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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I feel the same way about Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!, so I totally understand what you're saying.
  2. If you actually figure out what I was planning I will give you a gold star and fifty A+'s.
  3. I get super obsessed with it from a strategy standpoint (and almost always dwarf everyone else in post count), but I don't get obsessed as in take anything personally/throw a tantrum when I lose.
  4. Witness THE PLAN. (From there until Day end.)
  5. What we actually learned from this conversation: Ein doesn't like Mafia.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU72XlMODgI
  7. I know, but I think that was more about a separation of that section from this thread. If hasn't said the word 'Mafia' the post would have the same meaning.
  8. Different forum altogether. Just talking about my luck.
  9. Oh. I probably say the second one more often because people comment on my timeliness so often.
  10. First, internet went out last night during end of Mafia Day phase. Turned out one of my scum reads made a suspicious move without my help, so that worked out. Then, had to get up early for work today. Turned out I couldn't buy materials for work today. So now I get to use my morning for whatever. The synergy is real.
  11. And: "When one of you thinks of me, I am already among you."
  12. "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
  13. I pulled a great plan in Mafia that required me to post right at the deadline, but my internet cut out an hour before and I missed it. When it came back on, one of my scum reads made a suspicious move and I didn't have to make my post after all. Thank Goddess.
  14. There is no excuse for this. How could you misspell Konqueror?
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