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Everything posted by Kori

  1. Kaze would be nice, and even though I know it's unlikely, I'm hoping for Orochi with something like an omikuji for her weapon.
  2. This is what I'd like too. It would make the army less crowded, allow for a second gen without sacrificing gen 1's characterization, and let the kids exist independantly, with their own plotline. And hopefully, FE switch could have paralogues more like the older games instead of all of them existing to collect your instant babies.
  3. Maribelle as well. If we're talking marry-in-game ships only, I had her marry Lon'qu since they had that little interaction in Ferox that seemed to be there to tell you to get their supports, and it worked well enough with Owain's dad support, so it's alright I guess. I could see her with Henry too. But if Maribelle was an option, I would only consider them for the purpose of having a father for Owain in the doomed timeline.
  4. This is one of the final quotes that stood out to me the most, in no small part because of the voice acting. Most of the other quotes are about the characters disagreeing with Duma and Jedah's plan, but Mae is here because someone hurt her best friend, and you can hear that she is pissed. I can't pinpoint another specific moment, but I feel like she and Boey are characters who really benefitted from the full voice acting, along with Alm's group of friends; it helped make their established friendships more believable. Agreeing that the VA did a lot to sell Berkut's descent into madness, too. And it's not exactly a part of the script, but Delthea's VA sounding so gleeful and proud in her critical/victory quotes is a big part of what made me like her character. It made the difference between "arrogant pest" and "endearing little brat" for me.
  5. That would be the dream indeed. Though boons and banes being visible could let people who don't go check the wiki know that there's something 'wrong' with the unit they rolled, and thus incite them to keep trying for a better one, so who knows, they might do it. Seconding Xane and Bantu ! I really want Xane in the game since I saw this fanmade sprite.
  6. Maybe pegasus knights could have a choice of which secondary weapon they want to pick up on promotion, like paladins can in Tellius iirc, and the choice either directs them to a different class ou affects their new class growths (5 or 10% more magic if you choose staves/tomes, for ex). They'd choose between swords, staves, tomes and bows so players can effectively recreate all the promoted pegasus classes that have been available so far. Wyverns could keep the axes (+ promoted lances) as their niche, it goes better with their stats anyway.
  7. And I could have worded it in a less snippy way, sorry for that.
  8. Congrats Takumi ! I knew from the start there are some characters too popular to beat and that he was one of them, so I'm just glad we came this far~ Tbh, I'm fairly sure Takumi was eating popcorn and clapping when we won against Ryoma. Beating Big Brother is like, the stone on which he's trying to build his self-esteem. xD (And he just beat the guy who did, so he must be pretty proud right now.) ...Jesus. I'm not getting into this debate (and not checking the rest of this topic in case it did), because I'd probably get spoiled on Tellius, but romantic love and platonic love are different things regardless of whether sexual desire is involved. Signed : a ticked off homoromantic asexual.
  9. Well if we're going to lose, might as well go with a bang. :p I'll wait for these and drop all I have, because Takumi probably won't need any help to win the finale if he gets there.
  10. So, since he's so unpredictable now, do we start using our flags or wait in case Team Takumi wakes up and we get a multiplier ?
  11. Sanaki during the siblings banner, and witch!Nowi on my first nonfree pull for the Halloween one. The desire sensor was so broken for the first Tellius banner that I got Soren twice in the same round of orbs, and one more the next day. He was the only one of the new characters to show up, but he certainly didn't do it halfway.
  12. Can't forget Miriel! Let's get some magiscience in this game. I feel you, I'd want Brady to be my child too. I'd even settle for joke seasonal versions of them, armed with a parasol and a violin... To get back on topic, Soren seems to be leading again, but I can't tell if it's by enough to get Takumi the multiplier.
  13. Request accepted! ^^ And Ephraim is fine, I don't get many blue allies so I'm sure he will come in handy. Good taste. Maribelle for Heroes when
  14. I see the same trend, an Elincia shows up for me about every other battle, and a lot of reds from the random third allies. Not that I'm complaining, she's been great. It's probably a bit late for that, but if you or someone else on team Soren still needs colorless allies, I can switch to my Kagero. Name is Kiran, ID code is 0268944411, lead is currently Sanaki.
  15. I was at rank 540-something in Soren's army yesterday, woke up and it's now in the 1500s. Glad to see people have kept fighting for him ! ...wait I just checked and we're LEADING for once !? Those multipliers sure did wonders.
  16. I am, and got a Tana earlier! Knew Soren would get obliterated by Ryoma, but still didn't expect such a gap so fast. Takumi will have to avenge us. (I'm getting on Team Katarina before his if she makes it to the second round, though.) I completely forgot to change my Sanaki for Ike, but got four friend requests in the first hour so apparently she's been doing okay for some people... xD
  17. I'd love to see that scrapped Pokémon x FE game one day. Making up Pokémon teams for characters is always an interesting exercise, and for FE characters you could base them on their personnality and their fighting style, plus affinity for those from the games where it's a thing. Calling dibs on Umbreon for Soren.
  18. I liked playing both, but enjoyed Conquest's story more, even though Birthright's plot has less holes in it. You get closer to learning the truth in Conquest, the battle against Garon feels more important because of the Nohr siblings' reactions (and the final boss isn't just "Garon again but now as a dragon for some reason"), and I think the mandatory Death Of Your Little Sibling was done better (as you see Takumi's possession happening gradually over the course of the story, and the fact that if you've played Birthright first you know what it is and that you could stop it, but the game doesn't let you, makes it feel like more of a tragedy than Elise's sudden sacrifice). Both casts are fine, though, and Birthright/Revelations letting you grind means you can play with the characters more freely, so there is that.
  19. I like character creation, if only so I can have one more mage in the early game, and would be okay with it returning as long as they've learned their lesson with Corrin. Voted against romance as the "everyone can marry anyone of a different gender" system, but if it was part of a more limited (and hopefully better written) pool of support conversations, that would be fine, I suppose... FE15's romances didn't impress me, but at least it was a better system. No children. (Unless the plot is built around their existence, but it's probably too soon for another Awakening.)
  20. Seconding the wishes for a well-written villain. Someone who isn't cartoonishly evil for the sake of it, possessed, acting out of fanatical loyalty or gone insane. And I doubt IntSys is letting the "Dragon + magic-using second in command" archetype go any time soon, but if they're sticking with it I'd like the human to be the final boss for once. A villain who has history with the hero again could be interesting. Awakening didn't do much with the reveal that Robin had killed Chrom (at least it didn't affect their relationship) since it happened so late in the game; I'd like to see a hero who know from the beginning or learns it early in the story, and have this add a personal dimension to the conflict. (I know Sacred Stones did something like that, but there was possession involved.) And as others have said, a female villain. Preferably an adult, so she can have a more complex motivation than Veronica's "I'm lonely and I hear voices" which felt a bit weak to me. You don't invade worlds out of loneliness, didn't anyone teach this kid basic manners or what.
  21. I'd want a Thracia remake the most, but I think we should get Binding Blade (or even FE3, as unlikely as it is since Archanea has already been remade), because Genealogy would definitely come first if we ever get Jugdral, and IS would fall right back in the Waifu Emblem mentality they just made a tiny, tiny step to get out of with Echoes. (It's probably coming, though. It could sell well if it came out in the next few years and was advertized as "the Game of Thrones of Fire Emblem".)
  22. Kori


    Hi, I'm Kori (short for Koromori), and I've been lurking here for a few months. I got into the series via Awakening and still love it, played Fates (both paths, then dropped it somewhere around the last part of Rev), read LPs for FE1 to 5 and 11-12 (I know, I know >.> I'll definitely play the DS remakes, FE4, and FE5 when it gets a better patch, but I'm very slow when it comes to playing games, I'd already been spoiled the big twist of Genealogy and I wanted to know the story), and currently I'm slowly going through Path of Radiance, Shadow Dragon and Shadows of Valentia. The GBA titles are on the to-play list too, of course, but it might take me a while. My favorite characters tend to be magic users, female units, or nonhumans. And Ike. :p English isn't my native language, so apologies for any mistakes in this post or in the future. ^^" Not sure I'll be very active, but I felt like joining, so, again, hi!
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