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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Banned because HOME SWEET HOME Thanks
  2. Banned for not being there when we went full boomer mode
  3. I don't think i would've been able to do final both without any death (everyone has to survive!) If it wasn't for fortify staff. It will definetly be hell. Still the best final boss series wide, and probably the most unique and one of the (if not the) most challenging ones.
  4. 3 i had Miccy and NephNeph control half the Map, my other Mages on unlimited Siege Spam, while Ike and Shinon rushed big Dragon boss. It was probably one of the easier battles imo Iirc it says in their description they protect their master or something
  5. I know people might disagree, but i find R;b 4 and 5 way harder than 3
  6. F Grats! Now get ready for the most rpg like boss battles in FE ever
  7. Today on Shrimpy tries japanese SRPG games strong Axe Lord is strong From what i played a little of that game, it's apparently called ''Self proclamed Hero'' (or so goes google), and the maps are B I G. But unlike FE4, where you spend 90% of the time just walking, the enemy compisition seems to be fine here. Maps also seem decent, so far, and it plays surprisingly fast. Also Magic system is a bit different, where tomes with WTA over the other deal effective damage. Actually like this change. Also support bonuses are huggggge. would've prefered though if i didn't have to deal with a desert map that took me 55 turns to clear.... Even if the 55 turns only took me an hour.
  8. <----one of the fastest way to get him interested in a series: OST Worked with so many series, might work with SRW even. i've been searching for a way to get the game on PC. Surprisingly hard
  9. Youtube now recs me this. Not that i mind xD Didn't she use her Aoe/All attacks against you? Without a Fortify she would've wiped out half my party in 2 hits
  10. ...does killing her give her levels or something? Or is Arena only available in Holmes route?
  11. Naruhodo? xD @twilitfalchion how is R;B3 Victory going?
  12. Cheese should have alot of hard prep., imo. Also i don't generally replay games, so...
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