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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Overall, it's a good thing, but too much talent and it almost always comes with its own neuroses. It's true that kids who are good in the beginning often get to that point where the mysticism of the prodigy wears off and you are like your peers, then you have to actually put the effort in to keep up. Many, instead of facing that effort, grow disillusioned and gain a ton of insecurity. They won't go for things that are hard and may become narcissistic, latching onto anything they are already good at, and refusing to nurture their ability. But talent that always has it easy has it even worse, because they won't know how to put in the effort when it really counts, and will make light of dire circumstances. It's like how teenagers think they invincible. If you never get taken down a peg as a kid, you'll keep thinking it until it gets you crushed, or killed.
  2. tn: base 64 is alt timeline siblingcest
  3. They keep the subject from spending it on drugs. (Except some places will trade gift cards for cash for a fee.)
  4. SGUgaGFzIGEgcG9pbnQuIERvbid0IEZpcmUgRW1ibGVtIHBsYXllcnMgYWx3YXlzIHNraXAgQmFzZSAyPw==
  5. Phase end timer: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20160324T16&p0=104&msg=Blitz+EIMM+N4&font=sanserif&csz=1
  6. That used to be an article posted by the US House Judiciary site. The short of it is, they got hacked.
  7. But I made a typo and now it's in your quotes for eternity.
  8. omg Let me get a cache'd version. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://judiciary.house.gov/press-release/at-the-flick-of-a-switch/
  9. omg Let me get a cache'd version. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://judiciary.house.gov/press-release/at-the-flick-of-a-switch/
  10. Stop whatever you are doing and look at this government article from the House Judiciary Committee of the United States. https://judiciary.house.gov/press-release/at-the-flick-of-a-switch/
  11. Stop whatever you are doing and look at this government article from the House Judiciary Committee of the United States. https://judiciary.house.gov/press-release/at-the-flick-of-a-switch/
  12. Whatever you might say about this forum and its lax rules, the staff do come down on people when others get reported through the proper channels. I have had a hand in several bans because when I see something I think is purely harmful, I report it. When the staff hear the words "Please I think the users need your help here" said in earnest, they listen and see what's going on. They will tell you if they think it is bad or if not, why punishment would not improve the situation. I say this having been the subject of treatment most likely much harsher than that on you. SF may have a lot of dicks, but the way the staff run things here is top notch. Their standards for things that are objectively wrong are clear and agreeable, and they act when they are brought up. They may be lax by some standards, but they do not allow hate to seep in. Confrontation, okay. Hate, no. They do not go looking for reasons to punish people; they do not have "warnings per month" quotas (please don't correct me on that). They rely on member participation to alert them when things are approaching that hate line. Most importantly, they do not look at the reports they receive as personal favors. They look at what's going on and gauge if enforcement will improve the community. If it won't improve the community, then they don't consider it strong enough to enforce. This minimalist approach ensures that the staff rarely if ever exercise power for the sake of power, making things even worse while doing so. If they did scour every thread and censor all insults, if they went above and beyond and went by the letter of the law instead of the spirit, it would not do any good. No amount of enforcement of rules can make dicks into nice people. It makes them passive aggressive, maybe, but the resentment is still there. In the end the victims would still feel unwelcome, but they wouldn't even be allowed to talk about the atmosphere because that would approach public confrontation. I've seen this happen to some of my favourite sites. It got to a point where the older members started getting punished for hazing newer members, even jokingly, and things between the staff and members escalated. Before they knew it the tensions were halfway killing the site when all of the founding members disappeared. You have to let social Darwinism play out at least a little bit to have a healthy community. Humanity is a confrontational species. You have to either find a way to change it with your own actions or learn to accept it. We can't rely on other people to slide everything under a rug because we don't like it. There is no moral reason, it's that it just plain doesn't work.
  13. At last! The 1998 Show! The torch-song no one ever sings The curfew chorus line The comedy divine The bulging eyes of puppets strangled by their strings
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