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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. at the same time, not really xD When games become to easy, i just zzz
  2. You should've seen what i did in FE5 sometimes lol Since i was super annoyed with the Kaga surprise stuff, i just let my unit eat the reinforcements for like 20 turns in that one map xDD Or ya know, making my units having 100+ Evasion, in a game with low stats, by stacking support bonus and that Aura skill. Kinda fun watching the whole army suiciding to 2-3 units lol
  3. Nope, not really. I like giving people tips, actually. It's just sometimes my tips sound kinda condencing XD
  4. For me it's ''Who has highest evasion'' so Rng doens't screw me over lmao
  5. Tbf, it also really depends on game. Especially games with high enemy quality I have to be very through with my battle prep. On the other hand, games where i know i can go 1 vs. 20 i don't bother xD
  6. Oh god. Final Battle will be hell without a fortify staff. hmm, that could work ...why? Thunder magic in FE10 is super weak... Also didn't i tell you to bless some Siege Tomes? I had my mages doing unlimited Siege Spam that Map xD my Soren could double the Dragons with Siege wind Tome xD Sorry if i sound kinda elitist-ish btw, i really don't know how to bring my point across sometimes xD ...neither could i xD But by seeing the units and stats before battle starts, i plan which group of units goes where, ya know? And then calculate stuff from there, after i see all the skills during battle prep, ofc. I also always have atleast one staffer in each group
  7. So i am the only one who tries to calcluate everything from battle prep? xD You can use that if you have someone that can use it. Iirc it outranges the boss, even. hmm. Then i will give you the same advice i gave Benice a couple months back
  8. ...doesn't the double bow drop in R;B1? hmmm dunno if that is a good idea, since she will run out of uses very fast then. Do you have that SS Spear (Blessed) + someone who can use it with Dragonfoe? Try that, and if you can, add Wrath + Vantage. I had that combo on NephNeph and she pwnd
  9. Why do so many people have problems with that level? I hope you blessed Double Bow and have Shinon. If you havea good a Miccy and Blesses Nosferatu, she can Nosfetank half the map alone Ike and some peeps should rush the boss.
  10. I love everyone in this xD I might even like Abridged!Saber more than Original Saber XD
  11. Ayy! Same i just spotted it and was like ''why didn't i get notif'd earlier''
  12. If you have nothing to do/watch, you should totally watch the whole abridged starting here
  13. Banned because i am listening to EMIYA - Crow's Claw
  14. https://isthereanydeal.com/game/srpgstudio/history/
  15. It does go on sale pretty often, so maybe you can get it then?
  16. Why is this Shark girl everywhere That it is. It's lets my mind be free after i share them, rather than just staying there and bugging the hell out of me make your own hack go go
  17. Yeah the big F XD Of course he will find out xD Great Minds think alike^^
  18. Thanks^^ It's something honeslty pretty cliche, the idea i had in my mind. Basically, MC-chan was a big shot Priestess in centeral country who used to do all kinds of missions, including those of the bloody kind. Basically she breaks while killing a witch clan in the outlands infront of their youngest survivor, who gets traumatized and loses his memory of the event. She abandons her position and adopts the kid and flees to the outlands, where she starts a mercenary company. Her Magic bow is made of the remains of her holy staff she broke while leaving her life behind. That's why it's a magic bow. MC-kun used to be her lover/husband to be, and they were suppossed to lead the centeral country to greatness together, as the next King and Archbishop (or something along these lines). MC-kun would be more like Miccy, the do everything for my home kind, with the difference of being a leader himself instead of following someone like Pellas. That's the gist of it xD
  19. So super original idea ™️ that will be totally good and got never used before Plot bunny: country at the center, outside of it's borders it's the outlands, basically Anarchy centeral xD Our Lord, MC-chan, is a mercenary leader in the outlands. Weapon of choice is Bows. PRF being a Magic bow, that suspicously looks like the remains of something different. Her Mercenary company is made of all different kinds of people and races and does jobs in the Outlands. Secondary MC and enemy of MC-chan, MC-kun, is the prince of the centeral country. Spear and Light Magic wielder, he and MC-chan go long waaaaaaay back.... As you see, nothing grand XD As for gameplay ideas i had: Mainly nerfing crits to 2x, BUT classes (Swordmasters, Berserkers, etc) who depend on crit and killer weapons will have 3x crit damage. Long range Bows (How original ™️). Any exp a summoned unit gets will get transfered to it's summoner There will be no staves. Instead support stuff will get split among the different magic types. Like heal would go to light, freeze to wind, berserk to dark, etc.. Wyvern classes will have 1 less mov, Armor like speed, but more def. Will also be weak to Thunder damage. They need the nerf hammer XD The support system i mentioned a couple weaks ago xD Commander Abilites: Some units, mainly those who are a game over condition, will have abilities that can be used 1 time per map. Even enemy commanders have access to those (but a warning will be given before they use them since they can change the whole map). Imagine Stella Glow songs and/or Dragon Veins. MC-chan will have stat switcher, where Physical and Magical stats of everyone will be switched around for a couple turns. Other ideas i had are something like Trick room (lower speed= doubling), range increases, Map wide regens, etc... These abilities usually affect everyone though, ally and enemy alike. I also got some ideas for classes hehe. Like Wolf Rider. Axe rider with myrm like stats, with the ability to nerf nearby enemy's attack stats. etc... basically a game that will never happen xD although it's making me think about getting SRPG studio just to play with it around a bit lol sounds close to Dragon Star Varnir xD
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