did not give her stat boosters, should I hack her back to non transfer stats? Also, Metal, It's my third runs of Por, (finally gallery complete =D) and I just assumed it worked like Rd. c-D Guess not in that case, It's not my problem, My units are level 20.
  11. Meh still think so. 8D If It isn't so, then meh, it isn't.
  12. Yune, bird form also has the innate ability insight, just as Ashera's immense FOW sight range. Iirc, 1-P is one of the first maps that isn't rectangular.
  13. Finally finished Por, so I set myself a reminder here: Im my Draft RD File, the upper is for the transfer, the lower is for this draft. -Begins with Under Gray Skies Times Two- EDIT: Weeee Beginning Under Gray Skies Standard 5 Turns, there's a magic spot for edward where bandits do not attack him even when they can, and he's in Ko range, so Micaiah got nice Exp. Unit Level Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 3 22 16 2 9 9 9 12 2 6 5 Turns + 3 Maiden of Miracles Meh, Six Turns, Got the steel sword, Mic got the boss kill. 6 turns. + 3 The dispossessed I had Nolan work his miracles, shoving, killing, Sothe got the drop, clearing the upper part. Pretty standard again. Got thani & Drop 6 Turns + 3 A Faint Light I lucked out here, kurth dodged a bunch, Enemies target Sothe over micaiah with thani. Everyone goes east, after the annoying fighter there goes for kurth. Nolan blocks his way back, he still goes for kurth, Mic & Sothe kill the LHS, mic was rescued two turns, killed the boss later, & escaped next turn. 7 Turns Unit Lv Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 7 17 2 12 12 10 15 2 10 Sothe 2 36 19 4 21 21 15 14 9 EDIT: CRAP, I HAVE DRAFTED LAGUZ WITH AVAILABILITY THAT AREN'T ROYAL! ;_____: I really need to learn how to use them. A Distant Voice I gave Mic wrath, and she killed a lot, didn't get doubled by cats, OHKO'd by tigers though. I gathered a lot of loot, took a turn longer than needed, since Mic didn't get the Beastfoe after a Near perfect level up. (Only non up was defense) Micaiah has 13 Speed, 2 Defense. 8 Turns
  14. Total Turns Taken: [Por] 165 Units: Nasir: Whew, you saved me from the Bk, and escaped a collapsing nados castle, and betrayed crimea, and gallia, and helped ena, and left goldoa out of disgust. Y'know, for a units I did not recruit, you did some marvelous things, you even got me a ship. And then sold it to stay with my merry band of ragtail mercenaries! =3 Tibarn: Yeah, sorry hawk king, I wanted Giffca's portrait to complete my gallery. =/ Geoffrey: 23 Kills Geoffrey was really helpful, I needed an extra units with long move, and since he had paragon, he didn't cost any Bexp, I really liked his outcome, and he will save me so much trouble in Rd, in his levels, especially part three, Though part 2 will still be butthurt for my turncount. =/ He was really amazing in my opinion, those last chapters I really got help, and he was usable right away. Later I removed paragon, for better level ups. Last three levels or w/e. Really a worthy Pick. Tanith: 48 Kills Yeah, Quite a gap, rescuedropping was awsm, she capped str fast, good weapons, laguzslayer & laguz lance were very welcome. Reinforce was amazing, since it kept enemies occupied, and those falcoknight gathered so much BEXP, they were the sole reason that I could get everyone to level 20. Endgame 3turn. =D Volke: 77 Kills Volke, why do you return so late in Rd, first time I used him, de did not disappoint, once he got stiletto's he just stomped every kind of units, crits, lethality, armor bonus, amazing, and ofcourse he could open chests, I had plenty of money, he culd steal, he has finding bonus, and he is just amazing overall. 5: Rolf 85 Kills, Rolf, Started real slow, didn't do much, but later on, when he promoted, at level 20 (Everyone promoted at level 20, zihark & Neph got the seals, he missed out). He got amazing crit, and brave bow, later double bow, and always laguz bows, worked wonders. He could always open a path, and he steadily got better, he has a really hard start though. =/ 4: Nephenee: 88 Kills, Nephenee, it's nephenee, she's just allround awsome, whatever lance she had, she's ORKO, even with a forged slim lance, smack on the crit bonus, and amile. =) Yes, nephenee is flat out amzing, and these transfers will help my part two & three problems. Yes, Nephenee Is just great! 3: Ike, 94 Kills, It's Ike, starts out sub-par, ends amazing, Gave him a speedwing early on, and in endgame a seraph robe. (If he capped Hp normally, Neph would get capped Hp ;_; ) It's Ike, and since I have no other Greil mercenaries till Rolf, he got a nice head start and rammed level 20 quite fast. Worthy free unit, absolutely. 2: Zihark: 102 Kills, Well, he was my first pick, and he doesn't disappoint, he's available soon in the DB, and with transfers, unbeatable. He isn't on spot 2 for no reason, he joins fast, he has good stats, and he dodges meteors like hell, so I didn't worry about magic, long range wasn't a problem for him. Zihark, most awsm Trueblade ever Imo. 1: Titania: 223 Kills. She's Titania, and I'm sorry i'll miss her most of Rd, since she'll help me in 3-1. She got a speed cap. =3 That'll shave of some turns in 3-1 i Hope. Titania, I salute you.
  15. Chapter 27: I want resolve, and I want to run, Nasir won't be recruited here, he's not gamebreaking material for me, since tanith for the next levels. Tanith runs, volke follows, everyone follows, tanith, volke & neph/zihark go to resolve, rest just goes north, I had some spare door keys, was nice, Turn 4, Geoffrey & Titania killed Hafedd or w/e, tanith arrived. Or was it tanith killing & geoffey arriving? Don't really remember, anyway, I ran away, leaving mist to deal with the black knight. Ow yeah, I also didn't have any problems in the rear, since Tanith reinforce'd here for her last time, they took most southern enemies. 4 + 1 Turns Chapter 28: Tanith took Savior, since reinforce won't make much of a difference anymore, Ike took wrath & resolve, Tanith rushed, everyone gathered as much Exp as possible, with laguz weapons, tanith took out most of the enemies though. =/ Rolf Is a godsgift with double bow. (Yeah, I got it, while going for resolve, since the thief goes to the same room.) Double bow gave him reach, making room for Titania and Geoffrey, Neph and Zihark cleared what was left. Tanith Critted the dragon, I had a laguzslayer left, and Ike killed the boss. Didn't get scared of mister sleep staff, he always missed. 4/5 Turns, don't really remember Endgame: Standard 3 Turn, well, after Ashnard not killing me. I'm certain reinforce gave me the extra BExp to save my ass and get everyone to level 20. Yay, Hooray, Fyeah. Finally I can put my beloved Radiant dawn Disc back where it belongs. =3 So yeah, Fyes. Cutscene Inner lol moment: Queen Elincia: I'm Nervous Me: WHAT IF I HIT HER! [Team] Finally, it's time, my own Greil Mercenaries: Unit Level HP Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Ike 20 60* 26* 10 27* 28* 18 24* 15 Nasir N/A Zihark 20 45 24* 7 29* 30* 18 18 6 Nephenee 20 53 25* 8 28* 26* 13 21 12 Volke 20 47 23* 2 30* 30* 18 16 8 Rolf 20 47 25* 7 30* 28* 16 17 10 Tanith 20 39 23* 15 26* 28* 21 17 15 Titania 20 50 22 8 26* 27* 20 18 14 Geoffrey 20 49 26* 11 22 27* 13 27* 13 Transfers: Ike: Hp, Str, Skll, Spd, Def Zihark: Str, Spd, Skll Nephenee: Str, Skll, Spd Volke: Str, Skll, Spd Rolf: Str, skll, Spd Tanith: Str, Skll, Spd Titania: Skll, Spd Geoffrey: Str, Spd, Def Giffca: Str Yes, I know, Giffca, I drafted Tibarn. Tibarn wouldn't max anything in that 1 Turn, And Besides, I didn't have the giffca Portrait yet. He wasn't used so, so what? 8D
  16. You need to read better, where the fuck do you think you are? *inb4couldn'tthinkofanythingbetter*
  17. Thanks all, I'm really tired right now, so I was SOOOO happy to not have to work Yesterday. ^_^ Right now not even fur from her original mother calms her down, keeps squealing every time. As long as she can cuddle somewhere in my sleeves or something she's quiet. =3 Troll posts were taken notice of, did not not expect them. *Goes back to feeding* Also, haven't thought of a name yet, it's a she, so blablabla yaddayaddayadda, you may think of a name, since I can't think of a name.
  18. Well, either that, or... Normal ash hit, me hits, resolve mode activate, he hits lethally, miracle. I don't crit kill him when he's ragelike, and he kills me next turn. Miracle saves my ass, only to stab me in the back later. ;___; I stopped playing for a sec though, since little pup needs attention more than ashnarb.
  19. I'm currently at endgame, everyone at level 20, some nice Transfers, only thing is, Ashnard refuses to not hit Ike, when he has 20 % displayed hit. =/ Ike even has miracle, Ashnard killed ike 13 times already. >____>
  20. Well, it's finally time, our Raccoondog gave birth. And not an ordinary one, double litter. Normally, Raccoondogs have about 6-7 pups, she had a WHOPPING 14! Great news, However, only 10 nipples for 14 pups proves uneasy. So, one of the rare white pups did not make it. Later, we checked to count the total number (we didn't know until we grabbed the barrel where they resided), and we found another white pup, near death. I spent the whole night caring for him, feeding milk, keeping him warm, and from a "barely breathing state" he went to a "squealing fluff of <3". And he only becomes silent when he lays on my stomach. <3 He recognizes my smell as his father/ mother, aw. <3 Btw, raccoondogs are not raccoons, www.wasbeerhonden.nl It has an english option, hasn't been updated since 2004, but the pups always look the same.
  21. Thanks, I'll add you to the list. Hopefully this'll get going. Would it attract more players if this would be a SOYO?
  22. Chapter 25 Heh, Finally a place where foot soldiers come in real handy, everyone stormed up, Zihark Took a pure water, tanith brings him up top, the two wipe out everything in sight even before the rest arrive. Geoffrey got two levels, which was nice. Not much to cover, Zihark adeptcritroflstomped gromell. 5 Turns Chapter 26: Cleared. =D Titania, Geoffrey & Tanith with Ike go forward, 2nd turn reinforce, distractions, free Bexp, Everyone just gains exp, Volke caps Str, not much going on, Tanith crit Renning with a nice forge, Ike seized. 4 Turns
  23. W00t I have Micaiah. <3 ^__^ Micaiah is awsome!
  24. HAs anyone ever tried reverse psychology on those Ninty employers? I found out when Pkmn Diamond was coming to the netherlands by calling them angrily wanting to know when my Pokemon diamond game was finally coming back. (I had sent it because there was a problem with it blablabla) Poor woman on the other end of the line said (in a suprised tone): "Huh, I don't quite follow, how can you have that game when Pokemon diamond is not scheduled to be released until the 12th of april..." That was somewhere in february. Try it, some of those aren't really hard to topple.
  25. Don't do a Blessed Venins only run. (As in, the last three chapters may only have Venin weapons to damage bosses bar ragnell) And venins are the only weapons you may use to damage normal enemies. And thank goodness this was NM.
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