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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Ugh i hate that, too. Instead just offer rewards to the players for playing fast like most FE do (in the way of chest/Bandits + Thiefs/Village) And the amount of hacks that get reinforcements right can be counted on one hand anyway.
  2. Even is really cool, especially with his PCC (main reason why i will give him SPD scroll when i get it). He even got a MoV level up! Lex on the other hand Yeah he gets Galeforce and all, but he is so weak otherwise. He can'T kill anything to make use of it. I will try to use him. Honestly, hack is lookin pretty cool and i like what it is going for (except maybe slow penalties, don't like the concept at all even if i am a fast player). The only real complaint i have is the music choice... not good xD
  3. I am still at like ch5, so everyone the game gave me so far xD
  4. I've been playing some SGW lately... Lord girl didn't get even 1 point of STR in like 5 levels lol But she keeps gaining Magic and she uses magic swords still...
  5. Don't trigger me with even more rng Hitrates and Growths are enough, and i only tolerate crits because some classes depend on them
  6. I wish your family the best, Draggy, and if you ever need someone to talk to, we are here!
  7. Alliance: ''Focus on other Flanks, the enemy won't charge through fire'' Klaus: Lol Guys here fire immunity now go go go go
  8. Alright Soulmates, let's dance! Cheater has an ignore Terrain commander ability, making all his units ingore fire damage
  9. ...in 4 they are xD There's that one map where i lost my tank on turn 1 because enemy lancer was hidden behind a destroyable wall xD And while Claude's defeat doesn't mean gameover in VC4 (dunno why), it might as well be because you lose access to commander abilities, your strongest unit/Wall, and it's just the enemy snowballing from there haha It's the only time i lost Claude in VC4 (but not the only game over), and i got wiped out 2 turns after xD
  10. Here's how i plan to proceed with SRPG studio once i finish my project this week first read the few SSSST tutorials and create something basic then trying to recreate a complex FE chapter as close as possible (Thracia ch5 is the idea i have in mind) Then work on a small ''safe'' project Then going wild You can find the SSSST tutorials in the SRPG studio discord.
  11. she can eat it pretty fast if she hits it from behind but so can any unit tbf, she just does it much much faster
  12. No enemy Phase theme in any of FE is as good as this. yup. Even then it goes on sale alot I preordered the game and never regretted it. Also the only game i ever preordered.
  13. Yes, FE could learn alooooooooot from Valkyria chronicles The theme that strikes fear in the heart of every VC player. Except in VC3 since this theme is played during one of your player units certain ability activation iirc. To explain VC1 ch7 mission in FE terms. Imagine having to stop a General with potential to one shot your units and like 500 HP from reaching it's target while you are being target by ballista that can one shot any of your units. In your Phase if you don't take cover. It's quite a fun chapter, but many people rage quit there hahaha.
  14. Oh yes, that ability... It revives fallen units in a certain area... Always lovely when the enemy uses it and you suddenly found your self sorrounded by 3 units you just defeated, but forgot to 'reach' to perma kill xD Tbf, you do see the commander having that iirc, so...
  15. More VC shilling! In VC, every unit gets a total of 8 skills, 4 class skills + 4 personal skills. The thing about personal skills though, they can also be negative. For example, a racist unit will get stat downs when they are near a unit of a race they hate, while flirts will lose accuracy when near gender they fancy, fearful units sometimes end their turn altogether, etc.. Alot of these personal skills can turn positive though after you finish said unit's paralogue (VC4) One of the later maps in VC4 has a piece of shit boss that specializes in targeting medics. Emergeny heals and retreats are disabled aslong as he is there. Your on map units can heal, but you can't retreat fallen units or use Emergeny heal commander ability until you defeat him, as he targets your Medics. hey it's the Last promise final boss theme Valkyria profile =/= Valkyria Chronicles xD
  16. VC4 warns you on that map as well what it doesn't warn you about is the boss being so freaking near deployment xD Iirc you have to defeat boss early on or he will seize your base = game over All the while you trying to extract an ally from the other side of the map haha
  17. I don't talk about VC much because i am like the only ones who like, loves it here, and the series is probably dead due to bad sales anyway... But VC4 is actually top3 games of all time for me. I don't think i've had as much fun in a SRPG as i've had with VC4
  18. Also i think one of the early maps in VC4 has the enemy phase going first then player phase. Right after battle preps the boss is rushing to you turn 1... Thankfully you can save your units before they perma die or it would've been really bad haha
  19. They aren't good anyway VC2 is school. VC3 actually has alot of cool Characters and Story, however map design.... Repititive Thanks to being on psp, they cut the maps in like different chunks with checkpoints between them, and alot of the chunks kept getting repeated over and over and over if you thought 3H repeating maps was bad, then oh boy
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