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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. 1. Who are you? 2. What are you? 3. Why Sorin? 4. How did you come to be nominated? 5. First and current impressions of me?
  2. Isn't that a different kind of offense? It's the offense you might feel when someone makes a bad argument. The kind of indignation you feel even if you don't care about the subject. If the offense you feel from a true insult is shame at what you are or what you have done, then isn't offense at a poor insult because it is a poor insult a different kind of shame?
  3. It could actually be an insult if you said that about me on another FE board.
  4. OP meant that a true insult is an insult that applies to you. It hits the nail on the head. If I called someone a bastard because they were born out of wedlock, they should be insulted where someone who was born inside of wedlock should not. True insults are derogatory terms or phrases that take something true about the subject and use it as to shame them. Imagine that someone called a black man a nigger, then on another occasion called a half black man a nigger, then on a third occasion called a Caucasian man a nigger. The first two would be significantly more insulted than the third. This is a true insult. Whether an insult is true or false is relevant but not decisive. Faggot doesn't work the same way because it is easier to prove you are not black than that you are not gay. Even in a society where no prejudice existed, if someone said you were black or gay, it would be harder to kill the rumor that you are gay. That's what makes an effective false insult. Suppose that you are not gay and have nothing against gays but you know there is prejudice against gays where you live. It becomes a matter of personal interest to take insult at the accusation because it is not mere words. It could bring violence or cause you to lose social standing or your job in some cases. It ultimately doesn't matter if the insult is true or false, nor if the thing being said about you is actually a bad thing. What makes it effective, what makes it hurt, is that people might believe it, and if they do, they might show you disrespect because of it. In that sense, it's natural to take offense when someone says something about you that others have a chance of believing when it can hurt you if they do.
  5. No real reason. Paradoxes include the logically consistent but counter-intuitive, though. Those are just as fascinating.
  6. True on a few levels depending on interpretation. In the literal sense I meant that you can't see anything in either; they are defined by contrast.
  7. the real question here is why is it called "The Land Before Time"
  8. Can't tell if joking or not...
  9. There would have to be "before" and "after" states. Before, time had not begun, and after, it had. But "before" and "after" are functions of change over time. Therefore time cannot have a beginning.
  10. Immanuel Kant prove morality, though.
  11. This statement is false. If I asked you a question, would your answer to that question be the same as your to this one? Does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself? Paradoxes are an obsession of mine. The more I learn, the more I find that life is full of paradoxes. They have consumed me. Desire has a death wish. I am a being of will, but a will free to go in all directions does nothing. If I reached perfection I would not know it. My love is self-serving. My certainty and my doubt are two sides of the same coin. Any sufficiently powerful being would have the universe as its body and therefore be indistinguishable from the universe. Absolute dark and absolute light are equal. Truth may exist, but cannot be known to exist. Logic is incomplete, yet nothing can transcend it. Everything is defined by contradiction. It's transfixing.
  12. Holy shit. I've been waiting my whole life. Next you'll tell me they also have CSS means to center things vertically in fixed and absolute positions accounting for undeclared dimensions. e.g. Centering something vertically even when its height changes dynamically with window resizing.
  13. ONE preferably the one on top that actually looks pretty good
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