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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Moral realism already has absolute and identifiable values, one of which is "increasing the overall happiness of the world is good"? To get right to point, any definition of moral realism is just that: a definition. Definitions are created by people. If there are alternative definitions then the contradiction in Rapier's post applies to his whole argument. Any argument for a particular set of axioms is an argument that objective morality can be defined by humans.
  2. Makaze

    The Well

    1. You tell me. 2. OC is better than NOC because OC allows you to manipulate people in private. 3. Baccano! - Pure adrenaline and euphoria every time I watch it. Serial Experiments Lain - Deep stuff that makes me question I am dreaming or not. Oyasumi Punpun - Right in the feels. Trigun - One of my first anime. The optimism of Vash had a big impact on me. .hack//SIGN - An underrated anime that had a subtle but everlasting effect on my perception of video games and fantasy. 4. Fire Emblem and Kingdom Hearts. Fire Emblem for the strategy, Kingdom Hearts for the atmosphere. 5. I don't keep up with any. I don't have the patience to keep up with weekly updates. First: The best friend of the person who threatened me. Kill them with fire. Current: The person who threatened me. Kill them with fire. Sorry, I don't know you very well. 5. Self-taught. I learned most of the basics from a website called W3Schools. I did not know until later that much if the information there was incorrect, so I was better off using trial and error and figuring it out myself. I've been doing it since I was 13. 6. Too soon, have any impressions, sorry. First: Seems reasonable enough, as long as deals are kept. Current: Batshit insane. Kill him every time. 1. First: Killed him N1. Anyone with a Little Finger avatar is bad news. Current: A skilled player and information broker. Has a good head. 2. Yes. Maths are essential to our existence. 3. Not really. 4. I love them. He invented one of my favourite fictional worlds. 5. If by "no laws or rules imposed on them" you mean that no human is imposed upon by the desires of others, then yes. If you mean that people can impose their desires on each other even without pieces of paper saying they can, then no. Fire. The human race might end in ice, but not the world.
  3. Makaze

    The Well

    Anything about my philosophies/opinions on complex subjects, life, attitudes or theories. The tough stuff that can't be answered in a few words.
  4. Correct someone by arguing for moral error theory, which Chiki believes in. Chiki comes in, sees me posting, unable to accept that I said something correct, says "You may be right, but he was right about the rest of it!" It's the hit comedy everyone's been waiting for.
  5. Makaze

    The Well

    Don't be shy. I won't bite... Hard.
  6. Missed the point of my post. Better. "The" moral realist view already has an absolute set of identifiable values, one of which is "slavery is wrong"?
  7. "We can all agree" "even if someone disagrees" is the contradiction. "We can all agree" is meaningless when you limit "all" to people who agree with you. I think we can all agree that this is a contradiction, even if someone else disagrees.
  8. Everything in that article suggests it is the egg...
  9. Makaze

    The Well

    1. Give up on reading me with anything but logic alone. 2. Firstly, I made the buttons I wanted to use show as enabled instead of faded out. Then I wrote a function that wraps the selected text in the textarea with text of my choosing and applied custom opening and ending text for each button. For the buttons that use custom dialogs like Fonts, Link and Image, I replicated the forum's HTML. Lastly, I made it so that when you click on the Smiley icon, it goes to the full editor, opens the Smiley tray like normal, then switches back to plain text (so we have access to the Smiley button). Short version: I'm a wizard, Harry. 3. I do. He is one of my favourite characters in the series. His supports show an amount of depth I've come to respect the series for. Simple but profound. Same with Knoll. 4. My avvy is fanart of Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!. My signature is fanart of Xellos from Slayers.
  10. Makaze

    The Well

    Ask them who will pay the most real life money for victory.
  11. Makaze

    The Well

    Hello, I'm Makaze. I'm an anarcho-socialist, Discordian and programmer. An anagram of my name is HEARTLESSLY ANARCHIC POET. That fact says a lot about me in a mildly prophetic way. A friend of mine called me a "meta" miller. That is more true than I like, but we can't control our reputations. I already had one of these in my own thread so I will not answer repeat questions. The harder the questions, the better.
  12. Too busy to think this time. Impressions?
  13. SF Interview #32: Kalas Interview ends on 19/7/2015.
  14. I WONDER WHO IT WILL BE You can't blame me for mafia.
  15. I am open on Skype, IRC and Slack if anyone wants to talk to me. Alliance are welcome as well as information trades.
  16. That video made me think, "How would my life be different without Nintendo?" Without Nintendo, there would be no FE. Without FE, I would not have gotten hooked on strategy and game theory. My first internet forums were FE communities; they solidified my love for online communities. I might be a drastically different person without it. Iwata in particular... I'm recalling the interview he had about FE12 and the nature of FE with the devs. It wasn't too long ago. He seemed fine.
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