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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. @twilitfalchion if you every play Thracia, this might help It's a bit outdated as it is done with the old TL in mind, so you can completely ignore the menu section because modern TL is kino, but it has some really useful tips, as Thracia as some mechanics that were never seen again in FE also https://www.fireemblemwod.com/ENG_fe5.htm thracia_776_guide.docx
  2. Banned because basic Potions heal full HP and missing heals still gives full exp, which is very abuseable
  3. That sounds like a pain ngl XD don't tell me you missed the last 2 prisma chapters haha
  4. Banned because i hated every second i played of it
  5. Banned because these are my FE ratings
  6. @DragonFlames Eris is also one of my current top favs atm, and should be getting an update soon^^ Also, use RSS follows for fast update notifs 😄 (if you have an account there)
  7. Banned because it's kinda funny how mine and Benice's experience are kinda swapped when it comes to FE5 and FE6 xD
  8. Banned because Elise a ❤️ man i wish i had your experience. Maybe i wouldn't have hated FE6 that much then.
  9. Banned because i got way too many manga updates today. Like 8 already lol
  10. Banned for not playing best 3ds title
  11. Banned because they are Frieren from the manga Frieren the Slayer and Ragna and Alwen from the game Zwei II
  12. So ummm, is it me, or does the Mysterious Trilogy actually have good dungeons? Alteast from pictures and videos i saw, the dungeon design seems to be legit, atleast compared to Lulua
  13. Banned because while i am not a big fan of Echoes myself, most of the gameplay changes i approve of in 3H were influenced by echoes
  14. Banned because i am about to give sooks my rec as well @Sooks1016 I recommend FE9 + 10 or FE4 + 5 next. FE9 has an extensive tutorial menu (that even has some nifty advanced tricks) and is very beginner friendly, while FE4 story very much inspired FE16 I don't recommend any of the Elibe gba games, as they are just...very very bad....in my opinion. FE8 works though
  15. Banned because for calling axes in FE6 useful
  16. lel. Anyway time to nap as i had an appointment earlier today and couldn't sleep at all last night because too hot. Catch ya'll in a few hours!
  17. That they are. I kinda prefer the Meruru version, though. This ''Watery'' feeling it has shouldn't go metal... i think xD reminds me of Blue Destination
  18. A youtube comment: ''Originally heard in Mana Khemia as "Crystallized", then again in Ar tonelico II as "Indra", we now have the incomparable "Alas de Luz" ('Wings of Light' in Spanish), a DLC battle track composed by Daisuke Achiwa. I first heard this recurring track in its Indra form, and even though it wasn't my usual preferred style of music, fell in love. Mana Khemia's variant was pretty good too! But this... oh, this. A soulful piano intro, that awesome percussive rhythm I know so well from Indra, and especially that incredible section from 0:37 to 1:03 -- wow, this is unquestionably the absolute best version of this theme. I believe it plays during an optional superboss battle, but don't know much else; perhaps somebody would like to comment and confirm this?'' ...yeah when i am on bed i will read it xD best best place to read manga
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