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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Something i would like to see in FE is something like (Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Major Spoilers!)
  2. Honestly, i find SS one of the better FE stories out there. Atleast I haven't played SoV myself, but FE4 maps are just big maps, with shit terrain alot of times, and weak enemy spam. The problem isn't how the maps are big, but how the game doesn't use that. FE4 Maps problems are: 1-The Big maps are just smaller maps tacked together. Instead of fighting at multipe fronts at the same time, you just fight one Castle at a time, which makes the big maps feel useless. Add to that the Backtracking you have to do sometimes because your Main Caslte is between 2 different Castles and you only fight one at once while access to the other is blocked, and only the MC can seize, it becomes backtrack simulator. When i first heard about big maps, i tought it would be something like what FE:Warriors did, fighting multipe fronts at the same time and stuff, and not just small maps tacked together. I mean, sometimes your allies are fighting, but you are blocked from that part of the map and have to watch em die for Story reasons. So why the big maps again? Only 2 maps iirc used the whole big maps thing well. 2-Terrain is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Ch1 has a whole Forest Segment the Size of a normal FE map, Ch5 has a big ass desert part that you may have to backtrack before you end for Inventory Management, because the game has one of the Worst inventory management Systems in gaming history, if not the worst one. Ch7 is a big ass Desert Map. Imagine RD Part 4 desert Map, Mulitplied by 10, with Mages not having the Desert Movement like in Tellius, and no Laguz, and only 1 flier. 3-Weak enemy unit spam. Seriously, i still have Nightmares about those block of enemies just coming like it was something out of Total War or something, only for them to be as weak as a FE8 trainee, accompanied by some op boss or something. It's boring watching 50 Enemy units die to your 1 Unit. Also, let's not forget the Staff and Ballista spam. Fun. not. 4-The game itself is one of the most imbalanced games i've ever played. If you tought Ryoma, Ike, Ephraim or Xander were op, then you didn't play FE4, because they are weak af compared to other units you have in FE4. Legendary weapons especially are so op, and the Big Maps favor horses just so much damn more then other units. 5-Also, Final boss is just one big dissapointment.
  3. It isn't Bias when it's well deserved and is the Series at it's Best (except RD Part 4 Maps...) ;) If we are gonna talk Story only, no Fire Emblem (except for Tellius) has what i'd call a good Story. Even FE4 falls on itself and becomes generic FE plot the moment Gen 2 rolls around. Yes, I'd rate Gen1 very high story wise, but that's only half the game, and While i know Fates story is a new level of bad, atleast Fates (Conquest) has a gameplay that makes it the most enjoyable/replayable game in the series. So imo, alot of the hate Fates gets is undeserved, and if it wasn't for the atrocious story, Conquest would be easily my undisputeable number 1 (now it's just my Nr.2 after RD)
  4. i am not spoiling anything unless you click the links :p
  5. So almost finished the game I have to say, it was an enjoyable ride, not as enjoyable as Sky however, mainly due to School setting and the whole bonding/choose your Waifu thing. And Rean just can't even begin to compare to BEstelle. Also, the final boss was a huge dissapointment. Still, it's an awesome game. But hey, that's the minimum i can expect from Trails :D
  6. http://store.steampowered.com/app/538680/The_Legend_of_Heroes_Trails_of_Cold_Steel/ It's out!
  7. I guess the +10 Crit ability with Ragnarok is bugged? The Crit during battle was 0 btw
  8. H Y P E should be in around 6 hours. Let's see if Cold Steel can stand up to the Epicness that was the Sky Trilogy.
  9. I lost my Ophie on a try XD even tough i wanted to reset anyway because i lost MVPNia the turn before That will be too much of an advantage for the player imo. BTW, i just read your Tactic for the Wagon and chapter and
  10. I don't think so really. While Chapter 4 was challenging, yes, it wasn't really unfair or much much more harder then Chapter 3. What i think should be changed however in this chapter is that the victory condition should trigger after the 12th Wagon is destroyed, and not wait until the Enemy Phase ends to trigger Victory condition (or is this a bug?)
  11. Wrong The Person below me is watching Gamers this season
  12. Sophia Jill Marth Alm Celica Xander Ninian Lute Wolt Soren Out: Lucius In: Jill
  13. A customizeable Character is good, just don't make him the mc/lord/whatever. Also, if kids, then only with Time skip
  14. This is really amazing! I have been enjoying this game and really love what you did with is, especially the new Heal/Magic System :) Some Crash Reports: 1 - It once crashed when i suspended then tried to reload another save file. Alot of stuff happened in the ''other'' Window that i sadly couldn't catch. I still could reload the save file upon restarting the game. 2 - When i was moving through the Stat Windows very fast it crashed once. A Small suggestion: Since some Music (Resolve, Stalwarts unite) don't seem to loop, maybe add a longer version instead of the 5 min. Versions you have in the Music folder? I also have some very very minor Python experience, let's see if i can do anything
  15. Jo everyone, Shrimpy here, and after months of lurking after i got into FE earlier this year i finally decided to join and talk a little^^ Also, Tellius > Jugdral, fight me
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