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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I agree about staying with Slayers. Since I love my theme so much.
  2. Come on, man. You are better than that.
  3. I made them things, gave them gifts, teased them, the whole nine yards. Trial and error. I stopped getting rejected after I stopped going for older people and reached age 10. Hahaha. How do you handle rejection? (Can't remember if I asked you this already...)
  4. Sometimes. Some are more interesting than others. I think about the implications of ASI (Articial Super Intelligence) a lot. Do you have any crushes?
  5. Wished me happy birthday last year.
  6. Small talk is mostly pointless. It helps people relax and get comfortable with each other before getting into something, but it's not necessary between friends. What about you?
  7. What do you get from asking me questions? I get to understand you and help shape you. It's both.
  8. What do you get excited about? In thought: Hundreds and hundreds of arguments. When you see many potential ways to think about things, you get a wider perspective than any one side can explain. In emotions: I adapted emotional detachment as a defense mechanism. I was abandoned and made mistakes growing up. I didn't want to do that again. I didn't like being at the mercy of my emotions. Instead of shying away from things I might invest in (letting my emotions control me), I stopped caring about the people I talked to and focused on the experiences I had instead (controlling my emotions). I can't lose what I don't invest in.
  9. Healthy. Maybe a little too high at times (narcissism). If you could change any one of those flaws, which would you pick?
  10. I don't get up in the morning. I go back to sleep. I get up so I be entertained by things like this forum. Why do you have low self-esteem?
  11. I can always find some course of action I prefer in any scenario. Feeling in control gives me a sense of peace no matter my circumstances. Why do you get up in the morning?
  12. God damn it Paper, I was just writing that.
  13. Sexual frustration. Lack of income/mobility. What about you?
  14. I can do that, but... I don't want to be responsible for a monster.
  15. That makes sense... Then you get 72 hour nights. Must have missed the part where we can't post during Anarchy phase period.
  16. I'm okay with full NOC, but not talking at all for that Day will make things feel... weird? Literal shots in the dark and no visible activity at all for 24 hours at a time. At least tell us a story while we wait.
  17. You can save the gun to threaten people on the next Democracy phase, right?
  18. That's a common misconcepti- Where is BBM when you need him?
  19. I stand corrected. Anarchy Rule #5 prohibits users from talking in the thread. In that case I echo Paper... Is Anarchy phase OC, or is it just night isolated actions and that's all?
  20. Neither, I think? NOC is stated in the general rules, not Democracy mode rules. The difference I see in Anarchy is that everyone gets one Gun and one BPV per Anarchy phase and the Day is cut down to 24 hours. Edit: Wrong.
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