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Posts posted by Kori

  1. I'd like to see: the Old FE options, the Tellius ones (a lot, yes, but this is a wishlist and not what I'm saying they should do), and Forseti (not in the poll but would still make sense, I think... and if they made an FE4 version of Naga I wouldn't complain either, I suppose they picked her Awakening version because it's more recent and at least appears in the game, but it doesn't feel like Naga to me and I dislike her design).

    I expect: Hel, Lif, Thorr, Seiros, Mila and Ashera for sure, probably Anankos and Medeus at some point, maybe Nemesis I guess (though they have easily 4 legendary candidates for 3H representation, so a third mythic might not be necessary, and if it were I'd rather see one of the Saints for the next father-and-daughter duo).

  2. 8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Her arms aren't that muscular in FE6:


    But looking at both Elibe games because they share an artist(?), Echidna, while not muscular compared to any Fighter/Dieck man with arms exposed, is nonetheless the most muscular woman in either game. Even Vaida is less muscled, albeit her artwork pose makes it a little difficult to say that with absolute certainty.

    Heck, the next woman, maybe, with visible muscular bulk on display, would be Nailah, four games later. That's just a normative gendered beauty bias at work, preventing women from showing bulk.

    Oh, Nailah, knew I was forgetting someone...! Thank you.

    Yeah, I did forget her FE6 official art too and just assumed "axes heavy, Echidna strong" (in muscles, not in stats, I didn't look them up), my bad. Being the winner in the Women of Elibe category is something, at least.

    What this gauntlet needs is big hairy barbarian Maribelle, alt when-

  3. Mordecai! Now that turns this gauntlet into something I'm interested in, at least for the first round, rather than something off-putting. I don't expect him to make it past Ike, but I don't mind joining Ike after even though he doesn't get a free pass from the "muscles, ew" effect, so no big deal.

    Some love for muscle ladies would indeed be nice... I wish they'd put Echidna in, though looking at her art I suppose they didn't really give her the arms I thought she would have, as an axe lady.

    (Wasn't Effie supposed to be funny in part because she's so strong and yet short and not beefy, anyway?)

  4. Silque, Python and Forsyth?! Time to start lying to Nintendo about where I live and reinstall Heroes. I thought those two would never make it in, nevermind Valbar (finally). Now all I need is Kamui, Luthier and Mycen, and I wouldn't mind if that banner was carried by Palla and Est alts if the art is that much better than what they currently have (well, Palla's alright, but Est looks ten), or a Mae alt since she deserves good art too.

    And petty as it is, I'm glad Conrad is a GHB

  5. *waves Ethlyn flag*

    The presence of Sigurd/Deirdre in this gauntlet and the support Sigurd is getting here, while nice to see, is funny in an ironic way to me. (Especially since Heroes!Deirdre is the amnesiac version of her.) It's like a symbolic attempt at getting some form of revenge/compensation for him. I'm voting for his sister because she's my favorite in this family of good people who make bad decisions, but please go and make this the first and only gauntlet Sigurd wins, it would be hilarious.

  6. Performing Arts, because the first one felt like canon alts (I wouldn't have minded if they stayed in the permanent pool, except maybe Olivia since she was already in as a dancer with no canon alternate outfit) and the second one had a nice theme (and wasn't fanservice except for its choice of units), and Valentines, I loved the focus on family in those two. Those are the two themes where I feel like the game is adding something to the characters, not taking me for someone who will fall for empty otaku-bait.

  7. I like the focus on Mordecai in the group conversations. (Or at least the first one, I haven't seen more yet because Lethe refused to give me points for two x2 hours straight. Everyone else was burning through their convos and there she was, at 0 points. It's hilariously in-character so I don't mind.) Less convinced by his individual convos, but that might be because of Fjorm. I'm all for her spending what's left of her life doing whatever she wants, but trying to become a Disney princess and being really bad at it isn't that interesting. Worth it for the accessories, though.

  8. 8 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    It was me that said that, and I said or lesbian to not sound sexist.  Why I said 'straight' guy instead of just guys or most guys, trying to say everything PC.  However yes you are right I made a bad assumption.  So remove that or lesbian, and just shorten it to assume Kiran is a straight male. 

    I think a lot of girls have been big into some of the few male fanservice characters we've gotten despite not getting any 'additional backstory', so I don't think that is really required.  Besides which these characters, besides OCs, come from the main series so we already got personality/background/etc.  

    I thought that might be your intention, and it's fine, as I said, no offense. :^_^: It just so happens that in this case, I think we can probably assume that IS was focusing on a straight male audience.

    Good point about the OCs, Bruno does have the "angst because he's cursed" card and his star-crossed friendship with the Askr siblings going for him, but 1) we don't know how much popularity that would get him if he didn't also have abs, 2) Hrid has pretty much nothing and he's still got fans.

    8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    Reinhardt has two alts and I still know nothing about him other than he is Olwen’s brother. Like it doesn’t matter if a character already has a background story from their original games, it’s preposterous to think that every Heroes player has played every Fire Emblem game or any FE at all really. Heroes really needs to work on getting characters backstories out there and get players interested in them beyond just their utility as a unit/fodder.

    I really wish they would do this, at least with the older or hard to access games. Surely there are people who can't play Thracia even in the Japanese fanbase, since iirc it wasn't released the normal way.

    (Though really, there's isn't much to know about Reinhardt himself. He's Ishtar's big scary bodyguard, he exists to be a fearsome enemy when you have to fight him, to show in passing that Julius is getting creepily possessive with Ishtar (I think his line about specifically disliking Reinhardt is a Heroes original and that the kid would have hated any guy who got to be close to his girlfriend), and to provide character development for Olwen. But Olwen isn't broken in Heroes, so we don't care about that, I suppose. :dry: )

  9. 1) Forseti (green dragon flier, with his breath having the same reverse-desperation effect as the Forseti tome. The only downside would be that, being a Mythic, he can't be Wind.)

    2) Mila (green or blue, probably armor? but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they make her fly just because they can. Gotta contrast Duma and put those hair-wings to use.)

    3) Naga (green or blue, different outfit from Awakening please and thank you)

    4) Medeus

    5) Lotyr/Loptous

    and I don't actually want her, but I expect Loki to be one somewhere down the line, so they might as well get it over with.

  10. On 29/03/2019 at 1:52 PM, Kahvi said:

    The thing about fan service targeted towards straight women is that women are generally more character oriented. I'm not really familiar with this otome yusha game but judging by a quick google search, the men aren't really showing much skin in their normal outfits and same usually applies for most otome games etc. I obviously can't speak for everyone but I'd just get annoyed if male characters in fan service-y outfits were constantly shoved to the screen.

    Agreed. This is why it doesn't quite sit right with me when people (including in this topic, but no offense intended to anyone) say things like "the game assumes Kiran is a straight guy (or a lesbian)" or assume the fanservice targeted towards straight men works for lesbians too. Sure, personal experience doesn't mean much so the fact that FEH's fanservice repulses me is irrelevant, and there are exceptions (I've seen wlw who are really thirsty for Heroes!Tharja and Camilla), but fanservice for female fans would look different even if it used female characters too. A game full of pretty boys would have eye candy but would most likely spend more time on their personality and backstory, and maybe show more interaction between characters, than Heroes does.

  11. Summonable : Jill (PoR version, lance), Xane (colorless), Orochi (either blue or green, I don't particularly care, but using the Fates brave scroll), Ranulf (blue)

    TT: Erinys or Ena (ideally they'be the kind of good free units we've been getting recently, but if not at least they will be in)

    GHB: Petrine

  12. Sword: Eyvel

    Lance: Jill

    Axe: Rinkah

    Bow: Shinon (tied with Python, but then I would want Forsyth to join at the same time and there are lance users I want more than him)

    Dagger: baby Sothe Heather

    Red tome: Azelle or Miriel

    Blue tome: Tine

    Green tome: Orochi (though she could be any color since Hoshido's scrolls don't have a particular element iirc)

    Staff: Soren alt Silque

    Breath: Nasir

    Beast: Ranulf

  13. Nice to see the music from the first trailer return in both of these tracks. The second one sounds pretty similar to what we've heard in Awakening/Fates, especially at the beginning, but it's too early to take it as a sign that the game won't have its own musical style.

    Box art is cool, though if anyone had hopes of F!Byleth's design changing (I didn't), it pretty much crushes them since she's on it.

  14. 10 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Robin sort had little to no choice. Soren had to accept the same strategy in Radiant Dawn.

    It's just a joke. (Though regardless of how much choice Robin had or their ability as a tactician, you gotta admit that the writers went for something ridiculous here, which I think was the point.)

    Rank 2051. I never get all the arena flags, I've been unlucky with the color quests this time, and I spent on whatever multipliers I happened to catch since I'll be asleep for the biggest ones anyway, so that's not surprising. Here's hoping the multipliers work in our favor and I don't have to change teams in the morning~

  15. 2 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    Also, how would you guys rank these tacticians from best to worst? I'm not going to bother because I'm not familiar with most of them. 

    Can't rank them either because I'm not familiar with Binding Blade or Sacred Stones, and all actual tacticians in the gauntlet were on the winning side so they must have been doing something right (you could argue that the army Saias originally worked for lost, but he's got the reputation and the leadership stars to make up for it), but I'd say Katarina and Morgan would be near the bottom, simply because one barely got to work as a tactician and one never did. (Sure, she's training for it in her supports, but she never acts as one either for Chrom's army or for the children.)

    That said...







  16. 1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

    Meanwhile, at the top of Team Soren (for now at least):

      Hide contents


    Call it a hunch, but I’m pretty sure that’s coordinated.


    Definitely coordinated, but fitting for the occasion :D:

    11 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    @Kori @Tybrosion I sent you a friend request.

    Done, and @Tybrosion's too. Also, team Soren currently has a multiplier, not that it matters much this early in the round.

    Edit: just got to use your Marth, and he wiped the floor with 2/3rd of the enemy team, on top of indeed being good support for Soren.

  17. I knew Saias was set up to lose, but that team difference is just painful. Morgan vs Cecilia might have been slightly less unfair.

    Surprised but glad to see Lewyn in second place. Good for him~ (even though the version we have in feh shouldn't be a tactician yet, lvl 40 quote be damned)

    If anyone on team Soren could use a L!Tiki, my ID is 0268944411, same username.

  18. I'd like to support Lewyn or Saias, but Soren is in, and I have priorities. Hopefully at least one of them makes it to the second round if he loses. (Unlikely for Saias unless there's an upset, considering who he's up against, and Lewyn still has to compete with Katarina being a cute girl even though she isn't as well known as F!Morgan, but you never know.) If they all lose... well, I do like Katarina.

  19. 43 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    I completely agree, though I just want to point out that the common consensus seems to be that the interactions between Ike and Elincia seem completely flat and robotic in the Japanese version of Path of Radiance, and I (and many others) personally much prefer their chemistry in NA localization by comparison. So I say, if the change is just a complete improvement in writing quality and stays true to the characters, then I think the localisation should feel free to go ahead and make the change. But that's just me. 

    I'm an aspiring writer, and if a translator told me, "You know; I think this change might improve the story, especially when considering the different audience for which I'm translating your book" and I had a look at it and I thought, "Yeah; that probably actually is better", then I would tell them to go right ahead. 

    Oh, that's a shame, I quite like their friendship in the localization. I thought it must have been present in the original too, and that the added shiptease I heard about was things like Elincia asking him not to use her title. Pity if that's not the case.

    To be clear, I'm not referring to changing things for a culturally different audience; that's a localization's job. I'm all for making the characters' way of speaking a bit more lively too, like they apparently did for SoV, since it compensates for things japanese people get from of the original dialogue that we wouldn't get with a literal translation. Just not changing what actually happens in there, events, characters' motivations, all that. (With the example of Niles/Elise since that one changed from "Zero tricks Elise to see her cry" to "Niles gives Elise mostly honest advice out of... genuine desire to help, probably". That's not true to the characters, at least not to Zero. (I'm not particularly attached to that one or anything, but I've read a comparison of both versions, so it'll do.))

  20. 8 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Oh; that was your point. Sorry that I misunderstood. Though he's less an example of too much subtlety leading to ambiguity, and more an example of different writers having different interpretations (which is the reason I brought up the NA localization). 

    You're right that the localization must have played a part here, so maybe I should have picked another example even though Ike is probably the best known and most divisive. (I assume it still stands to a point, since even the japanese version must be ambiguous or else this discussion would have been settled a while ago, but as I don't speak japanese and don't read Tellius meta because I haven't played RD yet, I wouldn't know.)

    And, somewhat tying this to the original topic, I hope 3H supports won't be similarly affected by the localization. Translators shouldn't bring their shipping biases into things. (Even if they did it for a ship I ended up liking, I think learning it was added would make it feel less legitimate, so I wouldn't even get to fully enjoy the added content.) In the same way, no small but consistent instances of butchering a character's personality, and no changing the content to the point that you go from "that's oddly sweet, if out of character" when reading the english version of a C-A to learning it was completely different in the japanese version (lookin' at you, Niles/Elise), etc.

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