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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Why do you ask? Are you into programming? The ability to use it on any device with only a web browser.
  2. Which do you think you have less trouble with, then? Yes.
  3. How did you learn about all of those? This vicious cabaret.
  4. I did not know. What do you think is the worst then?
  5. What is paradise? Anything slow. More painful is worse. Burning alive, probably.
  6. Same question. I liked the sound of "the storm sent by the devil".
  7. If I could, then I would have to, for their own interest. The Lottery is a good one. Is mine too now that I think of it. Favourite play?
  8. At least watch the movie (2012). Hmmm. Probably something from I, Robot. Yours?
  9. Do you think your avatar is referencing The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari?
  10. Yes. There are people like that. I've seen them. Do you believe in the Overman?
  11. Could I interest you in some chocolate?
  12. If you hosted a game, what would it look like? Hail Eris!
  13. I should have saved myself instead of Gaius. Will you play again? What will you do next time if so?
  14. https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/201476437-What-is-the-maximum-file-size-for-uploads- "The maximum file size for non-animated images is 20MB. The maximum file size for GIFs is 200MB. Non-animated images over 1MB for anonymous uploads and 5MB for account holders will be lossily compressed. All non-animated images receive lossless compression that reduces filesize while maintaining quality. Large GIFs will be converted to GIFV, which shrinks file size while maintaining high quality. TL;DR: You can upload really large images on Imgur."
  15. How did you feel about last game? Because it forces me to change the way I look at how people behave. The ultimate challenge. Poker does the same things for different reasons.
  16. Same question. Not that I would call them nightmares. I'm always confident that I'll survive. I only get scared when I do something I regret. Almost all of my dreams feature a murder or something though.
  17. Usually spot-on. Each mistake makes me more accurate. What about yours?
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