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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. In... I've been bored lately without EIMM. Looking at you, Prims.
  2. What do you consider your biggest personality asset? The fact that you want me to tell you what I think they say about you is more revealing to me than the answers. You want validation from others. You want them to tell you who you are. Or maybe you're just curious.
  3. The Brazilian dub of the opening of Digimon Adventure 01.
  4. Was Sirius. You're the same person, right?
  5. Complaining about earlier series from that position?! Shame on you.
  6. I have an old Digimon avatar. Just the one, I think... Edit: Nope. Two.
  7. Would you mind being manipulated? I agree for the most part. I believe the goodness of an action is determined by its outcome, not its content. Manipulation can do a lot of good. That makes more sense.
  8. No. See my earlier answers about what it means to live. Is English your first language?
  9. Emotions stem from our desires. We feel happy when they are sated, angry when they are thwarted, sad when they are deprived, fearful when we think our satiation will be taken away, nostalgic when we remember how it felt to want them. Emotions can help us achieve our desires, or hinder us. No matter what, they happen relative to our want for something. What is your opinion of manipulation?
  10. I feel the same way. Where do emotions come from?
  11. I did... My bad. Human life has no inherent value. Fetuses are no more valuable than individual eggs or sperm cells. I do not believe anyone has a right to have children, but nor do they have an obligation to abort them once conceived. Neither having them nor aborting them should be criminalized. Where do you think value comes from?
  12. Not as bad as what came after. By which I mean I actually liked Tamers, if not as much as the first two.
  13. What do you think about abortion? Wind by the birthday scheme; wind by personality too.
  14. Where do you see yourself in five years? Sympathy from Kingkiller Chronicle.
  15. It's a cool idea that allows people some influence and still allows the host to make decisions and enforce balancing. Better than straight role requests.
  16. To strive. To continue moving forward. To know what you want and work for it. What does it mean to you?
  17. Have you played any Fire Emblems? Yes. I love being alive.
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