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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Same question. v Immortality. If that doesn't count, then portals.
  2. Writing. Conveys more meaning in my opinion. Same question. Why?
  3. What reasons have you found? No. Please follow the rules.
  4. Why get up in the morning? Small groups I know well. Depending on the activity I enjoy hanging out with a mix.
  5. Maybe I'm reaching, but all I ever hear now correlates to you and me Don't call it preaching; babe if you're the choir, oh maybe you could set me free I sing far from churches; though I've never been, I know what they all want to say "When this life hurts it's a sin to try and fight"; you'll thank them on a distant day But we know better; working for no man if he doesn't promise pay Rapture and then Glory; when you get to heaven, maybe you won't want to stay Because it's difficult to live with perfect in every way
  6. Does power corrupt absolutely? I wouldn't take it. The spirit thrives on struggle, on risk and reward. If you never take risks then no reward can feel earned. The ability to earn our happiness is what we really want. Got to be manga > anime.
  7. Find a trustworthy dealer. After that is where not being easily freaked out comes in.
  8. Most psychedelics are non-addictive, if you're not easily freaked out.
  9. Favourite anime? One of my most persistent philosophies said that I should always strive to reconcile differences and never back down or agree to disagree until we had an understanding. Sometime during the past year, I began holding my tongue both offline and online. I have let people be wrong. My relationships with people have improved. What caused it was interaction. I got a job working with people and started uni. Experience taught me to pick my battles and not waste my breath on people who didn't matter to me.
  10. There's being bipolar, and then there's being cold or mean because you're embarrassed about being your affection (esp. in public vs private).
  11. How much experience do you actually have?
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