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Vicious Sal

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Everything posted by Vicious Sal

  1. Luckily, this isn't S ranking, so no funds hysteria, I'll be paying a lot. Volke may come forth.
  2. Let's Join the Geof Fray. Ugh, bad pun....
  3. So according to that logic my Ike turned into Roy? ;_;
  4. Nephenee And sorry for the delay, I will be making my draft list today, work was preventing me from posting sooner. =/
  5. Zihark (And I won't be able to pm someone my next drafts, since I just typed this in work, and I have to work till 00.00 probably)
  6. I'm In, Just got a working new GCC, so all good. <div><br></div><div>EDIT: Actually, I am against seperate draft picking. If you seperate the pickings for Por and RD, you might as well start two drafts, by making it so that the character you pick is drafted in both games, you keep the whole Idea of the draft, If there has to be picked for RD and Por, it's not that kind of special, it's just two drafts in one topic. =/ Mho</div>
  7. I could say the same, exams are rolling in, and still i'm shirking work and having way to much free time. -___-
  8. My latest Ike: + 5 Levels +2 Hp, +1 Str, + 2 Res, + 1 Def, + 2 Skll + 1 Spd Wow, amazing. Mic Lv 2 Light sage with 12 Def is way better. c-D
  9. 3-4 Nothing interesting happened, Neph killed some things with ledge disadvantage, soren and neph beasted through. Mist was behind them with Ike (A support = 23 avo ) and ranulf behind them. Mist did not even need Elincia's Physic that i sent along. 9 Turns 3-5 I lolled, seriously. I just thought, let's see if soren kan OHko Lombroso, since i can't get the drop. They both have 23 speed, soren could adept, but MAX sage mag + promo gain + meteor mt x 2 (adept) - max res (16) leaves lombroso with one freaking HP. I check the stats, Soren has 5 % crit. I think everyone gets it from here. Soren OHKO's Lombroso without me needing to reset. The whole army is still there, but soren is funny, and just meteor crits Lombroso. Nephenee and mist and ike did not even get a chance to move. This saves me turns. Mist neemt secret book en ashera icon. Nephenee Bexp Def Hp en Lck. 1 Turn. 3-6 Yeah, hard mode, everyone gets 2HKO'D, Fiona, FIONA, is my tankiest unit. Sadly, she was also my character that made me restart the most. Since she had only 9 dodge, and the cats have 12 crit on average, i got RNg screwed and had to restart 13 times because of that. The rest wasn't all that hard, east side wall, bowgun Leo with beastfoe killed one beast every turn, Zihark did his job well, after he came out of his worst bio, Bk handled the north, Mic healed and even killed once every five turns, etc etc. Besides the rng crit screwage, everything went rather easy. 11 Turns Team will be editted, when I start 3-7.
  10. Oh, how about this one, iirc it wasn't mentioned. But the only chapter where fog is explicitely mentioned, there is no Fog of War... Although it would make it a very hated chapter...
  11. 3-1 Ugh, this is really hate hate hate. I took Titania and shinon, and this was really RNG dependable, Titania had to Kill every general and the hammer warrior and halberdier with crits, or else I would not be able to move everyone east, shinon had to crit the mages and longbow user, mist healed, killed stuff, had an amazing lv up, Ike still did not lv str, and soren leveled up amazingly too. It was just plain crap, lot's of restarting... Well, at least it's over, soren adapted his way north with Mist and Titania, shinon and NPc's killed the stuff spawning in the starting area, luckily the undraftees were long gone east. Ike went through the thicket, ettard critted at times, so he saved a turn. Well, next I can get Nephenee back, who is a really big help. 7 (+8) 3-2 Easy Peasy, Ike shoves Nephenee, she can be in boss range at turn 3, javelin crit, normal javelin, mission over next turn. 4 Turns Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 13 69 45 24 2 30* 24 14 22 7 C Mist Mist 5 24 29 9 17 15 16 22 7 18 C Ike Soren 7 54 35 9 25 23* 19 12 10 23* Nephenee 14 36 38 22 7 26* 27* 15 22 18* 3-3 Working on it now. ;o Gatrie will also be my free unit. Mist eats the dracoshield, Soren has paragon btw, and some other skills are just smacked randomly on my units. Mist also has an Iron sword forge, max everything, and feather card. Not much else to do. This chapter wasn't really hard, Nephenee just trucked through everything, gatrie at the start, Nephenee has pass from heather since 3-2, so she could easily kill the senators, mist healed ike, who has serious Rng issues, soren just adepted his way through everything he came across, although he was nearly killed, luckily, the storm sword general missed, Ike 2-turned the both with a wind edge, while nephenee went around the fence, she had to catch up because of the thicket. Nothing special happened. Only sad part was that Soren had a + Mag only lv up, and same for nephenee with str. Oh well. 10 Turns 3-4 Ike and Mist have B Support, Bexp'd Soren to level 10, + HP, STr and SPd. And crowned him, 21 speed and max magic is good enough. Ofcourse, I switched some skills, now mist has paragon. She's Lv 6 atm, and rising. I bought some javelins and a wind edge, an elwind for Soren. Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 14 99 46 24 2 30* 24 14 22 7 B Mist Mist 6 20 30 9 18 16 17 22 9 18 B Ike Soren 10/1 0 41 14 29 25 23 12 14 25 Nephenee 15 20 38 23 7 26* 27* 15 22 18* And now, i'm heading into battle.
  12. 3-P Well, this was easy, Assigned provoke to Ike, Soren and Mist right behind. A warrior ignored Ike the first time, killing mist. Second Time, He didn't for some reason. Anyway, I let the laguz do the most ofcourse, After the left side was done, Ike had + 1 level, with only Skill up. -___-" Mist however, had an awsome level up, soren didn't level up. Mist Staffed every laguz she could find, easy level. Unit Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skll Spd Lck Def Res Ike 12 20 44 24 2 29 23 14 21 7 Mist 2 13 28 8 14 14 16 17 7 17 Soren 5 76 28 9 23 21 18 11 9 21 I'll edit this post with some more tomorrow probably. 10 Turns I was reading, and saw this had no turn coun, iirc it was 10.
  13. Well, she did not when I redid the chapter, she did not even battle, so why should I have to take her penalty then? At least, that was what I understood from your earlier post. EDIT: 2-2 I tried dondon's strategy without lethe and mordecai and heather, so no secret book, I managed, two turns extra, but okay. I took the Lucia and Nealchi penalties. The start was exactly the same as Dondon, after that, Lucia kills stuff and nephenee kills stuff, one of them was always choke-blocking, while the other one stood somewhere where nea could move next to her after an attack, or after using a stone. (He used it twice, it's gone now, the first was ofc 2-P) I could have been faster because somwhere I used Nea before Lucia, who was standing where he should land, and lucia had to chip in because of that on a general, so she could not move immediately. She did however crit Maraj, so that helped. After that, nea finished of the general that was in the way by flying north of him over the cliff, stand on the arrive square, kill and take his place. Mordecai shifted so he would not attract attention, smited leanne way back, and the longbow user targeted nephenee, next turn she wrath killed him before lucia arrived. Nephenee had amazing level ups, both had + HP, + Def and + Str once, and + Speed twice. And skill and res popped in too, even mag once. So I am very happy with Nephenee for so far. Bexp from the next chapter will help her through 2-E i Hope. EDIT: Post below pointed me on smite, i added the (+3) 6/134 turns (+10) 2-3 I bought the axes and the killer lance, Nephenee will put that to good use, and danved donates his too Marcia @ 3-9 (Soldier up north). Kieran barraged throughthe army, everyone suicided into him, geoffrey was directly behind him, having only a vulnerary, shielded by the Partner units, Geoffrey got the arms scroll, 43 % chance, the horseslayer went for the partner units, tashoria did not crit. Speedwingman moved down. Geoffrey caught up, and traded his scroll for a herb, kieran could kill mr speedwing, and since his inventory was full of axes and vulneraries and a scroll, he sent it to convoy. Tyvm. After that Geoffrey seized. 7 Turns 151 Total Used Elincimend, and Leanne was epicly good. Nephenee was lv 6 or 7 after Bexp, she started raping every single unit in 2-E that dared approach her, midway through she got the drop, even more strength, to-tal ravaging. And ofcourse a lot of useful stuff was given to Brom and Mordecai and Heather and lethe, And nephenee ofcourse, mostly lances with her. That brave lance wasn't even used in 2-E. =D 15 + 5 Total amount of turns: 171 Part 2 Fin
  14. I redid the chapter, it isn't that i still have the icon. Furthermore, I have read the rules, and nowhere is stated that this is not allowed, and since heather was not listed on the penalty list, I could not have known it was such a heavy penalty. I find it strange that i am being penalized for this, because the rules do not provide the needed situation. Since I'm already in 2-2, and saved, I cannot restart again to reapet my first 2-1 run, where i got the icon, I'm not taking the heather penalty because I did not use heather.
  15. Ugh, in that case, i'll edit this post, because that icon isn't worth 3 turns. c-D<br><br><br><div>EDIT: Exactly the same, except having heather hide and not getting her in any battles. <br><br><br></div><div>8/125 (+3) <div><br></div><div>2-2</div><div><br></div><div>Base preps:</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Smacked the talisman on Nephenee, not much else, looking forward to Leanne and Nephenee bulldozering to maraj. </div> </div>
  16. 2-1 Standard strategy dondon used. I also made heather get the ashera Icon, however, what is the penalty for her on 2-1? It isn't listed. Nephenee. 8 (+6) Ugh, icon isn't worth it. -___-
  17. Not realy, +5 skill in endgame says hi etc, easier to build a + heaven support, so the accuracy can be neglected.
  18. That may very well be, I never used Mordecai, so i know nothing about him. ;o Other may decide that. :) He comes one level after Neph and Brom and Haar in Part 3, and since all those units kick ass, it won't be a problem.
  19. Haar and Nephenee, and brom (though he has worse move) are gods, since you can get them all to third tier at the start of 2-E. It's ridiculously easy. Stun, Impale, Luna, srsly, it isn't even fun to watch. Except maybe for ludveck being luna'd. =/ Anyway, I agree on Ilyana being high tier, she gets +5 speed, so that isn't an issue, and on easy mode, that bolting is easy to get, so in the dragon chapter, she, along with other mages do not fear any kind of theat.
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