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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. ikr xD Ya know what, instead of Shrimpramblings, i will do a Shrimpramblings mini. Ya know, like these mini nintendo directs xD So, more differences between Tech and fantasy factions: Almost all Tech units will have 0% Mag growth and very low Res growths (since they come from a place with no magic and all), however, higher def growths and more range options on average. Fantasy factions def growth will be pretty low except for Armor knights or equivalent. Generally going for High lethality gameplay, so expect low Def but high Atk all around. That should also make units that can tank ala Armor Knights more valuable. Standard Move will be 6 (Like Tellius and Jugdral). For Tech faction that means Scouts will have 7 Mov (1 lower than cavs.), Troopers 5 Mov, Medics, Engineers and Spies 6 Mov, Snipers 4 Mov and Mortar 3 Mov. Vehicles and Drones depend on Type really. xD
  2. This sounds so wrong XD I will probably leave it for tomorrow since it will take like an hour to write my thoughts down xD
  3. Hmm, to write another Shrimpramblings now, or to leave it for tomorrow, hmmmmm
  4. Your next profile pic xD lmao xD They call us xD I would say the pledge itself is the least of the country's problems... But everything around it is ridiculous. Like people being pissed of at people not doing it rather than being pissed of at people dying or people not getting their rights. Honestly i read even more horrifying news about Murica this week, but i don't wanna post em here.
  5. so one can call you a serenes boomer, right? XD I have been here for 3 Years now, huh. And i never really became active until like early last year a bit before 3H release after r/fe turned into a salt mine for some reason xD So, who here has been using Internet since 2002 or before xD
  6. Among Us be like removed from post due to Auto play F but that just adds it to new post... ...I am an idiot xD Why did i never try that before......... Nice XD
  7. Ok, kinda random idiotic question: how the hell do you edit and qoute people XD I can't do that lmao, and just manually qoute and mention haha
  8. ...Exactly the only part i hated of Math classes xD
  9. There's a reason why when i visit countries or hear about countries having flags everywhere and having nationalist propaganda, i feel hella uncomfortable, and that's exactly why. It also makes me hella uncomfortable when a country collects data about the ethnicity and religion of it's citizens. We've already seen how that can be abused. There's a difference between loving your country and thinking you are better than everyone else just because you won the birth lottery. Elections are usually on a Sunday over here, thank god. You also don't need to register for it. You get a mail notifying you when the election is and where you can vote. But as i said, that also works thanks to our ID and registration system, which i hear americans and british people aren't really fond of.
  10. That's a big if. Biden is in Clinton's situation atm. And that's why: GO VOTE! I can't fathom how a country that claims to be democratic does it's hardest to make sure people don't vote. Over here during election times all parties come together to encourage everyone to go to vote. 1 Vote can decide the outcome of a constituency. Especially young people should go voting. Over here during last EUP election there was a big increase in young people voting and you know what happened? Conservatives went down like 8% (Do note that our conservatives are more like your democrats). Then again, we also have a pretty robust voting system, even if some of our bigger parties are trying to change it in their favour. We also have a unified ID and registration system. Makes stuff a whole lot easier, i bet.
  11. 30 people is like 4th semester stuff xD after that it's definetly the 4-5 people experience you talked about xD >patriotic education what the flying fuck, America.... This makes me honestly hella uncomfortable. Honestly, education is the core of the country. Without it, nothing can be achieved.
  12. ...not everywhere, atleast in my experience. I experienced both due to moving around alot while young (we talked about this before). There's a reason why going from 1st semester to 2nd semester you notice a 70% decrease of students in lectures xD
  13. Banned because i am listening to sick boss ost while imagining more scenarios in my head
  14. ....I just hope youtube won't spoil me. I will soon play XB2, but i want to Astral Chain and DMC 5 first, the former which i will start this weekend hopefully xD
  15. Yup. That's it. Steam installs it for you and does everything for you. Sometimes you might need to play around with the setting, but it doesn't happen that often
  16. Man if only Atelier dusk trilogy was cheap to get. Cheapest i can find it 80€ on play-Asia lolol
  17. Yeah that you need to, since all games will be linked to your account which you can access from anywhere (providing you have steam guard enabled and always on hand) Also there's steam family share, where 5 people can access your library if you aren't playing. That's good to hear^^
  18. >Ryza physical copy for 38€ on Amazon hmmmm how well does it run on the switch again?
  19. Haha https://mangadex.org/title/40472/tearmoon-empire-story another one i actually picked up the LN for, since the manga is bi-monthly. Still waiting for LN Volume 3 to come out in december after i finished LN Vol. 1 and 2 in like 4 days lol
  20. Glad you enjoyed it 😄 I might get the LN actually since each volume is like only 4€ ...but there are 11 volumes available atm, and manga is at volume 3 XD
  21. Nah it's easy. You just click buy and you get it. You can even return the game if you played less than 2 hours Also steam sales = cheap games
  22. He grew up edgy but tries to be nice xD 👍 Ps4 version has a demo, so does switch version, i think. VC4 is the only game i ever preordered xD
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