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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. https://mangadex.org/chapter/1042086/ The biggest F ever in 2 pages
  2. Didn't Fufus basically say the same thing at the end of worst game ever 2 after annexing Crossbell xD
  3. Dunno xD But i can totally imagine one of osbro's croonies saying that while annexing Liberl xD
  4. Reading a random ln when suddenly “Rejoice, knights of the Liberl Kingdom, you will now become the cornerstone for the Empire’s glory!” Is this Trails in disguise lul
  5. Another amazing lvlup to close off the run. Lost the buff nun in the last map rip. That was fun, though 😄 92 Turns A-rank. Total result better than original run, but i had a couple B and C ranks later on due to losing units and not having access to both my fliers, which made the maps more tough than expected. Especially the last one without MVP-chan! Time to wait for an update to continue my original run Thanks haha!
  6. Nope, only the first equipped one of every party member! thx! That was the final strike against the boss though xD
  7. No no, iirc you need to re-bless them to deal damage to a certain type of enemies. Atleast in the case of Alondite. Others should probably confirm this though
  8. Alondite and Ragnell should be blessed as well, iirc, right?
  9. That's what i did! Also, be sure to place all the weapons you want to bless (unlimited durability) in the first slot!
  10. https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Starship_UK pffffffffffft. This is some next level stuff xD
  11. lmao Ikr! This run Lord-chan and Lord-kun switched places xxD Lord-kun is the faster one, while Lord-chan is the fast one haha
  12. ...this is probably the best lvlup i've seen in my life
  13. Tbf it always was a side objective to let everyone survive, so i did the same and reseted upon unit's defeat xD Umu. The gimmicks are mainly there to make things interesting and unique. Also, Ultra Player Phase focus, something which i am personally a fan of. I don't like it much when games let me park a unit somewhere and tank 20 units with a Handaxe/javelin. Looks good!
  14. won't work that well because Stella Glow doesn't give you many/replacement units, unlike FE (like) games. Well, the game does give the enemies some pretty nasty tricks, too, so it's not really that broken. like that dude who attacks on player phase if you attack him (thankfully, not 3-10 range unlike the other game) xD It's pretty cool gimmick, leading the player to capturing the ballistas on the side first so they can attack the boss without him hijacking player phase and destroying you. Later on there are units that can only be harmed when you have WTA over them, or units who reflect damage if use weapon with low WLV, or a boss that reduces your weapon durability, etc. Heck, even early on there is a boss that reduces everyone MHP by 1 every turn. The Yandere Eirika, if you remember XD
  15. ''I AM A HOLY WOMAN, AND THAT'S WHY I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE'' xD Reminds me of green unit nun in 3H ch12 madening mode I laughed so much when that happened XXD She got entrap staff'd by a mage i completely forgot about and then got sorrounded by enemy units xD The game has no perma death, but you lose a whole lot of Morale and Rank when you lose a unit. That, and i am keeping up with the spirit of ironmans, so i won't use defeated units again in this run. Yup. Her ability is ''gain another action directly after attacking'' However, if you attack -> Assault Mode -> Attack again, you can attack again after XD really should've used her in my original run, the one whose save file i will carry over when the game get's updated xD
  16. I really hope when she promotes she can punch people in the face or something Otherwise having the highest STR in the party would make no sense xD Inb4 she get's a physical tome or something lol Also lost MVP-chan, Witch-chan and Cav-kun in ironman. F Atleast i was able to use some of the units i didn't use before, like Who can attack up to 3 times in player phase if used right. How to make me use a pure axe unit xD
  17. Nep Nep Nepu! The girl who always brings a smile to everyone's faces^^
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