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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Atelier characters are way too wholesome to be in a srpg XD Thanks! But writing those small pieces is much easier than writing a full thing XD This also is the first Story promotion, Alchemist girl get's massive stat boosts, and gains flying movement and access to elemental Swords. This is also connected to my map idea about ''Arrive in x turns/Defend in x turns'' i talked about before hehe.
  2. Banned because i used to have that image as a Wallpaper
  3. /Shrimpramblings I look at the experiments and test subjects infront of me. The people who invaded us and destroyed our peace. I'll use their own weapons to create an ultimate weapon to drive them out. ''To the end, i can't escape my family legacy.'' I mutter to myself. A clan of War criminals. Back before the era of prosperity, when every race and nation way vying for domination, there existed a clan responisble for more bloodshed than anyone else. Alchemists. Item crafters. Artisans. They went by many names. And they kept fanning the flames of war, so they can sell their destructive items and rake in the profits. When we entered the era of prosperity and the wars ended, the clan swore off weapon creation and promised to only craft items to help everyone to cleanse their sins, and for a while they were kept under strict supervision until they were proven trustworthy. Until now, where outsiders with no magic ability yet destructive weapons invaded our home. The Bloody Artisans are back in full force to help the war effort, and the result of the last weeks of experimentations was... ''My Lady, are you sure about this?'' I hear one of my assistants asking me. ''Yes. As the creator of this weapon and the overseer of this morally questionable experiments on our enemies, i can't allow anyone else to carry this burden.'' I tell them. A suit combining the enemy metal technology and our own magic, to be fused with a living being to give them the ultimate power. Naturally, such a thing has to come with a drawback. It's uses the wearer's very own life force to function. Not to mention, i can't allow this weapon to fall into the hands of anyone else. It will only bring destruction. But destruction is what we need to drive the invaders of. ''Report from our Scouts!'' I hear some one shouting, ''The Enemy is on the way to the capital. The Demon Prince and his forces are awaiting, but they won't survive for long.'' I take a hold of the weapon i created and prepare myself. Once we are near the capital, i will fuse with it and strike the enemy from behind. My life will be cut short, but for the sins of mine and of my family, it's the only price i can pay. ''Alright, everyone, let's move out! Flying Squadrons, get ready, i will lead you myself to the capital and encircle the enemy! Bloody Artisans, move out!'' On this day, a Girl with mysterious wings of light and Swords of all possible elements descended on the battlefield and drove the invaders off. /Shrimpramblings end
  4. The endgame maps were more rpg like than srpg like, but i honestly enjoyed them. Rd's final map is still my fav. Final map in the series
  5. Another tip: soon your weapons will get a blessing. This makes them not only able to damage some stuff that wouldn't get damaged otherwise, but gives them unlimited durability. Take that into consideration!
  6. Could work, and if his mag and str are high enough, you will soon have access to unlimited doubling siege tomes. Also, save a fortify staff for the final battle!
  7. Elincia and miccy your only staffers? I recommend replacing Nailah with another staffer, you will need it. Preferbly someone who can use high rank magic as well
  8. F Right, i remember you saying that before. And that's why demos need to be a thing, so one can see if they like a game or not! Ninty pls
  9. I stopped Tear ring not even because of frame dips, but because it was unsmooth and everything was just slow, it gave me a headache just looking at it
  10. wtf that would be a no go from me in any game lol
  11. I once tried to emulate a PS3 game my PC crashed XD yeah. I am able to emulate Wii games fine and speed em up, even. PS1 games feel like a pain emulating them
  12. The only way to survive Madening chapter 13. Also cool music in the video! ok, how the hell did you achieve that XD Did she never proc def. lvl up or something? Because you get to 14 Def just from promotion bonus iirc.
  13. Yup (70-40) x 2 is stil higher than 70-20. If Armor units even have 40 def lol. Even my Emperor Edelgard stayed around 25 - 30 Def most of part 2. That i disagree with. If their defence is high enough to tank, speed shouldn't really matter. Like in the case of 60-70 ATK like in 3H Armor units should have something like 55-60 Def, and not 30.
  14. Banned for keeping up with my theorycrafting Thanks^^
  15. Ah, also, Fantasy factions is more akin to high fantasy rather than typical fe medieval fantasy with some magic on the side, if my posts with many races and Demon Prince didn't make it clear xD Otherwise Tach faction will just roflstomp fantasy faction xD Yeah, it always grinds my gears tbh. Make Wyvern have everything pegs have but just give them much lower Res (doesn't matter anyway since you can brave axe mages before they touch you) and 10% less speed lol. Also, Armor units will stay useless aslong as they can't tank well. I don't think low mov is their problem, but the fact that they can't do even the tanking job well. In games and Fanprojects where Armor units can tank well (and are almost the only ones able to do so), i find myself using them much more, despite their low mov. Hower making an Armor unit have 25 Def instead of typical 10-15 Def but getting doubled by 40-50 Atk enemy makes them die faster anyway. Not to mention mages.
  16. Banned because i don't know who the top left girl is
  17. #ShrimpyBad trending in Draggyland pffffffffft xD Would make no sense for them to have magic, imo xD. I don't wanna go ''They suddenly find they have hidden magic inside them all along'' because that would make no sense for a technologically advanced civilization to have never discovered something like that. I think That and i love gameplay interaction moments like these, aslong as it does not affect gameplay so too harshly looking at you, FE4 However, some units will target Res, like Flame Tanks. Their total Atk might be low in the end (since 0 Mag), but they deal effective damage against a certain type of enemies, so it should work out. Yup. APCs will have the highest movement in game, since they exist just for pure movement options and can't attack. Wyverns will have the lowest move of the flying classes, but will be tankier in return. In a way to not just make them Pegasi but better and with axes xD etc. I should put all this stuff in a word document somewhere xD Thanks^^ It's honestly fun to theorycraft from time to time, even if nothing will come out of it haha
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