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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I never thought I would see the say. 1. What do you consider your strong point? 2. What do you consider your weak point? 3. Is there any difference between how you are perceived online and in person? Why or why not? 4. What are your values? How do you uphold them? 5. What were/are your first and current impressions of me?
  2. That would seem to lead to a contradiction in terms. If you sacrifice yourself too much then you cannot give more later. A true altruist must survive for others too? Sorry for the tangent.
  3. When does desire become greed? Desire is necessary for survival. If we had no desire we would not do anything and would shortly die. Greed is usually defined as a desire that has grown beyond keeping us alive and begun to impede the survival of others. Greed is usually considered a negative because it requires exploitation, theft, and other harmful acts. The person who experiences greed does not think they are a bad person, but most people, including psychologists, are likely to become the victims of greed. If there are two greedy people, they will see the other's greed as bad, but not their own. Both the greedy and the non-greedy have some incentive to consider it a bad thing, at least for others.
  4. A man places three coins in front of you – a bronze coin, a silver coin and a gold coin. The man says “If you tell me a true statement, you will be given one of the coins. But if your statement proves to be false, you will be given nothing”. What should you say to guarantee being given the gold coin?
  5. In Gio's case, ignorance is strength.
  6. Even I know what Gio is... Because I read the folder.
  7. You missed the butt controversy.
  8. What happened?! Did they cut off your access?
  9. I still really want an Ephraim unit in Smash. The lance would make an interesting range factor.
  10. A long time ago, I was arguing with a friend of mine. They tried to take the moral high ground, but I said, "I was here first!"
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