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Vicious Sal

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Everything posted by Vicious Sal

  1. Well, I kinda have to thank you now, I managed to get one turn less now, with all the treasure. And well, Maybe Fiona would benefit. =/ Mic really shines actually, maybe i won't even give her the robe. =/ Anyway, resetting time to get that volunteer fighter in front of a house to fight. Ugh...
  2. Oh shit you're totally right. >_< I forgot, well, that means retrying 1-E I have the ADV save still. :) Sorry, i totally forgot about it. EDIT: Here it is, no Ilyana this time. =D 1-E Revised: Since i imagined Ilyana taking the speedwing, i broke a rule, which is why i redid this chapter. And it wasn't too shabby. Leo got s Speed extra, making him double for the first time ever! Fiona got less scene time, although not much, almost the same level up too. Zihark leveled up better this time, dodged more, and even kept his killing edge. I got all the treasure, and i was glad. This time, it was ok in the rules. It's my first draft, please do not hate me for this, my punishment was doing this chapter again. ;_; [/joke] 12 Turns, all chests were opened. Ilyana is taking: Discipline, Blue Gem, Ashera Icon, Paragon. Well, that's about it, Stats time! Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 19/1 0 26 7 21 15 16 23 11 21 A Sothe The rest is unknown because I forgot to check them before seizing this time. -__-" Total turns spent: 117 Well, Mic changes classes and clothes, right in front of pelleas, her comment on it: It feels... Odd... Sothe is not happy, pelleas must have been taping or something. Pelleas is just wrong. Edit: Yeah, now it's time for 2-P Nealuchi won't be that hard, his avo is still epic. EDIT2: Even better run this time, nealuchi's gauge worked with me perfectly, he attacked the beginning dracoknights, went to the middle, was attacked, detransformed on a non-cloud, was attacked, wrath time, Laguz stone ---> Cloud tile. Zeffren and everyone misses, Nealuchi double wraths him, leaving him at 1 freaking Hp. Last turn: Lots of suicide. Noone except Nealuchi was attacked, Leanne got her perfect 80 Exp. =D
  3. Well, it really shows that i lost points on the later chapters, i finished part 1 today, so here it is: 1-E I planned it all, and it required an enormous amount of luck, especially Mic having to kill the thieves. If you look at the stats of my Micaiah, and give her a Max Mt, Max Crit Light tome (And she has another one with axe card, + 2 Mt ftw) And if you give her celerity + support bonus, she will kill the thieves before they get to a chest. Do not open the chest at the middle, the second thieve will go up if you got it to early. Well, Zihark and Bk raped everything, Fiona killed of stuff, Leo was hampered, did some little stuff. Zihark ended Jarod with a Adept, Crit, Crit, Crit on him, thus breaking his Edge. Oh well. 13 Turns, all chests were opened. Ilyana is taking: Discipline, Blue Gem, Ashera Icon, Paragon, Unlock, Speedwing, Vantage. Well, that's about it, Stats time! Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 19/1 0 27 7 21 15 16 23 11 21 A Sothe Sothe 26 35 37 19 5 24 21 17 15 11 A Mic Vika 13 90 38 9 5 13 15 14 7 7 - Zihark 27 89 32 18 6 25 25 12 15 13 Sealeo (Oh the pun -_-" ) Leon 13 51 24 14 5 20* 15 11 10 10 CHark Fiona 15 27 27 12 7 13 14 11 14 7 Total turns spent: 118 Well, Mic changes classes and clothes, right in front of pelleas, her comment on it: It feels... Odd... Sothe is not happy, pelleas must have been taping or something. Pelleas is just wrong. 2-P Nealuchi was my free unit, Leanne really helped him out, allowing kills all over the field of those that came near me, on the last turn, nealuchi transformed, 6 dragons including zeffren came up, zeffren short axed him, he detransformed, the rest could easily kill off Marcia or elicia, through ganging up. However, they all targeted Nealuchi, so no penalty. Leanne is really awsm, she really helped out. :3 8 Turns, Leanne has 60 exp extra or something like that. Nealuchi also got the lances from Marcia and Haar, Nephenee won't be running out of stuff in 2-1 :3 8/126
  4. Woops Typo, 1-E. ;o And 24 is 20/4 right, they start tier two, so... They only went up just some levels, Zihark sadly isn't a trueblade yet...
  5. 1-8 Well, It was a rout. So, nailah abuse, Celerity Zihark raped radmin and everyone east, Leo and sothe took north, Mic and Vika south. 8 Turns + 6 (Nailah) 78 + 15 Turns Total 1-9 Looking for a 7 Turn strategie, Mic needs some extra kills, she has paragon. Won't work if she starts in worst, descending. >_< 12 Turns. Every time One respawns when I finish the last. >_< I traded turns for awsm mic lv ups. =D She's an epic fighting unit all of a sudden. I am really too lazy now to try again, since it took a lot of dodging at the start. (Mic didn't stay in the corner, she went west, Bk went north, she was on her own. And she ownd after she got + 2 speed in lv ups) 1-10 Team before battle: Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Support Mic 17 40 24 4 20* 14 14 22 8 19 A Sothe Sothe 25 83 37 19 5 23 21 16 15 10 A Mic Vika 13 18 38 9 5 13 15 14 7 7 Zihark 26 80 32 18 6 24 25 11 15 13 C Leo Leo 12 13 24 14 4 20* 14 10 9 10* C Zihark Fiona 12 63 27 11 7 11 12 8 12 6 <div><br></div><div>EDIT: I just tried 1-E for the fun of it, Celerity Micaiah killed both thiefs before the even came close to a chest.</div>
  6. The chapter has a rescue staff in it, use it to your advantage. ;) You can get the staff, make a run north with the staff user. (valkyrie mist has most move iirc, and uses the pass skill) and rescue haar, who can go further north. It's hard, and this is a strategy that need a lot of tuning ofc, but its a help, hopefully.
  7. Gawd, I hate it that 1-8 isn't a Defeat boss objective. >_> I could 3 turn Radmin with Vika, but nooooo. I have to take them all out. >_< Why!? I just want a 3-turn kill, not a 6-turn penalty. Stupid IS...
  8. I must say, I was lucky there, sothe critted 5 tigers one the first turn, My beast killer has 2 uses left atm, in 1-5. But my mic was doubled by even tigers. ;_; 1-5 Standard six turns, Mic and Leo both got great Lv ups, leo didn't get str though. =/ Got my 2nd master seal, that's all i need. 6 Turns, nothing special. Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Support Mic 7 23 18 3 13 10 9 15 4 9 A Sothe Leo 8 39 20 10 2 16 12 9 7 7 - Sothe 24 46 37 19 4 23 21 15 14 10 A Mic Total: 46 + 9 1-6-1 Damn, this was one hell of a hate level. I could not use Tauroneo or Volug, if i used them for shoving, they would be attacked from somewhere. They just sat quietly in the corner. Ofc this made the chapter insanely harder. Leo got good levels, leo was plain awsm with two HP, two Str, 2 and 1 def after some level ups. Mic got less action tho, so only a bit of exp extra, shame. Sothe tackled the north, zihark murdered everything 1 range in the west. Turn 6, pegasi suicided into leo, somehow 2 missed with 58% chance or something. Lucky leo. Zihark and Sothe even got a lv up both. Pretty satisfied with the result, although the amount of turns is greater than the others that had Volug or Tauroneo. =/ 10 Turns Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 7 57 18 3 13 10 9 15 4 9 Leo 10 26 22 12 2 18 13 9 8 8 Sothe 5 05 37 19 5 23 21 16 15 10 Zihark 4 03 31 17 6 23 24 11 14 12 Total: 56 + 9 1-6-2 What the fuck. That's the only good description for this. Mic was balista'd, 4 Hp. Best Bio, Support. Dodge machine. Everyone attacked her. Sothe and leo killed of stuff she did not crit. Zihark Moved to Laverton. Perfect enemy movement, they all 2-ranged zihark, missing all the time, laverton had to kick in at 1-range. Zihark did not crit however, so it cost me a turn. Not that big a deal, i don't want to push my mic luck here. =/ I was worried about mic to much at the start, so zihark stayed close the first two turns, which made it take a little longer than the usual. =/ EDIT: Ow yeah, I forgot how totally amazing the fiona army was, all in all, somehow they only had one knight casualty. I do not know hat the fuck happened there, but it sure was amazing. 6 turns Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 8 78 18 3 14 10 9 16 5 10 Sothe 5 20 37 19 5 23 21 16 15 10 Leo 11 8 23 13 3 19 13 9 9 9 Zihark 4 60 31 17 6 23 24 11 14 12 Total: 62 + 9 1-7 Well Well, this was a nice and funny chapter. I dumped a Secret book, energy drop and dracoshield on Fiona, and BExp'ed her two levels. Good Bexp levels, speed and str and Hp and defense, don't remember them exactly tho. Anyway, Fiona had a nice and shiny forged max mt max hit iron lance, and some javelins, she was ready to rock. Heh, eat rock, i'm pretty clever. (I love that daein soldier quote). Sothe and mIc went east, tormod recruited, vika reverted, waited for the mage on the ground floor. Max gauge again. Fiona killed a lot, zihark and leo tagged along. Opened some door with leo, he was rather shady here, most stuff was 2 ranged so... 8 Turns, no penalty, i'm happy. opened three doors, not the one with two prisoners in it, one prisoner died, i got 200 Bexp for prisoners survived. Total: 70 + 9 Turns Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 11 12 21 3 17 10 11 18 6 13 Sothe 5 48 37 19 5 23 21 16 15 10 Leo 11 99 23 13 3 19 13 9 9 9 Zihark 5 64 32 18 6 24 25 11 14 12 Fiona 12 63 27 11 7 11 12 8 12 6
  9. Why do I keep getting a glitched up post if I try to edit something? I editted My post above, and suddenly, that happens, those things do not show up when I edit the post. For the info, macbook. Does that have any connection to it? Edit: Apparently, after another edit, I could copy paste the stuff, and it was normal. However, I do keep getting things i did not use in my post. Like when I use the CODE bbcode, I save, and suddnely, in between the numbers, things like [size=] etc appear. =/
  10. 1-P 8 (+3) Turns Edward weakened everything for Micaiah, after feeding her mooch kills, she decided to do a 2 % crit on a brigand, saving me a turn killing it. Edward only killed one brigand, he weakened Pugo with his wrath, Leo attacked, Mic finished him off. Team: Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Micaiah 2.9 16 2 8 9 7 11 2 5 Edward 4.59 19 7 0 11 12 8 5 0 Leonardo 4.39 17 8 0 12 10 6 5 4 1-1 Nolan penalty ofc, Nolan puts him in zone of two fighters, Mic and Leo kill one each. Edward shoves Mic next to Leo, leo has only one space for direct attack. Nolan keeps softning things up. Somehow I managed to get the Hand Axe, Isaiya went down easily, Nolan escaped and Mic ascaped, Leo had to kill Isaiya, Edward may not escape. 7/15 (+3) Unit Lv Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 3.59 16 2 8 9 8 12 3 6 Nolan / Edward / Leo 5.17 18 9 1 13 10 7 6 4 1-2 Nolan again, he chokes the eastern side, mic kills the weakened soldier, Laura and Leo stand at the bottom of the ledge, waiting to go up. Next turn Leo moves up, shoots the fighter up there, mic takes his place at the bottom of the ledge, hits with 52 %, fighter lives on. Meanwhile, Nolan goes back a bit, Soldier and Fighter or something start a suicide into a hand axe. Next turn, they're dead. Fighter that wasn't killed of by mic and leo attacks leo, misses o.O. Next trun, Leo kills him. Meanwhil, sothe kills some soldiers, crits here and there, saving some kard usage. Bronze bow archer attacks from above a ledge, through pillars, mic nearly dies, and misses, nolan goes around up the stairs, hand axe power, mic hits from the bottom of the unpassable ledge thingy. Archer down. Sothhe luckily crits a soldier with 25 Hp, that took only 12 x 2 damage, sothe gets the energy drop early. Edward was shoving laura up the stairs. Laura arrives after sothe killed zaitan with another crit. I felt lucky. Though i didn't waste turns getting thani and edge. The soldier guarding the chests was gone though. But the myrmidon with the keys could kills max hp mic, nolan was too far away, and leo had 5 health. So no.... Unit Lv Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Support Mic 4.87 16 2 9 10 8 13 3 7 A sothe Nolan / Edward / Leo 6.26 19 9 1 14 10 8 6 5 Sothe 21.62 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 A Mic 7/22 (+3) Total: 22 + 9 1-3 Burton is dumb, he wants to pleasure aimee, ok, ok, ilyana would eat him, but aimee is still like serra. Generic Mercenary face still lives, didn't kill him in 1-1, so apparently, he's been replaced. Aimee knows Kurth can't fight, even though she learned he could speak normally two minutes ago. Anyway... No way i am going for Aran, he may stay in begnion, and survive, make a fortune, and live rich and wealthy, why become a bandit? I sincerely hate this chapter. Leo and Mic couldn't bring down the door. Took me a turn extra, everywhere i was being swarmed, even on the RHS. Mic could kill the boos and i stole his discipline. But yeah, it was hate. Leo couldn't even use his steel bow, yeah, stupid C level. I may try this one again, i'm really unhappy with my turncount on this one. =/ Bexp Mic and Leo to 99 9/31 (+0) Total: 31 + 9 Unit Lv Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Mic 5.87 17 2 10 10 8 14 3 7 Leo 6.84 19 9 1 14 10 8 6 5 Sothe 22.13 36 19 4 21 20 15 14 10 1-4 I sold of everything I didn't use, forged a max might, max crit light, Vallight. Same for a Knife, and a Max Mt iron bow. Bad lv ups, mic gets doubled by tigers, sothe does everything, nabs a seal, seraph robe, 3000 gold and a beast foe in 9 turns. It sucks when you have mic, and leo can't do shit with his bow. 9/40 Total: 40 + 9 Unit Level Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Support Mic 6.67 18 3 11 10 8 14 3 8 A Sothe Leo 7.56 19 10 1 15 11 8 7 6 - Sothe 24.03 37 19 4 23 21 15 14 10 A mic
  11. Thanks, last forum i was on, had it's own script etc, and it had it's own kind of bb codes, so i need to look into it here a bit more. =DAnyway. Seriously questioning myself who to choose. =/ EDIT: Even more rolfwtf moment: Micaiah pulling of a 2 % crit out of the blue. 9 damage, 11 Hp brigand. Bad quality, but i will upload the little video of the crit itself. Maybe i'll just make pictures and hope that the quality is better that way. -_-" 1-P 8 (+3) Turns Edward weakened everything for Micaiah, after feeding her mooch kills, she decided to do a 2 % crit on a brigand, saving me a turn killing it. Edward only killed one brigand, he weakened Pugo with his wrath, Leo attacked, Mic finished him off. Team: Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Micaiah 2.9 16 2 8 9 7 11 2 5 Edward 4.59 19 7 0 11 12 8 5 0 Leonardo 4.39 17 8 0 12 10 6 5 4
  12. Ok, I have begun, tomorrow i'll postr the details of chapter one. c-D (Btw, since I don't know every Bbcode, what code did most of you use for the nice sheets with stats? ;o) I've been blessed till now, micaiah dodged two hit, one 75, one 77. Leonardo Wtf killed a brigand with a 4 % crit. I have a crappy video of that. c-D
  13. I herby claim Lotz from Por. :3 Also, does the original claimer want to share Nephenee and Zihark?
  14. I must say, I also enjoy starting letter Playthroughs. M: Micaiah, Mist, Muarim, Marcia, MAR--- no wait, not marth... Mia. Etc, try that on hard mode. :3
  15. Mist, healing and swords can't be wrong in my book.
  16. Well, here they are, I checked my BS, and it turned out, I saved @ 20 kills, Kurth only took 5 more kills. :3 Has anyone seen these before? [spoiler=Large again]
  17. Um... Yeah, I do, I'll look into it tomorrow. (The battle save had him killed already sadly) I'll Make the pic tomorrow. Please, do remind, i keep forgetting this kind of stuff. ;o
  18. Indeed it is, I even posted the link myself. Anyway, the whole point was that an unknown line of text, only found through reading the data itself was found. ;o And i'm trying to find out what the exact requirements are. So far, Micaiah NEEDS to be alive. Now checking if it works with everybody gone except Micaiah, and looking into it if Soren has to be the instigator. (Since Soren battling Pelleas does unlock other stuff. Like conversations. We all know too well. :) )
  19. Hello Hello, (this looked like a logical place for this topic) http://serenesforest.net/fe10/script/boss2.html Concerns data on this page Just now, I was looking through the Boss convo's for 3-E A Pelleas Defeat quote stood there, labeled as (unknown). Maybe it has been found already, in that case, this topic is just for stating that the "unknown" part is faulty. However, I have found the quote, with photographic proof. NOTE: The photo has a major inconsistency in it: Most DB chars are present in the upper right corner. At the Time, I was using the "make enemy units player controlled" code, to A: kill/recruit the entire DB. and B, try and get tibarn to fight nailah. (He however did not fly anywhere, so i killed her. I still have the batlle save where she's alive. PAL btw, if anyone wants a replay.) Anyway, Pelleas will say his unknown quote if Micaiah is still present. And I attacked him with Soren (special convo at 4-E). And this came up: [spoiler=large] Next, I am gonna try and recreate it, without any cheats. (Let Skrimir raging and Tibarn raging start. >_<) So, if this was undiscovered, here you go, and if already discovered, this little bit of data in the game script page is outdated.
  20. Nephenee. ;o Huzzah, Long live blue and purple.
  21. Aw that's rite. Didn't think of that. Well, the others still hold water. :P EDIT: Tauroneo will be in his General outfit regardless of his current class, when Pelleas announces that he has been framed, blood pact yadayada. If you defeat Kurth in 3-E Before he can say his line, he will say it, alone, in a window of forest background, with snow falling, showing his OA and a "Talk @ Base" text box.
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