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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Automatic scumpost until further notice. Haven't you played with me before? Did you forget what I was like?
  2. As this thread goes on, the probability of the title becoming "What would you do, if you were reading this sentence?" approaches 1.
  3. ... Or a Marth lynch. SB for info, Marth for bad vibes.
  4. I have no really strong scum reads, town reads are so much easier. I'm okay with a Clarinets lynch, more okay with an SB lynch (somehow I think SB isn't going to give as much info as he makes me dish out in response).
  5. With that out of the way... I'm in the business of proving Prims wrong, so I'd like to make my reads clear and organised. Subject to change as always, but I'm reasonably confident in the ones I have. Town: Junko - The town clearing comments looked bad at first, but later content doesn't show scum intent, and in the light of that it actually looks like a derpclear. Strawman - I can't really explain this, but the way he says things gives me a strong feeling that he is town. Each post he makes makes me more sure of it. Quote - The claim and the tone make me sure he is town. Can't get anything but good intentions from his content either. Not much to say here. Shinori - Can't see him pulling this kind of stuff as scum. Can't fake that saltiness. Town leaning: Prims - This play seems typical Prims, casing me D1 included, and he seems critical, if still unable to read my intent. Scum leaning: Clarinets - It is easy to be right about me when they are Mafia and the lack of reason to town read me adds weight to the case others are making. Ars Nova - This is a more chaos read because he has good posts and posts that set off blaring sirens like the one where he literally says "Want you buddy up?" Overall he seems too manic and jumpy for Town!Nova. Hard to keep up, which is something I'm not used to. SB - He asked me questions that, in my opinion, didn't really lead anywhere except to light a fire under my ass. Pretty weak, but it looks like he's taking advantage of my ego instead of actually hunting me. Marth - Manic as they come and took the first chance to jump off of a Clarinets wagon. Not sure why he is deciding to town read me though, so possible conflict of interest and weird associative if Clarinets/Marth are scum/scum.
  6. I realized I never actually said I read Quote town after the claim. Sorry about that. Saying it now. Insane != scum. Remember that. I think there is a question that is being begged and that question is: Is a bad idea a scum-motivated idea? It goes without saying that whatever I do I think it is the best idea at the time, so what reasoning went behind the idea? "I can't imagine any reason someone would do that" isn't the same as "he wants to get X result, which is pro-mafia". If you're going to case me, make it because I'm mafia, not because I'm overconfident in bad strategies. It is all too easy for town to spend a lot of time arguing about me for no reason just because they don't understand what I'm doing. If you want me to get better, show me a better way. From what I'm reading you guys would actually be happier with me if I just decided not to post at all. These are the tools at my disposal. Deal with it or learn to understand my bizarre thought process instead of going through this same argument every time I play a game.
  7. Explanation time. These were the posts that struck me as possible buddy with/pocketing attempt with Nova, good enough for my RVS vote. I read him town for about two seconds until Manix pointed out that he was probably given the name of the Town faction. In retrospect, I somewhat doubt someone like Nova would make such a blatantly obvious town "slip" unless it was just to gain town cred. I didn't see anything in it for me to immediately back off, so I let it play out and got a much less town read off of Nova's weird buddying. Nova is probably the only person who knows me well enough to get away with clearing me that effortlessly, but he's almost always against me, so... It's weird? More on suspecting people who clear me: This town read doesn't seem to make sense and could be said about anyone. More than anything else, this post gives me mafia vibes because there isn't enough warrant to think I'm town from Clarinet's perspective. Explained before, I refuse to answer instead of saying "I need to reread". I hate when people excuse themselves with that. Would rather be blunt about my refusal than stall. This post helps improve my opinion of Junko. He's more of a null town read now, his progression seems straightforward and no scum motivation is showing in later posts. Could "wanna buddy up?" be one of them? Come on. I don't agree that my questions aren't useful, I like to think I got useful reads from the reactions, but her clearing me for them is strange. See above. Ah, right, numbers. PSA: I scumhunt primarily by association, by figuring out how certain interact or who they avoid interacting with, and a lot of my scum reads are dependent on a whole team being the case. i.e. if X isn't scum, then Y is not suspected either. Or if Y is suspected, then X is suspected too. Since I don't know how many scum there are I don't want to be in danger of having too many associative scum reads and if I know how many scum to look for I can form more precise and useful "possible scum teams" to work with. I asked this when I did because I was thinking that maybe Prims and Nova and Junko were all scum together and realized that without knowing how many scum there are any speculation I made on that front would be WIFOM of a higher degree than usual. As for my read of you, you are a solid town read by now and I thought that by using that strong read and claiming a similar read on someone else (Nova), I could gain some info on who is not. I know you can't tell why I read you town but I have a strong feeling that you are. I have a feeling I'm forgetting to explain something but I'm going to watch GoT so it will have to wait. Remind me if I missed your question.
  8. Read the OP of the Mafia HQ or Resources, or use my script.
  9. Honestly? I'm lazy and don't want to read back to find what pinged me on my phone. I don't like making excuses so I'd rather say I refuse. I said I'll explain when I'm home.
  10. Which shit. I'm at work but summarising (will expand later if you want): Strawman read is pure tone. Nova is someone I know well and with his other actions I'm far from clearing him. I was doing a test. Clarinets I'm not convinced by the case. I think it's a weak learned scum to jump on. Junko I refuse to explain.
  11. @Prims: Are you scumspecting me because you think this is what would do as scum or because you have a hard on for me? In other news, Nova is not really obvtown, and Strawman remains to be seen, ur that read is unchanged. The Clarinets case isn't wowing me so I'm fine with my vote on Junko for now.
  12. Does anyone have the numbers? I don't see a ratio posted anywhere.
  13. The Dark Knight Rises The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King TRON: Legacy Kingdom Hearts II
  14. 1. because it tone reads as town 2. to see what kind of reactions calling it obvtown gets why did you ask me about Strawman's instead of Nova's?
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