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Vicious Sal

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Everything posted by Vicious Sal

  1. Are you seriously old-fashioned? Warnuke & Banzooka's are out already! 8D
  2. Partner units ---> Target Fire emblem forums "Move out for the selected target area" Welcome btw. ;o
  3. Be pissed. 8D It was dependent on your putting pieces together. 8D
  4. I so totally wish it would happen, but I don't think my Fanfic in the making would reach the 3ds & the Wii. ;___;
  5. Meg/Oliver is just plain hilarious. The support as well as the conversation.
  6. At least Mist deserves a Bronze Medal, for being a Third pick. 8D Actually, Mist is freaking awsm, Capping STR at 20 & Capping it again at 20/14 is awsm. Silith has a huge advantage now guys, you better watch out. ;o
  7. Yay, as the queen of crimea, I will make the upcoming century a golden age, every future king and queen will try to live up to my name. 8D
  8. Sorry, I refuse Levail as enemy only. ;__; Aren't there any codes that place him in the players party? Anyway, Great Hack, Really like the dawn brigade, as most here have said, KIU! *Hopes this isn't an old topic*
  9. Best: BroHark, Zihark is just damn trustworthy. He makes only one exception to not let anger and hatred guide his blade. Honorable mentions to a whole lot of others, Muarim hasn't been mentioned yet, but is also very trustworthy. Worst: Izuka, for backstabbing an continent. Hon mention to sephiran, backstabbing an entire continent.
  10. Danved still fights in 2-3 and Endgame, and if your excuse is, you don't have to deploy him, Nephenee doesn't have to fight. ;o Aran could be, doesn't have to. =/ Besides, Danved fights crimean rebels tenfold, so...
  11. So did danved. And aran too probably, since he sided with begnion at first.
  12. Nephenee raises her lance time and time again in defense of the realm! Imo that qualifies too.
  13. Dieck is ugly. Legault gets away with his scar, he's like, legault, black fang assasinator, it suits him. Dieck is still ugly. Ogma isn't, he was a gladiator. And scar himself isn't in fire emblem.
  14. [b]Forum Name:[/b] Vicious Sal [b]Brawl Name:[/b] Falco [b]Friend-Code:[/b] 2064-1964-2281 [b]Country/Time-Zone:[/b] Netherlands [b]Time you are often available:[/b] Wednesdays till fridays only.
  15. I'd like to play. ;o Just playoing brawl right now, although training you captain falcons to suicide punch is rather mehish.
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