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the cool guy

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Everything posted by the cool guy

  1. So my brother wanted to do a hack while only using Feditor and Nightmare and edited the text "Are you awake?" from the beginning of the game. And it crashed. Using newest version.
  2. Support convos Skills Base conversations A "Customization system" so that you can minorly change a chars stats (Like 1 point at each level to be spend freely) Over 80 stages Over 30 gaiden chapters Lots of tricky-to-get multi chapter secrets No Valni-style abusing. Many endings DLC beig really awesome
  3. Did you even read it all? •The core Zelda development teams will still be free to work on 3DS and Wii U development as long as Grezzo returns for this remake.
  4. Basically they want to remake majoras mask if the fans want them to. Here is what stands on ZeldaUniverse Read it now. Support the game. Use (some of) the links for supporting FE 3DS/13 in english too.
  5. Im not an expert but 8 is harder and 7 is better for beginners
  6. Made a IPS patch once http://www.mediafire.com/?6dq5am25b3pyz5k Credits to aerie and so on
  7. It's the great playstation entertainment system. try search psx emulators on google and take the first link

  8. It's the great playstation entertainment system. try search psx emulators on google and take the first link

  9. Download links is marked as private. you may want to look into that.
  10. EPSXE is an emulator for the PSX or PS1 that is REALLY good.

  11. EPSXE is an emulator for the PSX or PS1 that is REALLY good.

  12. Try searching for Z on youtube and you will see. with Alpha i just played with EPSXE.

  13. My favorite. Hmm it is Alpha or Z i think.

    A porable in number 3

  14. It it against the rules i believe to give that kind of information. But try google. check 5 pages then search for something else.

  15. Don't recall it being too hard to get the rom for Advance or A. And it is fun to have Axel or Lamia from OG2 as main character. If you have a PSP you could try A portable.

  16. No idea because the creators haven't given a pogress update since March 15, 2009.

    Have you played OG and OG2?

    SRW A

  17. I can get you a SRT D ips patch when it's done if you need to.

  18. Me linking you to nintenlords patch... Not. But he did one. i found it on SOS
  19. Now while we wait let's try to help Tearring saga in some way...
  20. Sorry for my douple post but i forgot to say that the roms is all losing around one million bytes. But i still need help!
  21. Then you're an idiot (i got the problem with TU)
  22. 25 of the copies was patched already. the ISO (before i turned it into a bin) worked just fine. But you seem to have translated the game so why not do an UPS (or IPS if you're more happy with that) to a JAP ISO so that i can play it translated EDIT: hey i still need help here
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