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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Crit Adept Crit NGL Faye is probably one of my most fav. Myrms ever. Girl hella fun to play with. Inb4 i had to capture Semdallion. Pls no Probably double counters adds another round of combat then
  2. ...True Wait, does Counter work on enemies with counter? Because i attacked the enemy first, then he countered, and when Sherpa evaded, he counterattacked
  3. Faramir, Ironmaners best friend xD Had to reset anyway because Sherpa evaded an attack he shouldn't have evaded and killed Izerna's captor before Perceval could attack him haha Thank god it was turn 10 had a dish washing and burger break, so...
  4. What if an enemy attacked Faye with 100 hit, 40 Attack with extra strike and Adept but Faye Said: Parry
  5. I think the difference is that there isn't a giant ballista with 3 overwatch Archers hidden behind a 2 tile cliff with my flier taken away. Also the fact that enemy ALL range Dark Mage is making me very proactive in killing anyone in range hehe. I like maps that reward aggressive gameplay, as you might now
  6. Unironically i am enjoying the map haha. If only Thiefs with parry weren't in it though Thanks! True, but others can
  7. Time to do this! Also the music :eargasm: >Range ALL attack hidden in Fog Oh yes here we go. This map is gonna be epitome Kaga terrain map i see haha
  8. Oh no. Owen stay safe pls xD The game actually directly says it haha Still, Thanks!
  9. Huh, thanks! Honestly i am a bit more worried about terrain + fog than i am about Berserk, since i do have Pacify, after all. Generally i don't mind enemy status staves much aslong as the game gives you a way to counter them, which this game thankfully does.
  10. This is some peak kaga romance writing ''...'' S support XXD Peak Kaga game mechanic Terrain map with Dark Mages and Berserk Staves... This is FE5 ch16b all over again... with fog...
  11. Me and Draggy waking up early, at the same day? O.o Usually it's either me or you haha. Good Morning, young Fate-ling!
  12. Gotta finish before next week because i will be pretty busy. Should be doable
  13. I didn't finish Ch12-1 yet (although it shouldn't take me much longer) I would say more chapter like it pls, and less like waiting simulators we had in the first half of the game. Come second half of the game, go all out!
  14. dafuq? A provoked enemy unit just attacked a different unit than the unit that provoked it... game pls
  15. it's been pretty fun so far, ngl. And yes, i think the author was drunk haha At the beginning of vol2 the author was like ''This is a shoujo manga, yet i have more male readers'' xDD Oh? Interesting.
  16. Waifu Godzilla, yes https://mangadex.org/title/29325/otome-kaijuu-caramelize xD
  17. dw, decided to play some mario 35 first (and then proceeded to die the lamest death ever...xD)
  18. banned because it's been 31 pages since i last posted here
  19. haha yup it isn't her father however, but a friend of her mom xD Btw Rubenio,
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