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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I recommend you don't recruit much, if any at all
  2. Mia in RD is a beast Yeah. A Total machine of destruction.
  3. Banned because part 4 is the main reason i didn't replay RD yet
  4. Enjoy! Go at it with an open mind, and if school stuff annoys you too much, just let the game automate it for you (even if it's not as efficient then)
  5. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77015294 not as cute, but kewt nonetheless
  6. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76954516 this is way too cute
  7. Banned because i meant Medea FSN route not Extra
  8. Banned because FE5 randomizer doesn't exist
  9. 1. Hero married healer-chan and get her preggo so they went to final boss without medic chan 2. Tip of the sword xD 3./4./5. Chicken with anti vampire powers
  10. Yup, and enjoyed it 😄 :concern: Do they brutally murder Shrimps or something?
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